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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/18 in all areas

  1. This is a test guys i hope you like it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F-RhOu7wfqw
    3 points
  2. Just a reminder that as of Modelbench Beta 0.4, Modelbench is now feature-complete(Though not bug-free.. still in beta.) in terms of what Mine-imator model files support.(Until another Mine-imator update comes out with more features for model files.)
    3 points
  3. so that's where my 1050ti went
    2 points
  4. How many time did we told you for god saken You need rep and you still asking for animation 3 times in row and you ain't trying show us your work
    2 points
  5. added an example. Uh heres a sea pickle. https://drive.google.com/open?id=12P9-tXxrJpXEz3f6AVwWJMKsUueRvfZN
    2 points
  6. crustyjpeg

    The Modelbench Armory

    Lovely banner by OzFalcon Latest update: January 28, 2022 - Update 34 NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS The Modelbench Armory is a collection of weapon models made for Mine-Imator users to use in animations, still renders, or anything else you can think of. Feel free to use them for whatever you please, no need to give credit although it is appreciated. Sounds are included with all gun models, although I recommend you use your own for more consistency. The Modelbench Armory is conceptually based on Überkiller's now-defunct Mine-Imator Armory. Thanks to @MYSELF3200, @CodyBI, @Slime, @Hozq, @OzFalcon, and @Duychung for their help with the Armory. Frequently asked questions: Terms of use: Some very basic tips/advice: WEAPONS Assault rifles & carbines: Battle rifles & DMRs: Single-action rifles: Anti-materiel rifles: Machine guns: Submachine guns: Handguns: Shotguns: Explosives & launchers: Melee weapons: Misc: ATTACHMENTS Every attachment has an attachment type in parentheses, and should (atleast within realistic bounds, you can do whatever you want really) only be attached to weapons with that attachment type. These are pretty much only meant for firearms, not melee weapons or anything else like that. You can find what attachment type(s) a weapon has in its info .txt file, if applicable. The "Custom" attachment type means it doesn't use any standard mounts and is generally attached to a gun permanently. Muzzle devices instead have what round they're meant for in parentheses, and should generally only be used on guns with a matching or comparable cartridge if you want to keep things realistic. Also please note that magnified sights do not include any zoom/magnification setups, and you'll have to set those up however you want to get a zoom effect. Grips & bipods: Muzzle devices: Close-range sights: Medium-long range sights: Underbarrel weapons & bayonets: Other attachments: Thanks for taking the time to look at this, I hope it's helpful.
    1 point
  7. Nimi

    Modelbench Beta 0.4.2

    Download Beta 0.4.2 Hello, animators! We are very happy to announce that the first beta release of Modelbench is now up and available for download! Modelbench is a free 3D modeling program that lets you create models you can then import and use inside of your Mine-imator projects. Easy modeling and texturing tools, as well as full support for Mine-imator's animation features – like wind or bending – allow anyone to create anything they want, without hassle. Screenshots How to install Download the archive containing the program files, and unpack it into the folder of your choice. Run Modelbench.exe to launch the program. Make sure to run Modelbench next to the "Data" folder it comes with, or else it won't launch correctly. Changelog Known/Fixed bugs
    1 point
  8. Hey i made a model so yeah here is an image: and here is the download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DcvF5CTbHmuUwC55Cb9L7CsUr5tX8gkt No need to credit, but it would be appreciated! edit: since the bending is broken here is an excuse " april fools " well i remodeld it here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1I9tAH1wSJtXfv0ArbNDfAqqWtraS9yy_
    1 point
  9. mbanders

    Lighter Model

    Here's a simple model. A Zippo lighter. Images: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/345ntwl3l6tlmlc/Lighter+Model.zip Includes features like: Rotatable top. That's really everything you can interact with. I told you this was a simple model. Compatible with Mine-imator 1.1.2 and over. You don't have to give credit, but it would be appreciated.
    1 point
  10. Hey there, fellow time-travelers! This is my newest model, the TARDIS from the upcoming eleventh series of the British sci-fi show Doctor Who! I figured that with a new Doctor and a new TARDIS, it was time to update my old rigs. This model is based on the 13th Doctor's TARDIS (Jodie Whittaker). I might create variants based on the previous ones in the future, so stay tuned. Once again, being a model created with Modelbench, it's only compatible with Mine-imator 1.1.0 or newer. Enjoy! Credit is not required, but please don't claim the model as your own!
    1 point
  11. Hello! this is my very first rig! i wanted to do a rig for the peopple so here is it this rig is a box! one with things other without things here some images https://imgur.com/a/U8boD (the images are in the link!) so i hope you like it donwload: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jwit4od064s0ew9/Box+Rig.zip CREDITS TO ALL! I HOPE this is util to you guys (i know it its bad rig)
    1 point
  12. Since I'm pretty sure many of you are yearning for it and because Modelbench doesn't support the new bending just yet, I copy-pasted some stuff inside the model file and created this abomination the pinnacle of human art for you to enjoy. Have fun! For use with Mine-imator 1.1.3 and up.
    1 point
  13. FredMCGamer

