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Status Updates posted by Juno

  1. 7cXElwi.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archon




      A sword is a sword.

      Trump actually has a very large sword collection behind the camera.

      He was just golfing with this one at the time.

      Source: I'm Mike Pence, I took this picture.

      Trust me, it's in my profile picture.

    3. Juno
    4. Varen


      makes sense

  2. Here's how far I got on a alternative Soviet skin before Mine-imator crashed and lost all my ******* progress. I've been up from 11pm - 2am working on this too, jfc.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CuBix


      @Juno Cuz MI usually creates backups every few mins


    3. Juno


      @CuBix The backups are corrupted, a few times when opening they will create error logs and open up to the main menu. Only data saved is the original mproj from the day before.

    4. CuBix
  3. Making a World of Warcraft Night Elf.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LIsPixel


      Yeah The Movie One Soo Cool Best !!!

    3. Juno


      Pretty worth, going to sleep at 6:33 am

    4. Archon


      Lol, spend 20 hours a day playing WoW or go home, losers.

  4. WIP:
    Miia the Lamia from Monster Musume
    Top Snek



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mafa Animations

      Mafa Animations

      EDIT: omfg why did I think you are @Nimi

    3. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @Mafa Animations so did I, its the profile picture, she/he is using the same as nimi did 8D

    4. Juno


      Boi, do you want me to change profile pictures again 

  5. Hi guys, won't be producing as many if not any rigs anymore for awhile. Take this as my retirement-but-could-come-back-working note. It was fun! Thank you all for enjoying my rigs and make sure to send me questions if you have problems!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ethaniel


      You should go out with a bang, make one last rig. That's your choice of course.

    3. Juno


      @Dannyboi Entirely my decision! Everything is good.

      @Emaniplex I recently bought a ton of WH40K models, it will be taking up all my time, building and painting. I hope to get involved in the competitive scene so who knows. Maybe earn some money if I get good. I'm also applying for a job; that too takes time.

      @Ethan. The Bastion rig was my silent bang. It took awhile to do and it was easily the most complex rig I have made to date, it was well liked, which ties everything together.

    4. Ethaniel


      Well have a nice life. 

  6. Should I make my own discord group? I don't really do anything so I'm not sure its worth while

  7. Pretty sure this Mercy rig will be one of my last MI rigs, I can't say that as it's not 100% decided but I would be moving on the C 4D. 
    There's only so much you can do to match body types, along with other issues in MI. But hey, not 100% decided, but I will be learning C 4D. Below are C 4D recreations that I would love to do sometime in MI, but wouldn't be completely cloneable. Learning MI was a great experience along with knowing the community, and I will use what I've learned here to broaden my experience along with real life possibilities.Ck6g7_2UgAA-Yks.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GbStudio


      I started to want to switch a few months ago. The only thing holding me back is MI's ease of use. I really want to move away from the "Minecraft" style and onto something more. I wish I could get something like Cinema 4d. Blender is the only option for me (its not bad though)

    3. BBruce7815


      well, i kinda understand, good luck

    4. Juno


      @GbStudio To be completely honest, @4ward animations gave me a spare key he had to C 4D so......
      Good luck

      I would pay for someone to reskin C 4D or blender to MI to make it easier but, whatever 

  8. WIP

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. willingsas


      More things that we hated in videogames: the zombie levels in uncharted 1. I didn't even finish that one.

    3. Juno


      The Flood in halo, personally was my favorite thing

    4. Coolcookiecat


      Steve is dead... or is he?!

      Stay tooned!

  9. 46449357.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Emaniplex


      Have a great Birthday!! Don't let anything bring you down!  :D

    3. Czai Knight

      Czai Knight

      Happy b-day Juno!

    4. Juno


      Thank you all, means a ton

  10. Here's what I got, just not wearing boots and boot covers. It is amazing, helmet lights, clear view plate. Inside it's stuffy, but outside it is like your wearing a coat. 100% Perfect. W6rXnmI.jpgzjWQpcq.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Czai Knight

      Czai Knight

      Now that I look at it again, the helmet is more...greener than the rest of the suit

    3. Juno


      its a tint lighter, the lighting doesn't help the situation 

    4. HEDHNTR


      OMG that is so cool!

  11. Alright, so we have 3D hair, its the normal of every human rig nowadays, but... what about poseable hair? Possible in MI? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BBruce7815


      because cb has the bend thing you can use in items, otherwise it would be very frustating to animate with

    3. Juno


      I would have never known if you didnt say! 

    4. BBruce7815


      but take in count that projects created in MICB will not be compatible with vanilla MI

  12. One thing to look forwards to in 2017, Trump's Inauguration

  13. Even the Hats kill FPS


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juno


      @DigitalEvorian Yeah probably, parts in it are 3-4 years old. Maybe more ram would help

    3. CuBix


      Looks like the graphics card is a little old.

      Rig looks awesome though!

    4. Juno


      @CuBix 970 cant be that old, is it?

  14. Kino 2014 vs Kino 2016

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juno


      @Czai Knight You have no idea, my problem is I think too big and always end up never finishing.


      Destiny Spawn (Fully functioning too, shops, storage)


      Bottom side Spawn from Destiny (Custom trees too)


      Kino was fully playable, worked on Multiplayer too


      This is just examples


      The Second one is from League of Legends, not Destiny

    3. Czai Knight

      Czai Knight

      Got to admit, I did not realize that was the Destiny Spawn until you said it and may I say it realistically does look like the ACTUAL destiny spawn, props to you.

    4. Juno


      @Czai Knight another thing that stops me from continuing is the fact that they are all done by hand. No MC edit.

  15. Someone on the staff team has a sense of humor 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nimi


      'Congratulations and announcements'. Mate, read. 

    3. Juno


      Congratulations is still a part of it

    4. Nimi


      That doesn't mean that the subsection is soley for 'Congratulation' topics.

  16. If only the down rep limit was higher


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Varen


      What's the limit of dislikes?

    3. JjCinemas
    4. willingsas


      Lets troll some people lul.

  17. Won't be posting anything this weekend until my Internet is fixed, AT&T is replacing all the old cables with fiber, so none of my LAN cables work

  18. Changed up my profile a bit; Here's the new banner


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zoocomicsx
    3. BaconGhast


      I really like it, how you make it?

    4. Juno


      I took all images of rigs I made and put them all on one plane with Fotor @BaconGhast

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ethaniel
    3. Ethaniel


      @Juno Every place has its own dialect.

    4. BBruce7815


      me, as an agentinian from south america, was told that my accent is very strong

  19. So.... anyone know how to use the Community Build when it comes to bloom

  20. Meeting with a Marine Recruiter tomorrow, wish me luck

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alinous Productions
    3. RiggedPixels11


      Looking at being a Marine? Well good luck.:D

    4. Archon


      Gonna put the Muslims down?

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