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Spontaneous Explosions

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Status Updates posted by Spontaneous Explosions

  1. Naturally, the Dems are going to ignore this Army base bombing for the problem it is, and the problems it presents, and are going to focus efforts on destroying Trump.  As usual.

    1. __Mine__


      You sound like you want that to happen.

      I haven't seen a single bit of Trump-hating yet over that Army base bombing incident. There are much more important things to worry about right now than hating on a president.

    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      They've had more important things to worry about for the past 3 years. But all they've done is try to impeach him.

    3. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      @__Mine__ I don't actually think they're going to do nothing. Make no mistake, they will blast Trump for this, but this is a very serious situation and I think Congress will take whatever action is necessary.

  2. Modelbench 1.0 


    I got a bit nervous when I couldn't find grid snapping though xD.

    Only problems I'v had with it so far is that it runs slower than anything else on my pc when SSAO is on. 

    1. Ghatos
    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      I did.

      I just think it strange that it lagged my pc so much.

    3. ChumUnicorn64


      i can't model crap aha. i tried it though, worked pretty good.

  3. Today is the 3 anniversary of President Donald Trumps inauguration, beginning his fourth year as President.

    Hopefully with another 4 to follow. 

  4. Hey, Captain Marvel 2 is happening in 2022.

    Maybe Brie Larson will take some acting lessons and, who knows? Maybe even give Carol Danvers a personality other than just stoic with an occasional smirk. 

    1. Ian_The_One


      and if the sjws and feminazis just calm down.

      she might not be a mary sue.

    2. Bugleberry


      It’s not the actor, it’s how Disney wants her to be portrayed. I’m sure the actor is very talented, but they just give her nothing to work with.

    3. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      Hopefully they'll do better in the sequel.

  5. Just watched the State of The Union Address by President Trump.

    I thoroughly enjoyed it. It spoke of all the great things he's accomplished, and every point he made he had physical, in person evidence.

    I loved the part where Speaker Pelosi ripped his speech in half. Hilarious.

    Oh, and when he gave Rush the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That was great.

    And lets not forget that he brought home a soldier to be with his wife and children.


    Can't wait to watch the next 4 SOTU's by Trump.



    1. tditdatdwt
    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      Based? Of course it's based.

      It's based on my own beliefs, same as the democratic party. Everyone is based in some way.

    3. Dannyboi


      It is nice that you enjoyed it.

  6. The one thing I hate about the first 1.16 snapshot is the nether-tree things

    You have to mine the whole thing not just the trunk.

    They should have it where if you mine the trunk, the naturally generated wart blocks connected to it will decay like leaves. Or maybe they should change into a shriveled wart block or something, then decay.

    1. Jake_28


      They are mushrooms. In the nether, rather grass and trees, it's all fungi and stone, due to the cave enviroment.


      yes, though since each block drops itself, items might lag..

    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      okay, fair point.

      But I'm not looking forward to tree mining in the nether.

    3. Draco63


      @Spontaneous Explosions of course, since they made them so tree-like, this might change anyway.

      as I said, only the first snapshot.

  7. So apparently, Kevin Feige is creating a Star Wars movie. That's the guy who masterminds the Marvel Cinematic Universe, btw. 

    He's also apparently a huge SW fan himself, so I imagine whatever SW film he makes will probably be 'fan-service:the movie', just like Avengers Endgame

    Whatever the future of Star Wars films, let's be sure to keep JJ. Abrams away from it. Like, tie him up and throw him in a closet.

    1. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      lock jj abrams??? but i like lens flares!!!!


    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      Fine, but make sure he never gets his hands on SW again.

    3. KaryuGraphics


      As far as I can tell, after TROS JJ expressed that he is totally done with Star Wars.

      He never even wanted to be a part of Episode 9 in the first place.

  8. Gravity Gun Mod for Bedrock, anyone?

    1. Ethaniel


      Already have it for Java

    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      I know, But I think it's possible in Bedrock too, so I wanna try to make it.

    3. Draco63




  9. This is strangely reminiscent to The Rise of Skywalker... ? 


    I don't remember what I typed in the book to get this but...it's, uh, the Exegol dimension. Yeah, Exegol.


    1. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      There's a lot more(infinite), but the fog causes super low render distance

    2. __Mine__


      Some worlds also have an extremely fast day/night cycle, and the sun and moon also vary wildly in size.

    3. Draco63


      you know, I don't think that snapshot is actually a waste of programming (as they intended it to be.) It's actually pretty cool, in my opinion. do you know what Myst or Mystcraft is? because it's kinda like that.

  10. Okay. I think I have now seen the biggest display of numbskullery in the history of this Covid19 pandemic.

    Lemme just lay out a scenario here.

    The management at my local Walmart is having a meeting.

    "How can we protect our customers from coronavirus?"

    Someone responds, "We can close all the entrances except one, forcing all customers to come into close contact with one another."

    Someone thought that was a great idea.

    The store is literally corralling a bunch of people together into one small door.


    Yeah, that's not the opposite of social distancing...

    1. Ghatos


      "that's not the opposite of social distancing" Yes it is

    2. Spontaneous Explosions
    3. Ghatos


      Well I stole your face!

  11. Day 3 of mandatory lockdown in my state:

    My life hasn't changed at all, but now that I'm legally obligated to live it this way, I hate it.

    1. Ghatos


      I've been in quarantine for 24 days

    2. __Mine__


      As a "key worker" who still has to go to work at a discount store and get exposed to over a hundred people every day, serving them as they buy their (frustratingly non-essential) stuff, consider yourself lucky.

    3. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      I mean I basically stayed at home all the time anyway, so.

  12. Wouldn't it be cool if the logo on the Xbox controller doubled as a fingerprint scanner?

    They could do away with passwords on Xbox, since they take forever to type.

