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Status Updates posted by hidrax13

  1. you surpassed yourself

  2. Hello and I still seem to be in bad shape.

  3. 1594ptwkqivco1t6g.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ratchet55


      I'm not angry over meme @XanderTheV 


      I just don't like Hidrax for being rude 

    3. XanderTheV


      @Ian_The_One oh.. sorry...

      @hiendiep55 Cmon' man... i know what he said in Ghatos' collab entry post, it's horrible.
      but don't bring that grudge here... mkay' mate?

    4. Ratchet55


      I know but I'm just doing my own thing outside of MI and I didn't know what happen for week

  4. chkc4ctwrmz70lo6g.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MojangYang


      I don’t know where he and ethanial got the comics, they are obviously the same comic but different ending...

    3. Mineshaft Animation
    4. Ghatos


      Hold on a second... You poisoned someone?

      That's it, I'm calling the police

  5. e85e3qocx9mlm596g.jpgthis is my job

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MojangYang


      I still don’t believe he was thrown out of glass. It’s illegal. ?

    3. Draco63


      where did you get that Hytale launcher??!!! ?

    4. Mineshaft Animation
  6. I'm worse than you friend...

    1. Ian_The_One


      nobody asked but ok

    2. MSDOS


      Didnt ask but ok.

  7. sorry.

    1. XanderTheV


      This is something that makes downvotes invalid...

      I hope you can be better and not repeat the same mistakes.

      Maybe u might want to elaborate your mistakes and what you will do to prevent them from happening again.
      Because longer text makes your apology much more impactful than a simple word

      Edit : This is slowly working.

  8. if you get it back react_down.png I'll get it back react_down.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShotU


      no context 100

    3. MojangYang


      Proper English please.

    4. Ian_The_One


       he is trying to exchange rep with me

  9. Have you broken points for every simple thing

    1. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      Reputation doesn’t matter. It’s just a digital point that doesn’t give you any real world reward. 

    2. hidrax13


      [-785] what would you say

    3. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      That’s not even close to what you have.

  10. sad-man.png


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OfficialCUYT


      This is the Willyz event all over again.

    3. MojangYang


      IKR but this is worse. Willy’s rep was only down to -20 when he stopped.

    4. a windows boi

      a windows boi

      sooo, to recover your reputation, instead of apologizing and posting some actual content, you take a stock image of a man crying and posted that

      that's kinda autistic ngl

  11. Why does it drop points

    1. Cryptic Runner
    2. 9redwoods


      cubic y woud you drop point from hiexriax13

      rude >:( 

    3. Cryptic Runner
  12. what

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Slime


      I still dont understand what you mean.

    3. Ian_The_One


      @Slime i think it means he doesnt want anymore downvotes

    4. hidrax13
  13. I'll throw away all the wallpapers I make one day apart please withdraw your reactions


    1. Ghatos


      woah woah, no need to delete all of that! you're overreacting. We were complaining about ther spamming, not about your wallpapers.

      Speaking of spam, you're spamming the recent status update list right now, with is also against the rule. Calm down, read our responses to see what have you done wrong (so you won't do it in the future), and delete the duplicated posts.

  14. I just wanted to get attention

    1. a windows boi

      a windows boi

      great way to embarrass yourself as well

      everyone can profit from a bad example including yourself

    2. TwoToRule


      Then I suggest actually creating content or making good suggestions, if this isn't the "attention" you want. 


      If you want good attention, try to improve. Make good wallpapers. Do something that'll get attention in a good way. Spamming isn't going to get you anywhere.

    3. Ratchet55


      Giving out attention in bad way could make it worse as Clout chaser

  15. I'm so sorry I'm so sorry

    1. Ghatos


      You must NOT flood the recent topic list. I see that you got a few suggestions, but they should have been all posted on the same post (to not flood the recent topic list), and also before making a suggestion, make sure that it hasn't been suggested before. Also when people tells you to stop spamming, don't take it as a joke, you can really get banned for doing this.

      Finally, put more details in your post. for example: instead of saying "add movements like cinema 4D, it's cool" say something like: "is it possible to add motion capture in MI (like in cinema 4D)? It would be amazing for making realistic animations in a shorter time. what do you guys think?"

      Your suggestion shoud:

         - have an example of what you can do with it (or multiple examples, of course)

         - not be something that have been already suggested

         - also try to not speak with a broken english so everyone can understand you and your suggestion

      Of course, like I said, check if your suggestion haven't been posted by someone else before, the one I used as an example have been suggested countless times.

      I hope you will get back to a positive reputation soon!

  16. car rig722372053_lowdetailledcarpack1.png.436d2

    pls link

    1. hidrax13


      I don't like fad and I hate monster schools animations that uses memes

    2. Ghatos
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chirp


      @Rollo GTX 880 Don't work for me

    3. Rollo


      Huh, that should be fine. In that case it must not be the video card. Try updating your video card's drivers instead.

    4. hidrax13


      ThinkPad carbon x1 12933DG

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