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The Tan James

Beta Tester
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Status Updates posted by The Tan James

  1. I sent an application for MI realms Btw. 

  2. I tried doing one of those cheeky trailers that syncs SFX to the Music and i got this


    1. Emaniplex


      If this were the actual trailer I would've owned the game by now.

  3. Im extremely Rusty since i haven't animated in so long, so i apologize for all the errors and bad movements :/


    1. Astro Animations

      Astro Animations

      THATS your errors and bad movements?

    2. SDWAN


      @Astro Animations Low framerates cover bad animations. There are visible errors with the transitionings

    3. GbStudio


      I can see what you mean by bad movements but overall it is fine.



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Simon G. Andersen

      Simon G. Andersen

      @The Tan James What I was saying, was that I've never heard dubstep, that sounded "melodic" in my ears.

    3. ClockworkVisuals
    4. clictaunt


      Guys I got a feeling his gonna use this on reality 

  5. im so happy :D

    1. Japnoo


      Why're you so happy m9?



      whatever lmao i'm happy too :D 

    2. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      @Japnoo Cuz i have good reasons. (lel i wont say anything yet)

    3. Keep on Chucking
  6. Infinity War's release date has been moved from May 4th to April 27th


    1. RedAnimator
    2. TwoToRule
    3. Yenachi


      AWESOME! it got closer, hoping for them to move it a bit more but moving it by 8 days early is better than nothing.

  7. Is it possible for someone to go through this much pain and anguish and still be alive?



    1. Pokekights
    2. Magicmaan775


      No they can't be alive. I would die in that situation, and I probably have the second highest chance of survivability (First place goes to Teddy Roosevelt/Chuck Norris/Arnold Shwarzenegger.

    3. OfficialCUYT
  8. it physically hurts how close i am to 2000 likes

  9. Just changed the thumbnails for Reality Concepts 1 and 2

  10. Just donated 21 CAD to David <3

  11. k


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tomoki


      Ishall bring u to  hcruhc (church backwards) and make u satan's #1 slave i am proud of ye

    3. MobKiller Animations

      MobKiller Animations

      illuminati confirmed or the Number of the Beast, depending on a few things

    4. ShadowUnicorn_Gaming


      Wave 666 from TF2 hahaaha lol

  12. lmao he blocked me.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slime


      He blocked u cause he said trash about MI and realized that we were right. now future is mad and is gonna block everyone.

    3. Emaniplex


      Can someone show me the M.I. discussion please?  :v

    4. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      FH: Ima email david to kill himself because mineimator is being noticed and im loosing money
      TTJ: Lol selfish
      FH: No im not selfish *blocks*
      TTJ: k

    1. CuBix


      The hype is real 0.0


    2. backwardsrebelYT


      isnt it


      so caz i guess u live in the us because its nearly 12pm in the uk so i wont get to watch it but wait... ill put an alrm clock on


      reply if your watching the counter

  13. lol?

    1. vash0110


      oh wowiez, u rg a better testur nowg. dat show coowl my gar.

    2. The Tan James
    3. vash0110


      oh dat shick man, ty four da batter taster. shou mug powder.


  14. Look, We aren't attacking Mine-imator, we're just saying that we want to move on in peace. Like jeez cant a man pursue their dreams without being criticized?

  15. Looking at Voxy's wallpapers and then looking at mine...



    1. Voxy
    2. SDWAN


      You can make the same though... Just focus on multiple elements

  16. mmm dont you just love Internet phenomena?


    1. trashpack05


      Write nic cage on that thingy with name stufz.... yeah.... no?.... k bai......

  17. My mother has been blackmailing me on youtube lmao https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh006nFRb-dnb0chqUbujtA

    1. Shah


      Is it winter?

    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      Time to subscribe to yomama


      I mean... no yomama... but yourmama

  18. my siggy is so happy it's dancing

  19. nuu the server is down rn ;n;

    1. Nimi


      It's been down almost all day.

    2. The Tan James
    3. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      And I wanted to join back and rebuild my farming isla- Waitwhat?

  20. Ok i didn't make it clear last time

    I really want to know what cons my series "R E A L I T Y" Possesses (from the eyes of other people) so i can see what i can do to fix it.  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Emaniplex


      Lol, being the perfectionist I am, I had to re-watch and read all the information I had access to about this subject.  ^w^ 

      First, let me start off with what you did well. Firstly, James as a character. In his psyche, he's obviously lonely, and he appears to be fighting uneasily, unlike his counterpart Ati. Though he's unbeatable in this realm, he's dreadfully weak and, well, human in the actual world. This balance and unexplained interaction between the people in the real world makes the series look really classic and well-rounded.

      The animations and effects are almost as good as they could be, given the circumstances. The only thing I'd really work on there is some of the walk cycles. They're kinda gliding and "weightless" as people say. Not to mention, the symbiosis between the soundtracks and the animation are always infallible.  

      Okay, onto what I believe are your real problems. I think I can make your next/next couple of animations a lot more interesting to watch, maybe even more "classy" as a work of art. There's something I've noticed in your fight scenes. Your fighter, Ati, is never in any real danger.

      I really, really don't want to say he's overpowered, so let me explain a bit more. See, the foes you're battling against will sometimes unleash a signature move or some kind of great attack, and while you sometimes take it head on, there's never any repercussions, for you or for your opponents up until the second-to-final blow.

      What I'd like to see is either one you two brawlers getting hit with a special attack that actually has a lingering effect, or even a short-term one. In Dragon Ball Z, for example, they'd take every hit blow for blow, but if one were to take a serious attack, whole limbs are broken or even cut off. If Ati strikes with a punch and the opponent dodges and twirls around, smashing, say, a special gauntlet boot type of thing into Ati's arm, it'd be cool to see Ati wince at the pain a second later, get hit in the same spot again later and feel pain, have trouble using that arm in battle, or even having to use one arm for the remainder of the fight.

      OR something even better. Someone could be coming at Ati with his one weakness: something that can invoke that fight-ending Cerebral Hemorrhaging. Ati will acknowledge a threat and will be forced to adjust his fighting style to minimize the possibility of the weapon making contact with his head.

      Boom. You have tension, a threat, a real fight. 


      ...  :D

      TL;DR  THIS IS FOR JAMES!!  :steve_tearful: 

      I can find more if you want me to.  :3 

    3. SDWAN


      In my opinion. You gotta stop over-exaggerating these things. that's very abundant in your animations. in my eyes anyway

    4. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      Thank you for your feedback :D

  21. Onk you're not ded anymore

    1. Peanutbutter Timelord

      Peanutbutter Timelord

      Idk what an "Onk" is 

    2. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      oh, its just some peoples way of exclaiming. like instead of "omg" or "Oh" its onk

    3. Peanutbutter Timelord
  22. Pepper worked on alot of movies, but i remember him mentioning this was his favorite scene that he worked on, he did some secondary editing, all the sound designing, and some cinematography (specifically the part at 1:34) for it. 


    1. lou3d


      Slow Mo Confirmed.

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