    Cool idea for PS too, although it could already have this for all I know.

    1. Ghatos


      good idea!

    2. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      nice, now i'll be able to get through doors in buildings in an easier way for my heist

    3. Bugleberry


      If you are willing to pay 30 extra bucks 

  13. So, tornadoes in my town early this morning.

    The alert dared to interrupt my sleep.

    I'm still alive as far as I can tell.


    1. Ethaniel


      Funny, my friend had a tornado in her area last night too.

    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      They were raging all across the state of South Carolina.

    3. Draco63


      I've had some trouble with that myself.

  14. Does...does OK stand for something? ?

    1. Jake_28
    2. Gfamleit
    3. Mafa Animations

      Mafa Animations

      According to google "Oll Korrect", makes sense.

  15. I just watched the demo for Unreal Engine V.

    Mind. Blown.

    Detailed graphics like no one has ever seen, outside of cinema. Absolutely epic.

    This is next generation graphics.

    1. HeYoNia
    2. YoshiHunter


      It's all about those triangles! It just works!

      (I should add that I'm joking around here in case someone will inevitably take this the wrong way)

    3. Draco63



      I'd use UE, except my computer isn't powerful enough to run it ;-;

  16. For a long time I though The Clone Wars was some stupid kids show, I couldn't stand the though that it was actually Star Wars canon.

    Then they announced that Ahsoka would be in season 2 of The Mandalorian. I was upset, and thought it would ruin the show for me. Reluctantly, I embarked on watching the The Clones Wars show, thinking if Ahsoka is going to be in live action, I should know all I could about her. 

    Well, I can now say I'm sorry I hadn't watched it sooner. It tells a amazing story(Although I could do without some details), and adds much more depth to many characters.

    What I though would ruin an experience has only made it better. Ahsoka is one of my favorite SW characters, and her inclusion makes me more exited for the next chapter of The Mandalorian.

    Also, supposedly Season 2 trailer is dropping tomorrow...we'll see. 

    1. Rollo


      There are definitely some "kid's show" episodes and elements imo, but for the most part yeah it's pretty chill

    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      Pretty much the entire first 2 seasons.

    3. EnderFrameStudios TM

      EnderFrameStudios TM

      season 1 and 2 is the kiddie show stuff, alot of stuff onwards though, oh gosh

  17. How was deep-frying invented?

    Did someone just decide to boil something in grease one day?

    1. Draco63



      I mean, it sort of makes sense. By that point, they had to have discovered that grease can make things taste better.

    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      I wonder if they'd discovered garlic by then.

    3. Ghatos


      I thought you were talking about deep-frying an image

  18. If you didn't know...


    venison(deer) is better than beef.

    You're welcome.

    1. Ethaniel


      I disagree. 

    2. Jake_28


      How could you eat such a poor creature!!!11!
      *munches cow*

    3. Draco63


      I haven't tasted anything other than venison jerky, so I wouldn't know.

  19. We've got our first Caves And Cliffs development version.

    Its a beta for Bedrock. In fact, its so in development, the 2 features they added could've been added by anyone with add ons. Just goats and 'snowier' snow. 

    But whether betas or snapshots start first, the other usually isn't far behind. Maybe we'll get a snapshot next week.

    1. Ethaniel


      They said they wouldnt start until they got 1.16.4 out. 

    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      They also said 1.16.4 would release tomorrow if all goes well.

    3. Ethaniel


      Oh good. I was waiting on that for my datapack. 

  20. Something no one seems to be talking about in regards to Chapter 12 of The Mandalorian.


    Now we know that the enemy wins. Moff Gideon gets the Child, at least for a time. In the end we know they will succeed at their goal. Poor Baby Yoda.

    1. Draco63


      Hey, I don't have Disney+! If I wanna watch it, I have to go to a friend's house, so no spoilers!

    2. Ethaniel


      @Draco63 Why would you even click on a status that blatantly is going to have spoilers in it if you didnt want spoilers?

    3. Draco63


      @Ethaniel Because it isn't "blatantly going to have spoilers." All my notifications show me are that it's a status update by @Spontaneous Explosions, no other information.

  21. The finale of the Mandalorian season 2(no spoilers)


    It's so sad, and epic and beautiful. Bravo, Filoni and Favreau. Bravo ?

    1. Ratchet55


      I gotta be honest.


      Season 2 episode 5 and 8 is best one

    2. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      Both of them contain fan favorite Jedi ?. Wonder if there's a connection.. 

    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      spoiler: batman dies

  22. Reality: Save the trees!

    Minecraft: I think I'll turn the tickrate up so I can burn these trees away quickly.

    1. Draco63


      lol true

      granted, in minecraft killing thousands of trees doesn't have a global impact, especially since saplings and bonemeal can regenerate them instantly.

    2. ChumUnicorn64


      bro how have you stayed on this forum for so long, i'm very curious.

    3. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      This is one of life's great mysteries

  23. Well I'm up at 1:30 on December 25. So Merry Christmas.


    1. Draco63
    2. Yoshifan33


      Funny story: the exact same thing happened to me. (posted after sleeping at like 2:00 then waking up at like 8:30)

    3. Draco63


      I woke up at 2:00 and couldn't get back to sleep until about 3:30, so I guess I'm sorta in the same boat?

  24. "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war"

                                    -Donald Trump


    Goodbye, Mr. President ?


    1. Draco63


      Well, one thing everyone can agree on is that he certainly made America a more interesting place.

    2. Yoshifan33


      of all of the Presidents of the U.S., donald trump was definitely (probably) one of them

    3. Draco63


      I don't think Biden will be a bad president. Pamela Harris, on the other hand...

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