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Status Updates posted by HeYoNia

  1. I haven't found a single negative post about me, am I that nice?




    lmao im joking, I've seen lots o' people slap my back.

  2. I heard Nimi's gonna release Mine-Imator 1.3 on Feb 30.



    1. Mercury


      1.3? Hmmmmmm

    2. Ian_The_One


      a yes dasdfdas.PNG a classic.

    3. Dannyboi


      I don't think so.

  3. I imported Keep on Sucking Chucking's RW rig repeatedly until





    my pc crashed lmao it said memory crash dump LOL

    1. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking


      I might try and get the fix out this week instead of next week, I'm hearing that a lot of people are having issues with it, I think I know how I can fix the lag and crashing now so expect a fix to roll out between now and in 4 days

    2. HeYoNia


      Alright sounds good.

  4. I just came back to tell Ehsanium that he shouldnt pursue being a comedical renderer because he aint funny.


    also, while we're at it. Im just gonna say everything In my mind such as problems regarding MI related stuff


    Nimi, why tf does MB even exist why does it have to become an independent program and have to manually open it like Mine-Imator. also Tdit why are you yellow. David is honestly the dope staff around here ('cept Tdit and danny, and partially Nimi?) Why do people care about rep so much that it's basically comparable to life? is there a black guy on this forum, why do idiots judge others by rep, why is __Mine__'s self esteem lower than my test scores? Ehsanium, dont use Autism as an excuse to this but, you and a bunch of other guys such as winny made MI discord a hell place, MI discord is comparable to Chernobyl, they're both horrifying. Why is the staff team dead-er than my girlfriend? I only see 2 if not 3 active mods everyday.


    also dont touch my chips, ill come back after like 3-7 days to see if somebody touched my god damn chips.

    I swear to god im gonna thanos snap anybody who touches my chips.


    also I got my facebook account hacked by a vietnamese dood, and saw him spamming "omg feebhax hacks facebook accounts! use this now now now!" posts to my friends, using my account. luckily FB is not a piece of shit unlike others cough cough  and gave me my account back so I could declare another vietnam war towards that vietnam guy, also if you're wondering "how tf did you find out this guy's location" facebook alerted me this dude's location "Omg look someone opened your account on vietnam! omg! omg! is that you?"

  5. I know this is totally random but, can I get 10 downvotes on this status update.



    lmao why am I asking for this, also if we hit 10 downvotes im donating another 5$ to team trees

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HeYoNia


      ok feck, nvm my donation wont go through.

    3. Extro


      not downvoting until your donation goes through

    4. HeYoNia


      oh i just kinda gave up on it, i guess i'll try another day

  6. I Like Potatoes.





  7. I lost faith to Humanity.


     Kids are being Rude very Rude these days.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zeno


      You know the world is going to shit when you can make a legitimate "In my day" saying about the 00s.

    3. Skjold


      Let's not get political here

    4. Zeno


      Another telltale sign would be the fact that nobody can go 5 minutes without trying to start an entirely unrelated politcal argument for no visible reason.

  8. I remember followin' this guy when he only had 100 rep



    And i remember to unfollow this guy when he reaches 707 rep

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skjold


      Just unliked. now you gotta follow him again fam

      edit: dammit still over 707

    3. HeYoNia


      lmao let's unlike all his posts

    4. Skjold


      inb4> warning points and rep reset

  9. I searched ''Minecraft earth'' then i saw your freakin' profile pic.




    What in the world


    1. crustyjpeg


      I recently found him on steam while trying to figure out how to retexture models.

      In garry's mod, that is.

    2. Skjold


      I had to try.3f3214debacbfbae6ef61e8d76e6ae6e.jpg


    3. mbanders


      That's probably because I made a topic for a Minecrafty Earth a few months ago.

  10. I see a lot of Fad Things on this Forum and On Discord And Some Of them are quite Decent actually and well made, But I see a lot of People Judging it from the game it's based from, Well sure a lot of us Hates Fad But Just Because it's Fad Doesnt mean that it's Bad. I Hope Ya'll Could Base Judge it by its Own Effort and Quality.


