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Retired Mine-imator Developer
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Status Updates posted by Nimi

  1. That last bloom effect I showed looked terrible, so now there's a better version.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Alinous Productions

      Alinous Productions

      When I turn on bloom in the Com Build it doesn't show those options.

    3. Nimi


      @Alinous Productions It's not apart of the render settings anymore, it's in the camera keyframe settings with DOF.

    4. Alinous Productions

      Alinous Productions

      @Nimi Oh okay, thank you.

  2. :ph34r:



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. PigmanMovie


      What a depth map @Nimi?

      (Never hear anything about depth map)

    3. Nimi


      A depth map can be used for specific post processing effects, ex; Depth of Field in Photoshop.

    4. Cyprès


      and we can do it Mine Imator ??

  3. Proud to announce that Mine-imator: Pocket Edition is coming to Android devices today! The UI is WIP, but that's to change in future updates.(David and I have to wait for Apple to approve of the app for the App Store.) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stuffbydavid.mineimator

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheXKing360


      why god why!

    3. Ratchet55


      I'm senting this to candypantsy i hope he love it

    4. Minecraftvinnyq


      Oh my god thank goodness.......

  4. I know I already posted this gif, but I don't think a lot of people saw it. I would like for people to give their thoughts on this since it took me awhile to pull off, it's a 3D eyes rig that uses an un-edited skin texture that has the same eyes as steve/alex. I changes the head texture, and the pupil texture soley through the unedited skin texture. 8D


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BBruce7815


      so, what's it?

    3. Mafa Animations

      Mafa Animations

      idk what it was, i just made one using alpha glitches 8D was lazy in doing basic math so the eyes looked weird.

    4. BBruce7815
  5. In 1.1.0, bloom is getting updated. Instead of the blur being biased towards the longer dimension, it's now an even gaussian blur.

    Left: Community Build 1.0.2

    Right: Community Edition 1.1.0


    In the camera settings, the settings have been flipped(less means less, instead of more visible) and now go from 0% to 100% instead of going from 0 to 1. So now when you import a camera with both settings being 0%, you won't get blinded.


    Thanks to the blur being different, you can change the blur radius in the render settings.


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      whoa!!! Can't wait! and that new interface is so much more...uuuuh,pleasureful to look at! 

    3. SuperMarioSF


      I'm waiting for some nice unicode multibyte characters support... (Of course I know it is amost impossible, so just ignore this message...) (:P)

    4. Twelvie


      The Amount of Notifications im getting from this is unreal also...

      Still Hyped

  6. Time to leak juicy info David said about the future of Mine-imator in the MI:CE 1.1.0 beta testing group server.


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheXKing360


      i was think something happen to david

      i was think he is died ?? 

    3. Spontaneous Explosions
    4. Lapis Productions

      Lapis Productions

      sees this


  7. e

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rawami


      @Ghatos idk why I have the impression it's Marc

    3. Dannyboi


      @Ghatos It must be Macaroni.

    4. Ghatos


      One day (probably when I'll hit a certain number of subscribers), I'll reveal my name and my face aswell, but not now!

  8. Waiting for the next Modelbench update must be pretty egghausting. Can I offer you this nice egg in this trying time? ?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Nimi


      I didn't intend to make an egg pun.

    3. Hozq


      Eggcelent pun there nimi!

    4. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      Oh, i see. 9 eggs. (it's an egg pun!)

  9. Ah yes, the calm before the storm. :smirk:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lock_downmc213


      @Hozq ? (Considering that you tested the MB, I won't believe you until i see these 2 release in my eyes, IF your right)

    3. Ethaniel
    4. Hozq


      @Lock_downmc213 i have no idea why you wouldn't believe me if I'm a beta tester, feels like it should be the other way around but @Ethaniel just proved it.

  10. It'll still be a while till the next dev update, but after releasing a new alpha containing the new UI in Mine-imator for the beta testers and getting some feedback, I've decided to cancel the 1.3 update and release a 2.0 update next year.

    Make of this what you will.:steve_wink:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. WithBonMC59


      That's it. I quit.

    3. Apple101


      ur jokin ritght

    4. Aric Horn

      Aric Horn

      Lmao now this came true, his April fools joke wasn’t lying, it was real the whole time o.o

  11. I've noticed something on the forums, if someone with a greater power than the title "Member" doesn't like something, then people that look up to that individual with follow through.


    Example: If a (Chat) Moderator leaves a negative comment an animation, topic, ect., then people on that topic will want to continue to dis on it depending how that look up to said (Chat) Moderator.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Emaniplex


      @Emunator  I don't think this has a lot to do with popular opinion...

      For most cases, I'd ride into battle with either TTJ or Skibbz even if the entire world didn't agree with what either were doing.  :3 

    3. SkeetokTheOtter
    4. Upgraded Moon

      Upgraded Moon

      @SDWAN SKIBBZ is respectful to all the animations he comments on though

  12. Our subsitute accidentally wrote on our teachers smartboard with a regular white board marker... :| 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      @Ocelot: My siblings have done that on my whiteboards multiple times... It comes off though, luckily... 

      @Everyone else: What is a smartboard?

    3. Japnoo


      @everyone, where I live we use blackboards.

      @everyone and, what is a smartboard?

