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ecip movements, creeper

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Anyways, this is very bad.

  1. What is with the movements?
  2. Flatlands.
  3. (Is nothing with this animation) Dab. Why the dab.
  4. This is not "ecip" movements. Nor very good movements.
  5. Watermark.
  6. Horrid shadows.
  7. You have bad rendering. You can see bugs throughout.
  8. Why is he just spinning? That's the only thing here.


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Well, I personally think this doesn't deserve upvotes, but rather downvotes, because it's just... I can't.

But you don't downvote and leave because constructive criticism is the whole point of these forums, is it not?

  1. If you spun like that you'd legitimately snap your body in two.
  2. The constant spinning made that not even a dab.
  3. The dab.
  4. The dab.
  5. The dab.
  6. Last I checked you can't levitate irl
  7. Watermark.
  8. Ecip.
  9. Grammar. You don't need perfect grammar on the internet, but decent please.
  10. The dab.
Edited by Astro Animations
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I find this not horrible, but time obviously wasn't put into this. I'm not one to hate, so I'll let this slide (He literally just started guys, come on) but my solution for this is just to go away for a while (not to be rude, just that forums ppl are jerks) practice, and if you need any help or constructive criticism, then make a topic and ask. That's what I did, and it worked out. This is my normal advice for anyone.

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Cant you see? This video is a metaphor for life.

The creeper with arms resembles us as humans and the dance resembles what we do with our lifes.

The comments are what makes this deep, the comments resembles the things that go through our lifes.

The entire thing is meant to picture us, Us doing thing in our lifes to be mocked, hated, and teased by other people, although with all that negativity, some people are willing to stand up for you and tell us to continue on life and not give up even though challenges block our path.


Jk, this thing is horrible.

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Guys, what the hell? I take my eyes off of these forums for 5 months and this happens. Nobody, not even the pros, start off animating like a god. While my first animation was presentable, and this... isn't, it's fine for how old he likely is. Hating the dab because it's something new and it's something that kids do doesn't elevate you at all. The animation could use a hell of a lot of work. But for what his age may be, fine. Let it be. He'll improve. The most I can say is put more time into your animations, even if it's a test ;). Let me throw in my 100$ on this. 

Most of you just flamed this kid. Nothing of value. Some just added a sarcastic comment. Few gave advice. Some made a list of "negatives" and gave nothing of value. We shouldn't welcome people like this. This forum isn't something for the elite or those who "matured". It's for those who enjoy the program that is Mine-imator. This post has negative nine likes. Negative nine. I'm changing that to a eight. You guys have far more power than you realise when there are groups of you. You have the potential to shut this kid out of the animating world. Don't.

Correction, far more than nine. 

Edited by Pokekights
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Holy mother of hell.

This was even worse than when I started out.


Here is some constructive criticism.


Ok, so, almost everything was bad.

The slow tempo, the unwanted "dab", The unrealistic movement, the flatlands, the body twisting 6-7 times (about 2340 degrees Y/Z axis) (AKA so much that he should be dead by then), the creeper skin, etc. etc.

so, every single thing was wrong, well I can help you fix that!


So just follow these rules:

1. Don't twist the body over 75-80 degrees

2. No unwanted things on the forums such as FNEF, dabbing, REALLY bad animation, overrated skins, etc.


4. At least put some scenery

5. At least the tempo of 20 or higher

6. Work on your animation skills

7. Please follow all of the above


tl;dr the animation was horrible, and you need to practice and work on it a ton.


All of this is the reason i down repped this topic.

NOTE: If you do NOT like constructive criticism or do NOT use it to make better animations, then lea-jk, just know that istock_000017356076small.jpg?itok=renqm4

Edited by ZephyrAnimations
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