    This is Just me Stating my Own Opinion.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HeYoNia


      Well There are still People too quick too judge on Fad, There are People on discord as well, What I hate the Most about these People are are the fact that they're Not giving any criticisms at all, All They do is Say "Ew Fad" And leave instead of Giving any tips on how to improve the wallaper/Rig.

    3. KaryuGraphics


      I guess thats just peoples opinions? As much as people would like too, you cant stop people from making fad, nor stop people on hating fad

    4. HeYoNia


      Alright Then.

  11. I swear to god if you guys upvote any posts by 9redwoods i will slap you and hunt you down

    upvote me instead :D

    1. Hagus


      What if I already did?


    2. 9redwoods


      You left Discord. I can't show you how to make a reflection if you leave Discord.

      And I will get past you.

      Image result for i will find you and i will kill you

  12. I thought that you've gone emo when i saw that profile gif.


    Idk why honestly

  13. I uninstalled skyrim and I didn't even regret it


    little did I know I was about to be stuck by a brain fart and thought "ahh crap why did i uninstall it i wanna mod now!"

    1. Ghatos


      just reinstall it then

    2. HeYoNia


      I'm lazy screenshare me

    3. Ghatos
  14. I wanna help with your Jack and Tug comics



    lemme help ples

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 9redwoods


      me too

      lighting maybe? Help with posing

    3. Hagus


      Listen, I know I'm not the best creator. And yes, you guys wanna help, but I've depended on people for projects before, and I've gotten burned. So, I'm gonna say no to both of you. No hard feelings or anything, but this is practice for me, and I don't want people to try and change things. Honestly, if it was some sort of huge project that would take me weeks to do, maybe, but this is a comic. it doesn't take that long to make anyways.

      Oh I'll just feature you guys sometime. Is that ok?

    4. HeYoNia
  15. I'm currently having a mid life crisis

  16. I'm gonna Host an animation group! :D

    It's name is D.E.D Stands for ''Dead Empire Of Ducks''


    And after i Recruit some random members im gonna watch it die slowly. (Best Goal Ever).

    1. Artamiel Crescent

      Artamiel Crescent

      oh dear.... 

      I feel bad for the recruits 

    2. HeYoNia


      Yeahhh You Do...


      Wanna join?

  17. I'm making a part 2 

    Spoiler alert, It won't be depressing this time, though I can't guarantee that.





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MYSELF3200


      I feel like I've heard at least 5 people saying they're gonna make an enderman series.

    3. Menace


      Maybe that 5 people was me. xDD

    4. HeYoNia
  19. I'm the nicest person to ever exist in this forum.


    Vote for president.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mercury


      Why president? How about nation leader?

    3. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      I wish i could vote. I won't be able to vote until the 2024 election.

    4. HeYoNia


      hah, 2024 jesus would've came by then. 

  20. I'm thinking about something that is really stupid to be an idea for a wallpaper.



     Idk what im doing please disagree with me having this idea.

  21. I've come to Foil your plans





    hah kill me

    1. MojangYang


      That explains why my new project is progressing so slowly

    2. HeYoNia
  22. Is it weird that I pronounce your name by tdatditdwit


    and tdwit on discord.

    1. Ghatos


      I pronounce it "tdadwit"

    2. tditdatdwt
    3. __Mine__


      For a long time I pronounced it as "T-dit-dat-dot"...

  23. is konosuba still a thing?




    im waiting for that damn movie

    1. Mike


      I don't know if they have any anime plans after the movie but the fandom is very alive

    2. HeYoNia


      shit very epic

  24. Lever Collab entries are CLOSED

    Lever Collab Will be released tomorrow or next week because i got exams

  25. lmao I like how everytime I get a sexy downvote I'd make fun of it by saying "Oh no a big red down arrow stomped my massive ego!"

    or "im butthurt time to rant about it"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HeYoNia


      hEY if Ian's wallpapers are horrible then yours must be





      hah you little shit thought I was gon' say worse? yeah i would say worse but I dont wanna slap your self esteem

    3. Mercury


      Get a life, dweeb XD

    4. HeYoNia


      says the nerd who posts wallpapers about minecraft

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