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Just Philip

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Status Updates posted by Just Philip

  1. recently made this. I really liked the way the render turned out.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      I have credited him every other time that it was his. Sorry that I didn't credit him this one damn time. Sorry that it looks bad. If you think I can make it look better so that the human head doesn't look out of place, tell me and I will fix it.

    3. Jnick


      down voting both me and mine wont improve anything smh.The rig is lazy and from what i can think of their is no way to improve the head as both the head and body will have two different styles.U should put effort in to making your own body then just taking someones work and putting your head on it.

    4. ItsZaaki


      Always. Give. Credit.

  2. I want you to downvote this post for absolutely no reason. Just downvote it. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      but that wasn't what I was going for here ;-;

    3. jakubg1


      Dude! Stop your pesimism :) Think positive!

    4. Rawami


      *Oh no I got upvotes*

  3. I need the most brutal honesty here. Rate my renders and (half stolen) rigs 1-10. Be brutally honest. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DragonPixel


      rigs 8/10

      renders 5/10

    3. HeYoNia


      Rigs 5/10

      Renders 3/10

    4. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      I like this. I like it when people are honest with me. It tells me I need to improve and work a bit harder on my renders.

  4. Quantity or quality? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TecnoXhaotic


      full power quality.

    3. Ethaniel


      @a windows boi That 3 examples of thousands of the same content. 

    4. a windows boi

      a windows boi

      i didn't say low hanging fruit was uncommon

  5. weird flex, but that guy @TexasTony04 made me a rig.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TexasTony04


      can't wait to see it

    3. Ian_The_One


      weird flex but we can make gun rig

      (jk not trying to offend anyone)

    4. Frost
  6. guess who's bday it is?

    its mine.

    i am now sweet 16.

    anyway thats all. have a good day everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ian_The_One
    3. insanehelix7076


      The person with no interests and calls himself just philip in mine-imator

    4. __Mine__


      Also the person who edits your rigs in Modelbench and has refused to tell us his Discord username as it changes almost every day.

  7. Porter Robinson?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      ""Got it" - porter robinson" - Porter Robinson

    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      worlds intensifies

    4. Frost


      Cubic make your member title "The saddest machine" lmao

  8. unknown.png

    help me I did this as a test out of pure boredom and now I think it looks really good 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MojangYang
    3. Ethaniel


      Ugh those eyes

    4. OfficialCUYT


      Mans' hasn't had his refuel today so he's quite tired lol

  9. im back from almost dying in the hospital. hope everyone is having a better day than me.

  10. alright im getting tired of not doing anything in mine imator

    someone give me a rig idea, and whatever it is, I will work on it as much as I can. I am not allowed to stop working on it until its finished.

    best rig idea gets made (to the best I can make it) and it will only be for them. they will be allowed to release it if they wish.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. soniccraft


      dont knock intill you try it :steve_csi:


      but hmmm....

      try making a face rig for an ender man :mobender:

    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      make the most realistic human rig known to mankind with each and every single atom

    4. soniccraft


      or a first person camera


  11. weird flex, but I don't make my renders with a mouse, I use the mouse pad that was built into my laptop.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 9redwoods


      how do you even...

    3. DragonPixel


      wate... how... hu... what... I am so confused ?


    4. __Mine__


      weird flex but ok

  12. Anyone's opinion on "Ready Player One"?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nzshark6


      It's a fun movie, didn't get bored at any parts. But some plot issue's and poor storytelling kind of made it mediocre.

    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      didn't watch it yet :((( 

    4. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      Favorite gamer film. 

  13. I'm gonna be closing the Lightsaber Requests since nobody's requesting anything. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MicrogamerCz


      I think that more requested things are walk cycles/frames (just sayin', it's only an idea like in game "Little alchemy"

    3. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      @MicrogamerCzPurple. Mace Windu is the best.

      Or how about white? Seems like that would be cool.

    4. MicrogamerCz


      Or yellow lightsaber from soul knight?

      (I'm sorry for your mouse wheel or your finger (if you are using phone now))



  14. Alright I'm done. I'm taking a break from the forums before something/someone pisses me off and I let my anger out on them.

    I'm already frustrated and I'm gonna get more frustrated if I stay here any longer today.

    I will see you all when I'm ready to come back.

    Until we meet again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wafflecakes
    3. Ian_The_One


      is this because you got called out by jnick and __mine__ then got mad at them because they were right, and dowvoted them both because of spite and got called out on it again?

    4. _Blue


      Lol bye ecks de

  15. 4tr.PNGI worked so hard on it and it still looks like absolute garbage.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      See? He agrees with me.


    3. Ghatos


      No it doesn't, however it may need some textures

    4. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      textures are a pain in the ass though. im not fond of spending half my day into something that I wont like in the next few days.

  16. so ive lost the female rig I always used for renders and now ive completely lost motivation to do anything anymore so I was thinking about quitting mine imator tbh

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ratchet55


      Don't give up


      Try to find backup or deleted files you lost it 

    3. Ghatos


      Is that your female rig?


      Don't want to offense you, but it don't seem hard to make: a cube on each leg for the feets, two cubes for the breast, a cube for the neck, an item sheet to make 3D hairs and eventually a few cubes for the clothes.

      Also, like what hiendiep55 said, search your models in your projects, and save it somewhere in your PC

    4. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      Its harder than you think. There's also more to the whole reason why I lost it, but I don't want to talk about it publicly for reasons that once again I don't to talk about publicly. If you would like to know, message me and I'll explain what really happened.

  17. ok so I have hope again because I forgot I still have a male rig of my oc. (and before you ask, yes, it does have a female face rig. and no, I don't feel like publicly telling people why it does)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DragonPixel


      that looks so weird with bered texturing


    3. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      not a beard. its a dirt stain

    4. DragonPixel


      OH it still looks of to me for some reason 

  18. gonna try and make a comic. I guess first person to either send me or dm me their skin, i'll use it in my comic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghatos


      He dm you, I guess ;-;

    3. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      yeah. i'll use ur skin for a future comic if you want.

    4. Ghatos
  19. last month was really stressful. I need a hug. can someone give me a hug?

  20. image0.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghatos


      I know it says something, but I don't know how to read it

    3. iZestyYT


      Oh wow i just got it lmao

    4. Ghatos


      oh okay, I have to take the first letter of each block name!

  21. Sadly, I won't be continuing the comic series. It didn't seem like anyone liked it except for one person. I hate to say it, but I was hoping for more people to like it. I guess I was wrong. Sorry to whoever wanted me to continue it. The comic series "Only Us" is now closed and won't be worked on any further. Thank you for your time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rollo


      Well your first strip didn't set us up to be interested in what happens next, you just explained that the characters like each other and then showed us through facial expressions that, again, they like each other. You gave us a general summary of the plot through narration boxes, but didn't actually show us any of that through the strip, or tell us anything about the characters and what they want/need.

      It's not that we aren't interested in your comic, it's that you haven't shown us a comic. The topic might as well have been just the narration boxes explaining a general idea of a comic series, and have the same effect. I like the look of your characters though, and the whole thing has potential. You should give it a chance! Flesh out the characters more, take advantage of the ability comics have to utilize imagery rather than exposition, show us the connection the characters have, show us what they go through.

    3. Hagus


      Just saying, my comics barely get any comments or upvotes. But I still make it for the few people who really love it. Make a few, and I bet you'll get people who are into it.

    4. Bugleberry


      I think I'm British 

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