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  1. Today
  2. The Night here was a remake of my first ever mine imator image and also first thing i made as soon i got mine imator
  3. Yesterday
  4. try right clicking on the app and then press ' run as an administrator '.
  5. four plushies on table made by @CDplayer the table and fnaf and robot plushies made by @H4ppiP33p
  6. Last week
  7. I added my Modelbench model into Minecraft (sort of)


  8. 1.) Yeah, I have no problem with that at all, as long as I'm credited for the main model & you mention somewhere what you've tweaked about the model, it's all good. 2.) I'm also completely fine with that, sometimes people might want to tweak my models to make them easier to use, or to give them more details as I do stay with the pixel rate I model it in, some of my models can even be very useful bases for those who can't quite model yet. Like I said in the first answer, as long as I'm credited for the main model & you mention somewhere what you've tweaked about the model, it's all good. Hope those answer your questions, if you've got any more queries to ask, feel free to tell me in the Mine-Imator Forums's Messages (can be found next to the notifications button), or in my Discord DMs, we don't want to end up clogging up more of this topics chat now, do we, lmao.
  9. That's a great idea, I'm sure he'd be interested. i also have 2 questions for you @H4ppiP33p you see, we are about to start a horror/mystery series and we gonna have a lot of creatures and franchises together. I have in mind the possibility of using your models, well, they are great and have more than we can ask for, but I have to ask: 1-If someone needs to edit your texture (cause damage or make some changes), is he allowed to do that? 2-Can someone make physical changes to the models if necessary? (the hands, for example) not that the hands are bad, it's just that our series will have an absurd amount of details, any detail can and will have a reason, and since normal humans have square hands, robots and humanoid beings should have them too.
  10. Yeah, I was kind of the same when I was using other peoples work, though for me, I liked making stuff myself; it feels more satisfying and original when you use your own work in your work, plus nobody can tell you off for using or own work. If this'll help Gabrial, I have this idea that I'm going to try in the future. I was planning on adding a .txt file in my modelpack folders, so it can contain stuff like: Who the models are made from so the person using them can credit me, My socials like my Website, YouTube channel, Discord server and Mine-Imator Forums page, Some notes about the models within that modelpack so people can understand a few things about the models within the modelpack. If Gabriel's interested in the idea, I'm happy to do it in my future and old modelpacks so he doesn't have to worry about anything like that with my models, as feeling stressed about doing something wrong on accident's not a nice feeling; I've been through it before, so I understand how he feels. Glad to hear people are inspired by my work! It's so cool to hear how many people I've helped inspire over the years; I've never expected to become somewhat "famous" I guess you could say. I've also heared stories of people who were struggling and demotivated to do anything in Mine-Imator, but after them seeing my videos on YouTube, I've helped them find their path and motivation to do stuff they'd like! I can't believe how much I've helped people over the years, all because I wanted to show people what I could do, it's really fascinating to hear about; makes me feel proud about myself as it's a massive achievement that I was never expecting to achieve.
  11. Ey nice, we got a gang of plushies posing for the camera!
  12. four plushies on the table made by @CDplayer the table and the fnaf plushies and the robot plushies made by @H4ppiP33p
  13. Its seems Mine-Imator didn't close properly last time, perhaps due to a crash. A log file was generated There was an error with the Mine-Imator startup make sure you have administrative
  14. I made a model for my series. Her name is Filya https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c_GFxz1EIol8DvSThPb5sAmSz5IOd_tV/view?usp=sharing
  15. That reminds me, a while back I showed your models @H4ppiP33p to gabriel (our artist and animator) and asked him to use them. And in his own words: "I can't use other people's models, especially ones that came from the internet, because, well, I told you, I'm paranoid about people, remember the FNAF building model pack I made and was going to post publicly? Well, I didn't do that because someone said I used other people's textures, and... you know... I often forget things, I might forget to give them credit and even if they ok with it, the guilt will haunt me." Since I insisted so much, he made a simple art piece with Mommy Long Legs model. (He spent almost 20 minutes looking at the post to make sure he gave credit.) If you were wondering why we didn't make more art with them, this is why. And yeah, you make amazing models, I'm a big fan of your work, I often get inspired by them, once I was thinking about how I would make a pony model, thanks to you, I know.
  16. This happened to Gabriel when he started on mine-imator, now he has a usb drive to store everything and he updates the usb drive every month or after every big work.
  17. Every time I try to launch the program, a fatal error message pops up and it refuses to start. Error message reads as follows: " Invalid id -1 in CppProject::Asset::Find:71 Version: 2.0.2 (Windows 10 Version 2009) " If anyone has ANY ideas on how to fix it it would be greatly appreciated.
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