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Posts posted by JjCinemas

  1. Saw one of my old wallpapers while looking through my imgur and found this. 



    Now, why this obviously looks bad, I thought it was a neat idea. So I took the idea and gave it a new coat of paint and fleshed it out a bit more.






    The lesson here: Sometimes your old work isn't bad because it was a bad idea, it was probably just poorly executed. So a good way to get motivation to do wallpapers is fishing for badly made good ideas in your old work.

  2. I don't understand why you release a full character rig when the character itself is someone else's face rig. It'd make more sense just to release the accessories because let's be honest, unless someone asks you to use your character in a wallpaper or something, nobody is going to use this. Otherwise, nice presentation, it's a bit much but well made. 

  3. Here's just a decently good method for those who want something with long legs but need something thicker than an enderman leg.

    See usually the solution would to just elongate the leg but that makes its bending all weird


    So here's a way to prevent that. 


    Take two cubes, size them appropriately, make sure they're parented to the correct halves of the leg, check the "rotation point" box under "Inherits", and adjust the rotation point to it's at the top of the upper cube (since it's usually at the top of the leg this cube would now be the top. without doing this the rotation will be all wonky)


    and texture appropriately


    that makes the bend look a lot cleaner. Tell me if this was an actual thing already, if there's something you need further explaining for, or if it's dumb because I just thought it was a neat little trick.

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