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Status Updates posted by __Mine__

  1. Idk, randomly felt like trying out a pose with one of my characters, VoxelCreep.


    I should do this more often tbh

    1. insanehelix7076


      nice the lighting is really good in fact its so good that it makes the texture look different

    2. Ethaniel


      Probably the more interesting humanoid creeper Ive seen, not too sure about the green shirt though.

  2. In case anyone missed it:

    I finally posted a render after a whole year ;u;

  3. In case anyone missed it:

    Feel free to also have your say on what utility block Creepers I make next!

  4. In case anyone missed it:

    If you haven't already, feel free to vote in the poll too!

  5. In case anyone missed it:


    Also, happy 12th birthday, Creepers! :D

    1. Fox Miner
    2. insanehelix7076


      I thought it was the 13th birthday

  6. In case anyone missed it:

    If you haven't already, feel free to vote on what the next set will be!

  7. In case anyone missed it:

    If you haven't already, feel free to vote on what the next set will be!

  8. In case anyone missed it:

    If you haven't already, feel free to leave your input in the poll too!

  9. In case anyone missed it:

    Also feel free to leave your input on the poll for which set I should make next.

  10. It's been way too long, but Pack 5 is finally getting considerable progress.


    One musical boi

  11. Just noticed there's now @TopicLocker3000, which now auto-locks topics that have received no replies in six months.

    @Nimi if you added this, thank you for finally making this a thing.

    1. crustyjpeg


      although it could use some tweaks/changes

      it locks modelbench creations despite those having a far higher chance of being updated than wallpapers and animations, which don't get locked
      might need to be fixed but i dunno

    2. Nimi
    3. __Mine__


      Ah, whoops. Sorry about that.

      Also, as pointed out above, animation and render topics aren't being auto-locked, since I just saw someone reply in a topic that had received no replies in almost 4 years.

  12. Just one more pose test; VoxelCreep balancing on one foot.


    ...Okay, I probably ought to make something proper instead of making these for no reason ;~;

  13. Just tried out the new Modelbench, and if I'm honest the UI looks amazing.

    However, to be brutally honest... it's really confusing. Most of the previously-visible buttons are now completely gone and I feel like I'm expected to know what and where everything is, but I really don't and it's making me feel like an idiot for not knowing.

    The Snapping Tool isn't the best either; when I had it turned on I kept finding myself having to go back and forth constantly changing the snap value when changing Positions, Rotations and Scale. I just found myself turning the thing off and never using it because it was just a hassle to use.

    Also, why were the "Center" buttons for Pivot Offsets removed? Or have they been moved into yet another keyboard shortcut I'm expected to remember?

    I'm sorry in advance, just voicing my opinion on this. I don't expect anyone to agree.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anatoli


      woah, you don't know how to use a software that's practically new? that's crazy

    3. ShotU


      right click some options, previous options are hidden in the right click menu

    4. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      I agree on the snapping issue, for sure. And I did miss the centering buttons.

      I liked it better when the snapping was different for each action(rotating, moving,scaling). Now it's the same for everything.


  14. Just wondering, why are people going crazy over LacaMenDRY leaving? His departure is temporary, he said so himself.

    What makes this particular departure (which, again, is temporary) so utterly soul-crushing over literally anyone else leaving? Honestly curious.

    I don't want to cause any arguments here; I just want to know why this is such a big deal.

    EDIT: I'd also like to mention that saying he's the sole reason the forums is alive is just flat-out false.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. insanehelix7076


      I dont like it when people treat underdogs  unkindly, it reminds me of me seeing people being enslaved against their own will on a video.

    3. Jossamations


      Agreed, I've been in/am in groups and seen firsthand that they're filled with people from the forums that do that, And I really don't like it tbh, Because either these underdogs or new users don't make particularly good renders, Or they do, But They all still have potential.

      But ofc, The elitists come along and talk up a storm about how "X user used mixels and noise on their texture! It looks terrible, They should give up.", Or "Y user uses point lights instead of spot lights! They should know better, Its so performance heavy.", Or "Z user's rig looks like the ice age baby! They should quit the program and let the professionals do it!", Like they don't know any better, You have to teach them with respect these things, Or they'll take it less as criticism, And more as an insult to their work.

    4. insanehelix7076


      The thing that those critics don't understand is that those that they criticize based on their renders being bad or models being bad or anything else being bad is that they are their elders from program skill. And yet those people are too immature to understand that because they are insecure as hell.

      i understand im going ballistic right now cause of this but im pretty sure this tends to happen to people with the same experience as me at a younger time.

  15. lol, all the people who said Glow Squids were going to be useless will be really eating their words right now.


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Draco63
    3. Yoshifan33


      The other mob contest that the Phantom won. They never added the others... :[

    4. Draco63


      oh, yes. I mean, at least then they actually had new ideas. This year they were just reusing mobs from Earth and Dungeons. What a waste.

  16. Oh look, some Music Discs

    I wonder what these could be for...

    1. Jake_28
    2. insanehelix7076


      i already know here is a hint: 5

  17. So it's the Creeper's 10-year anniversary today, and I have absolutely no render ideas whatsoever.
    You'd think I'd have something to show for it, given how much I like them, but no.

    I'm just a total embarrassment who likes Creepers to the point of being a nuisance to everyone.

    I fully deserve all the ridicule I get for liking Creepers. I'm pathetic...

    1. Jake_28


      [: can I be pathetic with you

    2. Ethaniel


      Hey man, creepers are pretty cool. 

  18. So we've all somehow survived 2020.

    Happy new year, everyone!

  19. tfw both Pack 2 and Pack 4 of my Cursed Creepers are now Popular Posts?

    Wow, thanks so much guys!

    Pack 5 will resume development once I eventually finish my 1,000 Rep render. Lack of motivation sucks... ;u;

  20. That face when Pack 6 is WIP, oh my


    Yup, finally getting round to making the next set!


    Disclaimer: Admittedly, and this may or may not come as a surprise, but the Dispenser and Dropper Creepers will end up looking extremely similar to each other and the Furnace Creeper due to having identical block textures. Just thought I'd get that out there.

    ...although let's face it, you likely voted to see the Observer Creeper. ;)

  21. What's with the sudden massive influx of 5N@F renders?

    Don't get me wrong though, I've got nothing against 5N@F or those who like it. This is all merely an observation.
    It's just that I seem to be seeing these renders everywhere now, and to be honest they're all starting to feel a little samey; an animatronic, posing in a really dark room, with glowing eyes.

    ...idk, the quality of them is great, but it just feels like the originality is starting to fade.

    1. Dr. Nexil

      Dr. Nexil

      Honestly I've been wondering the same thing for a while now. There's been a large increase of these renders for some reason. Also totally agree with your points here.

    2. crustyjpeg


      i've noticed that, and honestly i think the "dark background character render" thing is extremely overdone and not even good to begin with

  22. WIP 2 - Yup, I'm taking this further


  23. WIP of a crafty boi for the next set that I'll hopefully finish
    Sorry progress is slow because lack of motivation and abundance of problems. I'm working on these little guys I promise ;u;


    Feel free to view my other sets if you haven't already.
    1 2 3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      a creative way to do the eyes could be torches

    3. MojangYang


      I wonder what would a TNT creeper do?

    4. __Mine__


      @Ian_The_One Yes, that's the Programmer Art texture.
      Not to worry though; like with the previous sets, the Jappa-textured variant will also be included.

      @Cubic Ralsei A nice idea, however in order to remain true to the textures I won't be adding facial features unless they're a part of the texture itself (the eye on EnderChest Creeper, for example).

      @MojangYang I imagine he'd be a boomer.

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