    4. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @everyone a smartboard is a huge touchscreen on a wall... using a beamer...

  13. Multiplayer is gonna take awhile to code. o_o

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Emaniplex


      @Kilonn The point of animation is movement through time. If only one person had control of the timeline, you wouldn't be able to animate something going on unless it's directly related to what your buddy is animating.

      If two people could control the timeline, you'd either have a mess or you would have two separate timelines and views, which wouldn't really be animating together, just on the same project, which is already possible.

      Re-read my example.

    3. Crow


      @Emanatronic There's gotta be someway at least...

    4. Emaniplex


      @Kilonn I'm thinking maybe a simple Vote system where you take turns manipulating the timeline, as it's a big deal. That way you can work on your Keyframes in an animation while the other guy is testing how his look when played.

      There can also be an option to freeze the world on your screen so your friend doesn't start the timeline and the Keyframing you're working on gets messed up.

      Maybe you can freeze a certain Character so when you're working on him, you can move the timeline to move him along, but you're not actually manipulating time, only time relevant to the character. Heck, you'll even be able to test the movement if you played a little portion of the animation (like a character).

      Hey, @PikaMasterzMC, I think that's it. You should view the same things and share one timeline, but be able to claim a Character or whatever Object and make a personal timeline that the other person can see when it's played by the first guy. If the other guy (who isn't animating the Character) is manipulating time, the Character can just appear frozen even if the friend is starting time for the Character.

      It's confusing, but basically small scale, personal timelines.  :D 

  14. I was bored.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BBruce7815


      @Nimi you're like me buddy! i just watch short animes, like OPM or FMA

    3. Patrick



      you're like me.



    4. Skjold


      Meh. Nice RE:Zero banner tho.

  15. "Only render in High Quality", and "Only render in Low Quality" options for objects.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nicolasev


      @Corbscraft got 9gb of ram on my entire PC, atleast I think so.


  16. I've been messing with .obj models in the model creator David uses for Mine-imator and putting them into Mine-imator to test a couple of things.(A .obj importer is not happening if that's what you're wondering-- all of these models had to be converted outside of MI into a script and ran in a character model slot.)

    Young Link (Legend of Zelda: OOT N64)


    A lamp


    Skull kid (SSB4 trophy)


    Longshot (Legend of Zelda: OOT N64)


    And an Ivan model made by @SKIBBZ


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nimi


      @Minecraftvinnyq "A .obj importer is not happening if that's what you're wondering--"

    3. Minecraftvinnyq


      Ik, I ment if this can happen, many "other" things can!

    4. BAPPUL


      how to import obj?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JB Animations

      JB Animations

      kind sir what are you trying to imply ?

    3. Hozq


      Oh dude, i didnt even notice that! nice!

    4. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      @nimi so I think i understand...Grass won't cast shadows on itself is kinda what you're saying?

  17. Does anyone have any good .miframes files I should be aware of?

  18. Nimi

    Yo, um.... I'm sincerely sorry about what I said about CAW awhile back when you guys where first starting out.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nimi


      Oh. Also, I've heard word that's it's now the official Mine-imator community server. Is that true? .-.

    3. Voxy
    4. BloxTheRigger


      haha now you are all notified.
      I'd like to think all the rigs I make are in courtesy to CAW, just to help fuel the fire.

  19. Trying to make an actual player sprite for that school final. 8D

    Currently implementing/ New Player Sprite:


    Old player sprite:


    First player sprite/ just a blue rectangle:


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nimi


      @DigitalEvorian Not all of it, the hair is blue because color reference, the hair style was inspired by Starbound, the shirt was is blue because it's a "character shirt" of the old sprite(If you can that one eye.) The belt I guess I got from your oc, the pants and shoes are just from self imagination.

    3. Tiedemies1


      The sprite reminds me of Terraria: Otherworld / Starbound.

    4. Nimi


      @Tiedemies1 It was mainly inspired from Starbound, that's probably why.

      Originally, it was supposed to resemble the "Proud" personality, but I couldn't get the pixels right.


  20. When you're messing with Mine-imator's high quality shaders and you no idea on what you're doing.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nimi


      I mean, I know what I have to do-- but I have to go though like, 3 days of learning OpenGL for one shader. o3o


    3. Slime


      Seems Legit, and thats coming from someone who just got into ragtime (thats a song dance combo thingy btw)

    4. KicksBrickster


      It might be cool f you can enable glowing on the sky, sun, and moon as well. Once you get it to work at all, that is.

  21. Been making some mockups for a new startup screen that's similar to how blender has an image splash. Thoughts? (The image of course, would change.)



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dannyboi


      How about forums members can submit splash images like their wallpapers and animation thumbnails so it could be a showcase kinda thing so people can see what other people are capable of creating.

    3. ÜberKiller


      @Dannyboi It should be held to some kind of standard, but hell. I'm all for that. It would give community members a nice shoutout too.

    4. Spontaneous Explosions
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Warlust


      copyright with the help of mighty david, i think?


    3. Alinous Productions

      Alinous Productions

      On the first site they're stealing rigs too. At least they credited. They stole 527 rigs...

    4. Cube Productions

      Cube Productions

      Breaks my heart to see my rigs stolen to earn money.

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