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Status Updates posted by Ethaniel

  1. Halloween Art.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. insanehelix7076


      For some reason it reminds of that monster from scooby doo mystery incorporated 

    3. Ethaniel


      That's because it is. They didnt just make up a monster. 

    4. insanehelix7076
  2. Mob_Vote_2022.png

    1. Spontaneous Explosions
    2. insanehelix7076


      Im pretty sure nobody has ever liked the phantom

    3. Extro


      screw phantom

  3. When the Nether Update was announced I was absolutely over the moon. I have never been more excited for an update before but now I dont understand why I feel the way I do. There's a cave update and I almost feel like I really dont like the direction the game is going in, which doesnt make sense because Ive always been mostly optimistic for what comes next to Minecraft. Yeah, sure I have my gripes but I just want to come to an understanding why I dont feel excited about this upcoming update. Maybe it has to do with the whole "Grrr the game is becoming modlike!!!" mentality, which Ive never really had. I think archaeology might be putting me off too, it seems like such a niche thing to add to the game, something youd do like twice and forget about it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. __Mine__


      @Voxy Yeah, I'm aware some of those things will be tweaked over the coming months. These are just my thoughts on the features as they are right now, hopefully they'll improve as time goes on.

    3. Ethaniel


      Im sick of them adding mobs for the purpose of "omg so cute and endangered!" I want more fantasy stuff dammit. They could have easily added the Axolotl and put a fantasy spin on it. Like yeah, it's big but that's not interesting at all. 

    4. Dr. Nexil

      Dr. Nexil

      I agree that adding mobs for the sake of cute and endangered is not the mentality to go, but as far as I know they at least have more usefulness than polar bears and pandas. I like the idea of an axolotl army! (but they really could have had a fantasy spin, that'd be cool)

  4. I gotta say, archeology isnt something I expected and Im honestly not too sure if Im sold on it. It's such a bizarre niche thing to bring to the game.

    1. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      I think it could potentially be good. We'll have to wait and see i guess.

  5. Politics eh? Trump 2020, baby!

    1. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      oh, I dunno.

      Biden seems like a great candidate. He's gonna do....uh...he wants to uuuh....you know the thing. ?


      Yeah, Trump 2020.??

    2. Ethaniel


      What did he say?? Where am I?

    3. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      Trump could've disproved literally everything Biden said if he just pulled out his phone and did a Google search.

      Meanwhile, there is no video evidence of Trump calling deceased Military Servicemen "losers".

  6. How do you make curves in Model Bench

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ethaniel


      I was actually curious

    3. Jnick


      @EthanielOh then most of it is bending and having a good idea for what u aim for.The way i do the taper effect is i either do rotations or i use left/right bending.I use a folder system on top of the right and left bending to do shapes u normally could not do in mi with out.Example i do the front shape first cus that gives a idea then i use bending to do the detailed shapes.On top doing right and left bending u can make small parts that i like to think of as their own polygons if u have good concept u can make a low poly ball.

    4. insanehelix7076


      @Jnick i kinda did that 4 weeks ago but i deleted it

  7. Im too short to be a bigot.

  8. Who's Bayonetta Turtle and why was she shot

  9. Why does Skibbz face rig always look so dopy. Why is it the one everyone uses?

    1. 9redwoods


      I despise it too. I have no idea why people don't use better face rigs like SDZ's. 

      Maybe because it can be hard to find if you're not looking for it?

    2. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      it's simply because newbies are time travellers from the past reminding us about our terrible, horrible mistakes

    3. CDNBreadDogs


      I had used it for awhile (Never actually posted anything with it) because I was new to using other peoples rigs, so having my first easy to use face rig completely numbed my ability to see the dum dum face energy the rig radiated

  10. Java is Mojang's Minecraft. Bedrock is Microsoft's Minecraft.

  11. I wonder if it would be somehow possible to make legs on a model flush with the body. 

  12. Imagine simping for China

    1. Extro


      didnt our president do that during his campaign

    2. Ghatos
  13. I think people are just salty there was no cave update. I dont want a cave update. 

    1. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      There probably will be one eventually, since so many seem to want it. I doubt it will be 1.17 or 18 though.



    2. __Mine__


      In my opinion (yikes), the game's ridiculous Power Creep problem should be addressed first, since Survival is just too convenient and easy, certain features have been made completely obsolete, and most of the game's mobs (especially Creepers) are a complete joke right now.

    3. Ian_The_One
  14. More art.

    Steve, jack of all trades. Caught up in a war between Villagers and Illagers. Herobrine has saved him more than once.
    Herobrine, a cautious but mischievous man who has mostly mastered the magic of this world. Looking for something important. Despite his outfit Illagers are not a fan.
    Markus, the older brother of Herobrine. An adventurous soul with the knowledge of the world. Seemingly lost to the void many years ago.
    1. Ian_The_One


      steve, heve and meve.



      the beard gang

  15. A&W is the best fast food restaurant. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheXKing360


      Is this some sort of peasant joke that I'm too rich to understand? - YouTube

      is that a american restaurant that i'm too foreign to know about ?

    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      well a&w exists in 16 different countries which includes america and canada

    4. insanehelix7076


      It says all american food .-., they literally lied to us. Part of those 16 countries are not even american.

  16. >Celebrity dies

    >oMg WoRsT yeAr eVeR!!!11!!11

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Extro


      I think it's because there are (certain) celebrities were a huge source of inspiration for many people, Chadwick being one of them. Someone who made as big an impact as Chadwick definitely deserves all the tributes people are paying towards him.
      As much as some people might like to deny it, Art is a massive component in culture and without it stuff would be really sad.

    3. Ethaniel


      Sure, a lot of crazy things are happening this year but it is by far not the worst year ever. I wasnt even referring to all the other stuff either. It just seems anytime a celebrity dies, in any year everyone always goes and says it's the worst year ever. And Ill be honest, I didnt even know who Chadwick was until I heard people talking about this. 2020 may not be the best year but how about instead of moping around you look at the positives of it. 

    4. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      the content and media we're getting is good, just the events are bad, nothing good has happened with these 

      and tbh i didn't even know who chadwick was either. all those deaths are sad but people die, haven't mourned over anyone dying yet

  17. Then I saw her face.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more


      Once you get to know me, i suck the rement from your body


    3. __Mine__


      @Francisco Pizzaro TOONS Yet again, instead of constantly correcting people whenever they say your name, why not actually ask a moderator to change your username?

    4. Ethaniel


      That's exactly what I believe, although I don't know what the patriarchy is.

  18. Art.
    Featuring @MachineGunInc's character.



      "Your getting muged kid!"

      "Pulls back the hammer*

      *Aims gun*

  19. Are you autistic? 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. insanehelix7076


      Found out im not autistic but i do have adhd

    3. MojangYang


      Ghatos I'm not a murderer. I wouldn't kill anyone. Unless that other kid wispers my old intro in my ears again.

      I got my taser ready

    4. TheXKing360
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