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Mine-imator Creator
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david last won the day on August 27

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About david

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/18/1994

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  • Member Title
    Mine-imator creator
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Coding and drawing
  • Minecraft username

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  1. Hi. Just downloaded Mineimator 2. But the exporting is too slow. The previous ones were slower already, but this is too much slow. Are there any solutions to make exporting faster. Because I want to make some longer animations.

    1. Pickyduck14


      he's retired.

  2. Yo david! do you hire people for updates in mine-imator. I am willing to help for free!!

    If not please tell me!!

  3. Happy Birthday

    1. rofrrrrrrrrrrrrr


      (Sorry for being late)
  4. you surpassed yourself

  5. If you click it does it open in a media player? Try adding .mp4 manually.
  6. Due to lack of time the AMD issues will likely remain unfortunately, hence the warning in the first post.
  7. Sounds like something that will happen in 1.2.9 if the data.win file is missing. Re-installing should fix it.
  8. What GPU? Some cards have issues with various FX which unfortunately won't be fixed, so I'd recommend going back to pre-release 5.
  9. Thanks for your diligent and outstanding efforts over the years, what you've been able to accomplish with GameMaker is nothing short of astounding. Been a pleasure taking this silly little software to the next level with you and best of luck!
  10. Have you enabled "Allow unlimited values" in settings?
  11. The server hosting those websites suffered some downtime, so no.
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