    Rigged Fortress 2

    Hello amazing Mine Imator Community! I'm back (after figuring out how to create a topic) and I bring you the Team Fortress 2 Rigs created by me! (Textures too). Right now I don't have all of them since I'm busy with things in life (Homeworks, etc) so Instead of giving the rig's straight away. I'll be posting pictures of what I call a normal game in blockfort. Enjoy! (I'm only missing the engineer, medic, heavy, and pyro). The rig's are still in Beta state Click Here to see the picture.
    1 point
  14. MachineGunInc

    Poses Wow

    Sum fancy poses I did on a whim I guess you could consider this the unofficial sequel to that trophy gallery thing I did a while back Im probably gonna edit this later to add more poses EDIT: Added 8 new poses @CaptainClipy @Emaniplex Me @SB7989 @Pigeon_ @NietyFox @NathanAlwaysSingle @TheSociallyAwkwardTurtle @BBruce7815 Edog (OC) @EthanForeverAlone @OzFalcon @-StickyMations- @tditdatdwt @willingsas @Zeno
    1 point
  15. same thing happened to me with my dang slime rig
    1 point
  16. Emerald_SWAGGER

    Bend Size Bug

    ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object app: invalid type for /= lhs=undefined (type=5), rhs=2 (type=0) ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- called from - gml_Script_model_shape_generate_block (line 135) called from - gml_Script_update_model (line 17) called from - gml_Script_update_shapes_bend (line 16) called from - gml_Script_object_bend_size (line 24) called from - gml_Script_draw_dragger (line 140) called from - gml_Script_draw_group_bend (line 55) called from - gml_Script_draw_group (line 25) called from - gml_Script_draw_panel_groups (line 94) called from - gml_Script_panel_object_values (line 86) called from - gml_Script_panel_draw (line 144) called from - gml_Script_draw_panels (line 11) called from - gml_Script_draw_window (line 115) called from - gml_Object_app_Draw_64 (line 28) This happened when i made the bend size larger than the shape
    1 point
  17. I can make demonstrations for your guns if you want. They'd have to be first person, though.
    1 point
  18. ShadowNinja5764

    Admin Rig!

    I'm Spider-Man.
    1 point
  19. ThatGuyBrian

    Admin Rig!

    1 point
  20. Spontaneous Explosions

    Admin Rig!

    This could'v been a status update...
    1 point
  21. Movement's quite stiff but good job.
    1 point
  22. Voxy what the hell did you do to these poor people. 1like = 1 twisty boi prey
    1 point
  23. 1 point
    1 point
  25. NiSoSiam

    TPOG opening

    That's it
    1 point
  26. I just can't stop laughing at this video: What are your guy's opinions on this?
    1 point
  27. I remember someone asked for a sea pickle. Model Name: Sea Pickle Textures? No if I have to provide them. Description: Like a Sea Pickle. https://www.google.com/search?client=puffin-a&biw=585&bih=423&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=HJrWWv-6LMqd0wLo3q-ACQ&q=sea+pickle+animal&oq=sea+pickle+animal&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.4678.5668.0.6205. Oh nevermind you already made that for the person who asked for it lol
    1 point
  28. would help to see examples of your work.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. willingsas

    Poses Wow

    Inverted Will is best Will
    1 point
  31. First animations usually take a long time because you need to figure out how the program works and what everything does.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. MasterArcher12

    My New Skin(Test)

    Another rapidly made test animation, this time, testing the "Background" feature, the "Texture" box in the Frame option and custom particles.
    1 point
  34. Menace


    Before Edit After Edit Time lapse
    1 point
  35. i need colored sheep. PLZZZ. PINK GREEN YELLOW AND THEM ALL!!!
    1 point
  36. this is what i see when i come back to the forums
    1 point
  37. Wan

    Introduce yourself!

    im secretly an alien dont tell anyone
    1 point
  38. Nevermind, I just realized i had the timeline locked! How stupid of me.
    1 point
  39. Heya,Andy8000,The 8000 Prince here. Back with another rig. Today with |MI Version| EnchantedMob (I made it as a Birthday present for a person by the name of Jessica.) Download link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=17P0Yn-0F8r4bMUcI0H1ERo0xuGS0zEZO Credit for the facial rig goes @SKIBBZ I found the skin on here: http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/11802493/-purple--guy-from-enchantedmob/ Critisim is welcome and apriciated!
    1 point
  40. Nman31

    Eye and Mouth Rig

    Eye Download Mouth Download
    -1 points
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