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Cybernetic Cinema

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Status Updates posted by Cybernetic Cinema

  1. School is awesome is it not? Who can give me a good time they had at school, it can be anything :3 (Them random questions dough)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ethaniel


      Idk but I guess its better than mac

    3. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Pc vs. Mac :P Who will win?!?! o_o

    4. Japnoo


      @Ethan. my school still uses windows 98...

  2. Man I love using these 3 emojis
    ... :ph34r: I think everything on these forums is just great!:thumbsup:      :thumbsdown:You haven't even seen all of the topics. 

    Does it look like a give a fudge:thumbsup:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Joshdotmp4
    3. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      How the heck are you guys gaining access to these xD

    4. Joshdotmp4


      You make them, upload them to imgur, and save the direct link to use whenever you need :thumbsup:8D

  3. Man I see so many people getting into groups and animating. I, for some reason, feel influenced to do it too because who knows, it might be fun! but I must first ask myself, what kind of group I am interested in... o-o 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lifecraft


      right now we have simply each made a video to introduce ourselves. at the moment we are still planning out future projects though.

    3. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      What's the channel? 

    4. lifecraft


      the channel is called mad box animations, but since we have not posted the introduction video I don't think it is viewable, sorry

  4. I have always wondered why I like to say "mate" all the time... Is it getting annoying?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HeYoNia


      Alright Mate Sounds Good Mate, Good luck Mate.

    3. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      I guess that settles it then mate xD

    4. HeYoNia


      Yeah Mate saying Mate is Satisfying Right Mate?

  5. Since I make long animations, should I post every 2 weeks, or 1 week? o.O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Well I am asking because I don't want to use all of the animations at once then cause a dark age for my channel yet again losing people to entertain, and  I do not want them too wait too long and leave thinking I have given up on animating.

    3. GOZZE


      Anytime you want,as SDWAN said.

      I choose quality over quantity   :3

    4. Cybernetic Cinema
  6. Man I miss the old days when we were a small community.. Not too many critiques. Now a days people try and find every little thing wrong with something. It's Mineimator dangit xD This is not a professional program, just for fun

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KindZax


      On the contrary I wish people did that to my content cause then idk what to improve on


    3. willingsas


      ...Before the fire nation attacked.

    4. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Well what I mean is people can't animate what they want to anymore due to public opinion. For example fad, dabbin.... I can agree with monster school being done too much but you get my point xD I just wish people had that kind of freedom like back then is all.

  7. I feel like the easiest way to gain more rep in these forums nowadays is quantity rather than quality

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cube Productions

      Cube Productions

      @TheGodOfTrouble watch it. He also makes quality. He also posts rarely.

    3. NoHayTroblemo


      He's started to post more often, and the quality of his stuff has... Well, diminished. 

    4. Cube Productions

      Cube Productions

      It's fine if you think that. But it's not right for anyone to hate something because of their followers. Give the mindless cults a beating, not him. He doesn't deserve this hate.

  8. Supah, actually isn't as bad as I thought :l Click dis for vid:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Eh, I liked the first half alot. The end did start to get a bit weird but I wouldn't call the video bad

    3. Ethaniel


      Oh, the animation is fine, just cringy.

    4. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Okay Ethan xD I didn't expect another answer from you anyways, tis the way you are. You be you man :3

  9. Woot, finally decided on my new profile pic and logo! It's looking waayyy better than before.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lou3d
    3. Zeno


      Looks cool. Too much bevel layer style for my tastes, but still.

    4. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Very understandable! But I like experimenting. and I am going to be honest, I have a whole bunch of other versions X.x I was overthinking it so I just chose this one.

  10. im sorry to everyone who has subscribed to me, i know i havent been uploading in a while but its for a reason. the reason is, is because of adobe after effects not supporting the codec and all the other codecs just get jacked up, i will try to upload again as soon as possible, but for now all i have to say is never give up, and stay animated :)

    1. Hesmiyu


      Try using a different codec then? a popular/rising popular is Lagarith Lossless Codec. I think that'll work with After Effects unless that program can't handle the high bitrates of .AVI files

    2. Wowman


      haha this made me laugh

    3. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      you have a weird sense of humor o_o ( xD )

  11. Is an animator still considered good if they do not do cinematic renders or fancy artwork?

    1. Nimi
    2. SDWAN


      well yeah... I dont see why those qualify though

    3. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      This question was asked purely for personal thoughts, the answer is technically no of course but others might see to it differently. Those were some really quick responses O_O

  12. Some day I will be one of the best at this program!

    ....Or just move to 3ds Max...


    ...Or both.. :3

    1. Emaniplex


      And then you'll magically become amazing!  :3

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      I wish xD But noooo, you have to practice if you want to be good at anything <_<

    3. ChumUnicorn64
  13. dun dun dun derpity derpity dun dun derpity derpity dun dun dun derpity derpity dun dun derpity derp.

    Try and rhythm to that, I dare you :cool:

  14. Just noticed the logo is backwards O-o

    1. lifecraft


      welcome to "rotami-enim smurof"

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Oh my gersh they did it to the profile names too xD

    3. lifecraft


      lol, i just noticed that



  15. Okay so would it be wise to make teasers and a trailer, or should I just post the example for the collab along with the rules?

    1. Sebablixa


      Why not both.

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Well I can do both but I was just wondering as I already made the example. I mean I guess I can post the collab rules and example first and work on the trailer later.

    3. Sebablixa
  16. Nyahahahaha, I haz posted on your profile. Now you will waste just a few measly seconds every time you read this, and those seconds could have been used to be doing something that was actually worth your time! 

    Now waste some more time looking at this beautiful picture you have already seen before:

    :I_approve:(I am sorry mate, I was bored XD)

    1. Emaniplex


      You dastardly fiend!  :pirate:

    2. KicksBrickster


      That is the most evil thing anyone has ever done to me...

  17. i need someone to teach me how to do a jump in mine-imator please!

  18. mind the gap... mind the wall... mind the block?

    1. NoHayTroblemo


      mind the water.

      Mind the mind.

      Mind the fire tornado that will kill you.

    2. TheGoku7729


      Mind the lava

  19. Who can guess what my pic stands for? (it was terrible name which will soon be replaced)

    1. SubthekidFTW


      Cookie Donut Films?

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      would have been funny but sadly no

  20. Don't you hate it when you start a project then procrastinate on it for a while? (2 months while)

    1. Aronanners


      Very much yes.

    2. BOOMmaker


      This is remedied by applying two terms to your behavior: "Self-discipline" and "perseverance". 

  21. Why is it so hard to collaborate with people? And another note, what the heck happened to me xD Everyone who started at pretty much the same time has gotten significantly better at animating?!?!? I feel like a maker of a frikin silent film back in the days when people actually piled into a movie theater... although my section has no one in it besides an employee that brought in some darn buttered corn in a bag. HEY YOU THERE, STOP GETTIN BUTTER ON THE SEATS!

  22. I need to make an animation before this week ends, and I have 2 days. o-o I promised myself I will never again make an animation below a minute, but when I come up with the animation it usually is longer than 2 minutes... Can someone give me like a quick idea? Maybe I can do a lip-sync test or rig testing. Pleasse halp

  23. All I need to do now is make a good pic and make sure everything is thought out, then finally that collab can start!

    1. Bugleberry


      Are you gonna be hosting one?

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Yes, here's the teaser if you haven't seen it yet (It should be somewhat explained in comments): 


  24. I can't stop thinking about that "praise the sun" character.


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