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Status Updates posted by Slime

  1. I HAVE A NEW SERVER! Join me here:


    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Slime



      Its offline right now


    3. Dignity
    4. Slime


      Because i dont feel like messing with it.


  2. Looks Like slime has a new weapon...


    an @Sword ! xD


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Slime
    3. NovaCeres


      @Slime I'm not to mad, just slightly irritated (and I do slightly think its funny :P )

    4. Slime


      @Sword Finnaly! Somebody gets my Humor! ( @Emaniplex did too)

  3. Am I the only one who still doesn't use Modelbench?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Extro


      same, I use novaskin and make a ton of base textures, and model them together

    3. MikTRF


      Idk why everyone else thinks its hard... Its so easy!

    4. YoshiHunter


      I don't, primarily due to it being very confusing.

  4. Im thinking of giving up animation all together.

    I have barley any inspiration, i cant seem to learn anything.

    Im always held again "copyright" by forumers because i had 1 cliche.

    And im just not original, according to some forumers.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SahnzAnimation


      @Slime Yeah, it's pretty stressful, don't worry it stresses to me out too. Maybe take a break from it and come back to it.

    3. Slime


      @SahnzAnimation Im just not good at it. I imagine my animations to be amazing, then they turn out like trash. I just cant.

    4. Trollfa


      You know this is what all animators go through on a daily basis, right? But animators don't give up. If animation is what you wanna do with your life than you can't quit! Especially if it's for a reason that we all go through.

      Of course, sometimes when we get a lot of hate, we feel like quitting. But hate is from people who know your still learning and take advantage of that. You can't let that get to you. Maybe take what they said, for example if they hated on your walk cycle, maybe watch a tutorial on better walk cycles and come back at them with a great walk cycle. First, you proved a hater wrong, and you also just got better at animating!

      Yeah, that reply was all over the place, but maybe take what I said and make sense of it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slime
    3. Cryotivity
    4. Slime


      Cryo. Emunator is the head of the Android army. he beat Slamough. the one that broke your rig. You will fear him, Cryo. You will...

  5. Ok so @Skjold said that the typical MGB ( Fighting synced to trap/dubstep music, flat grass/trees for scenery, multiple camera angles, ETC.) was starting to become an unoriginal concept, and i agree. it really is becoming unoriginal. So i, with my MGB's, am going to make things different. My MGBS fighting will be a lot like the fighting sequence you see in this here animation (no hate for undertale pls): 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MineRocker Animations

      MineRocker Animations

      Well, I didn't say fighting animations and MGBs are unoriginal itself. But the problem is most people who make MGBs try to make them a lot like Tan James' REALITY. They add dramatic/emotional (wannabe) backstories and synced dubstep music which makes them unoriginal. You can even see that the camera angles and movements are almost exacly the same as Reality in some of them. Just keep it original and have your own unique style. It's not bad to be inspired just don't ripoff. ;) 

      I really don't want to sound like a self adverting shit  (i think I can say shit now in the forums afaik :D ) but if you look at my fighting animations, yes, they are inspired but I try to make them different from other people in terms of movement and characters.

    3. Slime


      What im saying is i like the style of this fight animation that i presented, and that it seems like a good example of a difrent style MGB

    4. Skjold


      Oh it didnt just start to become unoriginal.

  6. *sigh* Im probably gonna stop using MI for the sake of the fact that i just cant hold any skills of ideas. Im not giving up on animation, im just moving to another program for the time being. I might come back to MI but for now, imm going to try to make decent Blender animations. wish me luck, and ill stick around with you guys too.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MCBoomBox


      @Slime revenge? what revenge?

    3. Slime


      @MCBoomBox When you made your Broom rig i said, "so your name is MCBroomBox?"

      You got me back.

    4. MCBoomBox


      @Slime Oh raiiiiiiiiiiiight... Someone once said my name in a video and they called me MCBeatBox. Can't remember who.

  7. 20 bucks says ShotUAnimations will be back by the end of the month.

  8. So you exist again? That's interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slime


      Too late, you already replied.

    3. Mike


      Welcome back! 8D

    4. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      Oh no oof ouch, you got meGerelateerde afbeelding

      unknown.png Posting something was a bad idea.

  9. Hey Guys! Come and join me on this Factions Server:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slime
    3. Patrick


      Im joining.

