Unnecessary; will be inconvenient for most people, and jarring to those who are used to how zooming in/out feature works already. There's no point in changing it.
Unnecessary; you can already manually insert keyframes by first clicking to select the location you want it to be, then clicking again.
Agreed, could be useful. Pretty sure I saw someone else suggest implementing the same thing for the in-menu values too.
Unnecessary; we already have the axes for moving objects.
The assets are already stored in the Library tab when you import them.
Unnecessary; that feature is better suited for Modelbench.
If you mean "having the work camera go to a selected object by pressing a button", totally agree, we need that.
Unnecessary; almost no-one would make use of such a feature, and if they wanted to, they'd just lower the alpha value of the desired objects instead.
Unnecessary; just click on the axis arrows/ in the viewport.
Unnecessary; the brightness of Spotlights and Point lights are already fully customisable, as is their range and fade size.
Not sure if this would be possible to implement easily. For example, how would it look on the timeline? It'd get messy very quickly if multiple parenting actions are keyframed.
Not feasible; how would the program know what object you're parenting it to? You need more than just a keybind.
Unnecessary; HQ Render mode already has a shortcut: F5.
You can kind-of already do this by changing the object's glow colour. It would be nice for the vales found in the Settings to be a "per project" thing rather than it being globally, imo.
Agreed, this would be especially nice if Stained Glass casts coloured shadows too.
Unnecessary; going fullscreen with F11 is a negligible difference to the standard windowed fullscreen.
Might be problematic to implement.
Your obligatory mentioning of reflections yet again lol (jokes aside, as nice as it'd be to have, it'll likely be too graphically taxing for most people; not everyone has a beefy graphics card, or one that even supports world-space reflections.
Agreed, if it's possible. Not sure if Game Maker itself supports that though.
This would be nice to have, although again, it might be too graphically taxing for most people, especially with reflections.
Definitely agreed, it's a shame a lot of the customisation is being taken away in 2.0...
Agreed, this would be a nice thing to have. Might be problematic with custom models, though.
Editing the settings of particles is supposed to be an advanced thing. Mine-imator's entire UI is getting a makeover, so it's likely the particle menu will see improvements to be more understandable.
Totally agreed, Mine-imator's current AA is terrible and needs an improvement.
Unnecessary; you already mentioned fullscreen in point 18.
You can turn on Unlimited Values to set the shadow range higher/lower than the maximum/minimum, respectively. The detail of those shadows is based on the sunlight buffer size which, when set to Gigantic, is already extremely taxing for most people.
Frustum Culling will already be a thing in 2.0.
Please don't take this as any kind of personal attack on your ideas, that's not my intention. I know you've put a lot of effort into this, but a lot of these are just unnecessary.
Remember, Mine-imator is primarily for animating and rendering so it only has some bare minimum modelling features (cubes, spheres, cylinders, cones).
Likewise, Modelbench is primarily for modelling so it only has some bare minimum rendering features (basic lighting, pre-defined backgrounds, fixed square aspect ratio).