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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/19 in all areas

  1. This time i feel like i did a good job. Anyway feel free to give criticism.
    11 points
  2. This is a re upload due to the old one being outdated, changed various things to make it look better! Old Pic:
    7 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Attention please thank you for your attention lol
    4 points
  5. step aside boys the bad ass is here
    4 points
  6. ItsZaaki

    Today is my birthday ⚰️

    Today is my birthday
    3 points
  7. This is a smaller 3d version of a clock. This was inspired by Skjold who created the 3D Clock Rig. Download
    2 points
  8. MBB

    toast is a gurl

    guys look i'm a girl now look at me pls upvote Female torso and legs made by - @Hozq
    1 point
  9. Nimi

    Modelbench Beta 0.4.2

    Download Beta 0.4.2 Hello, animators! We are very happy to announce that the first beta release of Modelbench is now up and available for download! Modelbench is a free 3D modeling program that lets you create models you can then import and use inside of your Mine-imator projects. Easy modeling and texturing tools, as well as full support for Mine-imator's animation features – like wind or bending – allow anyone to create anything they want, without hassle. Screenshots How to install Download the archive containing the program files, and unpack it into the folder of your choice. Run Modelbench.exe to launch the program. Make sure to run Modelbench next to the "Data" folder it comes with, or else it won't launch correctly. Changelog Known/Fixed bugs
    1 point
  10. guy in the center is breaking his stiff ankles. herobrine is unposed. creeper on the side is stiff. the fire next to the stiff broken ankle dude is small. the eye whites almost blend with the skin.
    1 point
  11. Mr.Demo

    Batworld Story images

    Wait, is that Santa robot is doesn't from Terraria?
    1 point
  12. Dood you should make an isomeric animation
    1 point
  13. thx for the 300 subs
    1 point
  14. mbanders

    Jump Frames

    Select your keyframe(s), find the 'Keyframe' tab at the bottom of the list, and change the transition to Instant.
    1 point
  15. My skinny jeans are on, music is blasting, my hair is swoopy. It's national emo day, nerds. ...although every day is national emo day for me.
    1 point
  16. Hagus

    Minepets! Comic

    So instead of annoying people with consistent new topics of single comic strips, I'll just do this. I will put the website (as crappy as it is since idk how to code websites) on here. Read through the comics as you please. I will also put the character bios here so you aren't confused by as much. When I make a new comic, I will post it here as a response, so that way I won't have to make new topics each time, and discussion can just stay here instead of being spread out on tons of topics. Plus, it makes reading the comic easier since it's all in one place. http://minepets.the-comic.org/comics/first/ (starting with the first one) And here are the character bios of the characters that have shown up so far that are from Housepets!, the comic this is based on (in order of appearance in Minepets!) Please note some characters are mentioned that haven't appeared in Minepets!, I will update and add them in as they appear. Peanut Grape Tiger Marvin Zach Karishad Tarot Mr. Bigglesworth....All of them Fox (as in the dog, not an actual fox, or Karishad the fox, or Fox McCloud) Bino (Bi-no, not Bean-o) Max (don't ask about the bite mark on his ear)
    1 point
  17. TwoToRule


    I can't see the image though
    1 point
  18. Power Slide Tutorial! I've made a tutorial on the power slide in Mine Imator, explained 2 different methods and now I want to share the video here Enjoy! ~Stay Sharp
    1 point
  19. Doctorks

    fad 3 map

    I made a map. Arcade Machine by BloxTheRigger Texture pack by BloxTheRigger Rig by Mr. Darl http://www.mediafire.com/file/i4xyluyk4zq9aj6/fad3mapPublic.zip https://imgur.com/3XI5Wgc https://imgur.com/toG9Vrt https://imgur.com/toG9Vrt Enjoy Please Credit
    1 point
  20. Skjold

    Globe Rig

    [Globe Decoration Rig] Tell me what you think! [LINK SUPPORTING ME] [Downloads] [ALTERNATIVE DOWNLOAD] ...and don't even bother saying the world layout is wrong. Its difficult mapping a sphere onto a cube. Lets just say its a fictional world.
    1 point
  21. Why not update Mine-imator to 1.15 since Minecraft 1.15.1 has now released? I would like you to update Mine-imator to 1.15.1.
    -1 points
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