      Unknown Host D:

    4. Slime


      Whoops wrong one



    Cześć! (hello) I may not be the most popular forums member out there, but even though I'm not even well known, I figured I'd go ahead and explain my future life plans. I plan on doing animation until I get out of school, which will be roughly 4-5 years. And when I get out of school, I'll stay with my parents and get a job so that I can save up the cash I get until I can afford to fly to Poland, where I plan to stay and live out the rest of my days. My mom's side of the family came to America from Poland, so I do have ancestry in the country. I plan to find a place around either Kraków or Warsaw. In case your wondering, Poland is actually a surprisingly cheap place to live, or so I'm told. But that's how I plan to spend my life, so Ill be here quite awhile still, but hey, if you do miss me, I might still check in every once in a while to say Hi and catch up on what I had missed. I've got plenty of projects to do, and You bet I'll try to make them as good as I can. Until next time, Pożegnam cię. (I bid you farewell.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slime


      @Colonel Muffin If you look at the Minecraft news on the Launcher, It mentions Poland, and i Notiuced this right after posting this Status.

    3. Skjold


      If you're only gonna do animation for 4-5 years, then I have several suggestions.

      #1 Use another animation program than Mineimator. That will help you so, so unimaginably more in your future.

      #2 If you actually like animating, don't quit doing it after school. That much should be obvious.

      #3 Judging by your youtube channel, you seem pretty young, so don't set it in stone. You probably want to do something else in a couple years.

      #4 Move to Denmark. It's nice here.

    4. Slime


      I said animation for 4 - 5 years because I only have that much left of school. @Skjold

  11. 6 points from 500 rep. Took me long enough to get here. its going to take just as long to get to 1,000

  12. I really need help building some scenry, a market place, thats in like an alley type place, but its full of shops and markets. I cant seem to get anybody to help me and im so upset. if anybody reads this, i need GOOD builders to just help me out.

    1. Lapis Productions

      Lapis Productions

      Heres some pics of one of my work.


      Hope to get accepted.

      Its still a Work In Progress...

    2. Slime
    3. Lapis Productions

      Lapis Productions


      Oh yea i can host a server for max 10 people so we can work together.

  13. <iframe src="http://www.strawpoll.me/embed_1/10750755" style="width:600px;height:390px;border:0;">Loading poll...</iframe>

    Vote precisely

    1. Patrick
    2. RedcapCreations


      I like Patricks idea.

      Can I vote for 'wat' too?

    3. Patrick


      For anyone that doesnt want to copy and paste http://www.strawpoll.me/10750755


  14. JOY TO THE WORLD!!!!!!

    Scott canceld f@d: SL !!!!!!

    (or did he?)

    1. Blue Chocolatebar
    2. Slime
    3. King of skulls

      King of skulls

      Calm down, m8... he didn't cancelled it...

      also look:

      New teaser brightened

  15. baldi.gif

    Is this what the Internet has become?

  16. Can people seriously just let the Revenge meme die? Im sick of seeing it everywhere.

    1. KaryuGraphics


      I used to rule the world

    2. Slime


      Chunks would load when i gave the word.
      (Im fine with fallen kingdom, its just the revenge meme is so overused)

    3. Bugleberry
  17. That's it. I'm cancelling Ethan, Rollo, AND NotChris. That's right, I said it. Also,

    Well I'm shopping for a new car, which one's me?
    A cool convertible or an SUV.

    Too bad I didn't know my credit was whack
    So I'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact.

    F-R-E-E, that spells "free", credit report dot com baby.
    Saw their ads on my TV.
    Thought about goin' but was too lazy.

    Now instead of lookin' fly I'm looking fat.
    My legs are sticking to the vinyl and my posse's getting laughed at.

    F-R-E-E, that spells "free", credit report dot com baby.

    1. Mineshaft Animation
    2. Ethaniel
    3. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      I still don’t understand what the hell is going on.

  18. How did you get your Rig to do the Wibble Wobble with the Torso? it looks so Cool.

    1. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      I'm doing a tutorial soon, you'll see.

    2. Slime


      Ill be there.

  19. Jeezus. You say hi and the whole forums attacks. they seemed to be ready to POUNCE.

    1. JjCinemas


      There was only one person who "attacked" him. Chill out yo

    2. CatOnCaffeine


      @JjCinemas looks like the only person ready to pounce is Slime to lick SKIBBZ's boots lmao.

  20. So your alive, huh? Cool.

    1. KicksBrickster


      I was only mostly dead. 

    2. Slime


      Well, im running a bar in Hobbit Village. It doubles as a hotel too!

  21. I has new prof pic. Whut ya gunna do about it, huh?


    1. JjCinemas


      Nothing because nobody really cares tbh 8D 

    2. Slime
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