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  1. Today
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  3. Say what your model should look like what should the Modelmaker add for features?
  4. My keyboard literally broke on Mine-imator, it looks like it changed key input or something like that, but I think it's literally broke (like, I can't do ?), is there a way to change this to default key input from my PC or no?
  5. D.K.S


    Hi. Did you find the way, how to mix game and Mine-Imator animations? Working with the same thing and can't find about "vabila" lighting anything. Like this type of videos never exist
  6. Last week
  7. I need to make the effect of the immortality totem trigger. The fireworks particle generator in Mineimator, in my opinion, does not look very similar to how the totem works in the game. What do you advise?
  8. Importing large models and a large number of keyframes may lead to software crash, and the engineering camera is too laggy, and the strong configuration is useless。intel Core i5-12400FοΌ‹intel ARC A750 8G
  9. what did I miss for the past 3 months after I quit at april 1? I wanna know so I can leave in peace again

  10. Hmm...


    Not done yet... But it's getting somewhere...


    So stay tuned!


    Showcase 13 will leave us soon...

    1. sahdow2013ac


      what do you mean and did you make it ?

    2. sahdow2013ac
  11. You'll have to be more specific about what you actually want on your model, what it should be able to do and how it should look, if the texture should get some improvements or something like that, if you ask anyone make a model of my character, they can just send you a 3D Plane with your Character image on it, so try to specify
  12. hola! i am Player 1! i am new to Mine-imator! so please show me the ropes?

  13. hello! i am new to Mine-imator! please tell me about this?
  14. Please someone make me a better model that look like this please for free and not $10 And I did ask someone but am not going to say Who tho
  15. Slowly but surely I can hear something in my head... talking back... giving me orders... it sounds familiar... but also so strange It's getting stronger by each action I do, even fighting it, not listening to it, it grows, more louder, more tempting... Slowly I give in, only to realize, I should have done so longer ago, and so does every one else... There is no god like you know, the one that apparently cares for us and then let's us into his world to be free, no the real one is here actually doing some good for us, giving us strong bodies and forever life, this is the god we have been waiting for... Don't fight it, you'll give in eventually... Just like me... What will it be? Fight it, painfully for the rest of your life to then end up in the, what you all call "After Life" or give in and live a strong forever life...
  16. ОIs there payment? It's not that I'm interested in money, but I'll ask in advance
  17. When i place a item it is a different item then what its suppose to be and also the model is broken does somebody know a fix for this?
  18. HEROBRINE VS EVILL SKULL PART 5Β under animating now!

    it needs about a month to complete just the preview and other stuff related created.





    1. hesam5486


      2 of the images didn't load correctly


    2. Red Creeper
  19. i know this is a reply because this is the only thing i know how to talk but how do you say your own topic/question? im new to this
  20. bro you didn't need to donate , you just needed to copy the key on the site if you don't see one use this: PEZD6K5U you eve didn't need to donate if didn't want to
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