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Status Updates posted by Patrick

  1. Time to learn some Cinema4D.. See you guys in 2018

    1. tditdatdwt


      That's not gonna happen "Yaoi Lover". See you in 2017.

    2. LIsPixel


      That's gonna happen "boi". See you in 2018.

    3. tditdatdwt


      You basically just repeated what I said. What was the point..

  2. I really want to get into drawing and stuff but i don't know where to start?`Any tips?

    1. Lapis Productions
    2. ILatentKitsuneI


      Try doing anime faces, they're a good way to start


    3. Jaytience


      Start with faces, definitely.

      Start from a middle point. First thing to remember for realistic faces is that the head is as wide as five eyes. The nose going downwards is as long as an eye is wide, and the distance from the bottom of the nose to the upper chin is the same. An eye upwards is the hairline, and the eyes are halfway up the head. (Was that too complicated?)

  3. [GIF]

    Just testing some stuff.


    1. HEDHNTR


      Random stepping. The only real problem with this.

    2. Patrick



      He moves slightly forward because he was originally gonna slay some zombies.

      and i was too lazy to remove it.

    3. HEDHNTR


      Hmm. When you look at it that way, the second step looks like a step back. So it looks like he messed up and panicked.

  4. The posetive side of getting alot of downreps is your profile gets spammed with statuses.

    1. NietyFox



      also, that's quite the profile background.

    2. Simon G. Andersen

      Simon G. Andersen

      What's even positive about that?

    3. Patrick


      @Simon G. Andersen I don't know.. I just like when people post statuses on my profile. Maybe its just me.


  5. Got banned from hypixel for using optifine.. Made a ban apeal. 

    "Got denied for using modifications that were not allowed" 


    1. willingsas


      hypixel is overrated anyways.

    2. Patrick


      @willingsas It is, but its pretty fun there.

    3. Ethaniel


      I once got banned for telling someone to kill themselves.

  6. Would anyone mind telling me how to make an alpha glitch mouth?

    1. Bugleberry


      You should ask @CaptainClipy, he has done it before.

    2. CaptainClipy


      It's complicated. Watch a tutorial, and listen closely.

    3. Patrick
  7. I need ideas for a rig, wallpaper or an animation i can make.

    1. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Well, I am about to animate an idle dragon. Wanna do that too?

      He will be idle flying

    2. Nakoju


      Sitting down animation.

    3. Minecraftvinnyq
  8. Just made and released my first game ever! its only a rock paper scissor game but it's still my first :) 


    1. Dr. Cuto

      Dr. Cuto

      God damn, mah PC is 32 bit :[

    2. Patrick
    3. MrButttTheNoob


      MMMMMMMM ? im not risking trying the game


  9. I like your skin xD

    1. Marten
    2. Patrick


      i ment the "subscribe" if u didnt know

      u probably did.

    3. Marten


      Yes, I know. ^_^

      I don't really care how I look in Minecraft so I decided to make my forum messages a little bit fancier and I might improve it later sometime.

  10. You did not just change name because of christmas :facepalm:xD 

    1. -StickyMations-


      You know there's a limited amount of name changes do you...?

    2. Patrick


      Yeah. I believe you cant change it back.

    3. Frossa


      You can always revert back to the name you had previously, but beyond that, you can't change it anymore unless I decide to give everybody one new chance.

  11. 666 rep

    1. Artamiel Crescent
    2. Tiedemies1


      *insert devilish sounds*

    3. Simon G. Andersen

      Simon G. Andersen


      Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...

      Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for it is a human number, it's number is Six hundred and sity six.


  12. I like how you actually used the blizzard logo

    1. Blizzard
    2. Patrick
    3. Blizzard


      Thanks for liking it! (not the real Like-Button just, for liking it!)


  13. What anime is that dank profile picture of yours from?

    1. Nimi


      I was worried that someone would ask me this--

      Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko

    2. Dannyboi


      I am going to look that up

      Ive seen too much. *bleaches eyes*

  14. You have 199 posts

    choose wisely what ur 200 is gonna be.

    1. Skjold


      probably a reply to this to be honest

    2. Nicolasev


      "Oh neato, got 200 posts."

  15. Can we just talk about how insanely fast you have gotten rep?

    1. Shane


      da haaaaaaax

    2. Ethaniel


      Ive been here since 2014, it wasnt insanely fast. 

  16. We did it!

    Or.. YOU DID IT!!

    1. Ethaniel


      Road to 10K!
      I couldnt have done it without you guys.

    2. Patrick


      i take all the credits

  17. That moment when u want to make an animation but

    1. U dont know how to make it look good 

    2. You arent that good at english so u dont understand all of the word in tutorials.

    1. Scot


      3. too lazy to ask a forumer how to animate on your language

    2. Patrick
  18. When all of your MI friends switch to Cinema4D.

    1. Sammaxbr


      but what if you don't have any MI friends

    2. Patrick
  19. That moment when u make a skin that has the default steve hair and everyone is like: OMG SKIBBZ WANNABE


    1. Shah


      If you do anything, someone will say you're a SKIBBZ copy. It's inevitable. -_-

    2. DigitalEvorian


      oh hey, i like blue *Gets mauled by brain dead SKIBBZ fans.*

  20. Signing up for MGB.

    1. Tiedemies1


      Im still waiting that my OC gets accepted... <_< its been like a week already

    2. Patrick


      Hehe. Good luck

  21. How do i find inspiration for my OC?

    1. Emaniplex


      Re-watch your favorite shows and video games.

    2. DigitalEvorian


      Dig deep into the web

  22. Some commentde on 1 of my videos

    "I dont care about what other people upload"

    "Stop uploading minecraft u *poop*"

    1. Zeno


      and you care, why?

    2. Patrick


      I dont care about his comment.

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