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Retired Mine-imator Developer
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  1. Nimi Minecraft 1.21 is out so do mine imator get a update 


    1. Nimi


      No. Official Mine-imator development is over and the program won't be receiving anymore updates going forward. For bugfixes and Minecraft features, look for updates on this mod:


    2. sahdow2013ac


      Ok Thanks.😊

  2. As mentioned in the 24th dev update, the website won't be updated as official development ended on an unstable note and it was preferred to advertise a more stable version of the software on the main site.
  3. pls add the graphics tab to all objects in mine-imator 2.0, that mine-imator has. It is really annoying that if i want glowing objects I have to download the old mine-imator versions then create all the items I need with glowing then I have to redownload mine-imator 2.0 and import all the assets from that project. If the glowing setting is already present I cant find it. It's not as easy to find in mine-imator 2.0 as it was to find in mine-imator.

  4. Windows Installer Windows (.zip) Windows Installer 32-bit Windows 32-bit (.zip) Ubuntu/Debian Linux (.tar) Mac OS Notes: Development of new features has ended and only critical bugfixes will be done going forward. Future updates are not guaranteed and will be infrequent. Most AMD cards and integrated graphics cards are prone to have poor performance, artifacts, and crashes relating to high-quality rendering. If you encounter any of these issues, we recommend staying with Mine-imator 1.2.9 for your projects. This being free software, please consider supporting the development team and website server costs with a small donation, thank you! Donate to Mine-imator developers ($5+ one-time or recurring) Version 2.0.2 (Nov 12th, 2023): Changes Adjusted Minecraft font. Added a button to close the notification for a new update. Bugfixes Fixed Ambient Occlusion not behaving correctly with Opacity and Emissive values. Fixed crash when using a skin texture for Armor special blocks/body parts. (The texture is now ignored, as only resource packs are supported.) Fixed blurry textures in the Shaded mode on Mac/Linux. Known issue: This fix causes the enchantment glint to not be blurred for these platforms. Version 2.0.1 (Oct 28th, 2023): Version 2.0.0 - Anniversary Update (Mar 1st, 2023), changes since 1.2.9:
  5. Mine-imator 2.0 already has this.
  6. Hello everyone, as we near 2.0's full release I thought I'd release a cancelled update to the Mine-imator Community Build. (Based on Mine-imator 1.0.6, MICB 1.0.2.) This was cancelled for various reasons including crazy instability, overly ambitious, and with me switching priorities to creating Modelbench. I don't recommend using this for actual projects due to its many bugs, as I'm only releasing this for archival purposes. Most features and changes added in Mine-imator 1.2 -> 2.0 can be traced back to this project (New interface, materials, glow, etc.) and I didn't want to leave Mine-imator development until I was able to officially add back these features. (Nor did I want to cause fighting over if the mod or vanilla was better due to lacking these features.) I don't have an official changelog cause I never made one while developing this mod. Enjoy messing with this update that led to 2.0 being what it is. Between sessions you'll need to delete "settings.file" in the Data folder or else the program will crash on startup. (Also, don't report any bugs you find.) Download 1.1.0 (Jan 17th, 2017)
  7. In your last topic about this issue, you stated your GPU was an AMD Radeon RX 6650 XT. It's been reported multiple times that Radeon cards have issues with running Mine-imator 2.0, and AMD cards as a whole have performance issues with 2.0. It's very unlikely these issues will be resolved due to time constraints and lack of appropriate hardware to debug issues with. An appropriate warning will be included with 2.0's official release regarding these cards. To possibly reduce the issue you can disable certain effects like Indirect Lighting and Reflections. If the problem continues, don't use 2.0 and instead use 1.2.9, which has more stable rendering and consistent performance.
  8. There's no plan to continue feature development including new updates to support new Minecraft updates. However community members can edit the Minecraft asset files to allow support for new assets without needing a new Mine-imator update.
  9. Hello everyone, this will be my final dev update as we near 2.0's release. Mine-imator 2.0's development has been one of many challenges since its first pre-release last May, but it's finally coming to a close. On March 1st, the full release for Mine-imator 2.0 alongside Modelbench 1.1.5 will be released here on the Mine-imator Forums. We've decided to do a limited release of the update due to unforeseen issues with specific hardware and the new rendering/ C++ engine, and won't be promoting the update on the website. With the release of the much awaited 2.0 update, David and I will be leaving development of Mine-imator/Modelbench due to limited availability and wanting to pursue other projects. While active development will be over, patches may still come out if any critical/project-breaking bugs comes up but anything hardware or graphics related likely won't be fixed. The source code for Mine-imator and Modelbench will be updated accordingly on March 1st for any developers who want to mod the program and add their own features. David and I would like to thank everyone who's used the program and donated to us over the years, and we hope you enjoy using the program as much as we've enjoyed making it. We've both learned a lot these past 10 years working on this project, and it's amazing to see how the users have pushed the program with their creations. I don't know what project I'll be doing next, but I'll probably take a break from programming and focus on other life things. It's been a stressful, but fun ride y'all. From the Mine-imator Community Build, to Modelbench, to Mine-imator 2.0. / Nimi
  10. This will be investigated for the next pre-release.
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