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About Kapslock

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  1. I know right?! That ship really couldn't be cuboid like that!
  2. ...... have you ever seen anybody run? This looks like he's having a seizure. Arms don't go outward, and most peoples legs cant even stretch that far and be perfectly straight at the same time. Try and make the movements less extreme next time to add more realism.
  3. I've gotten back into the groove of making wallpapers, though some people might notice that this is "inspired"... But anyways I like how it came out. Edited in photoshop Unedited: Credit: @Mike for the car in the background.
  4. Kapslock

    Camera blurring bug

    I believe if you adjust the render depth of the windshield then it might fix it. Render depth is found under the 'graphics' tab of the object. I'm not sure if you need to turn it up or down, but that should work.
  5. I think it's pretty cool, at least. Edited: Not Edited:
  6. Ooh, I want to try editing...:
  7. Fad isn't hated, bad beginner wallpapers with complicated rigs are. Like I said above, nothing is wrong with F.naf. If you don't like, that's okay but don't instantly downvote because of f.naf. What's unoriginal? The f.naf? Oh, so making a wallpaper about a game that wasn't your idea is unoriginal? What about Minecraft? Undertale? TF2? Literally every wallpaper on this site? If you think it's overedited, that's your opinion and I'll respect that. I think the editing if good. That's my opinion. No credit, true, but the creator might have said "no need for credit" or Irudium himself made the rig. That's not an actual reason to downvote the wallpaper. Do you even know what edgy means? Or are you an 8 year-old who thinks dark pictures are edgy?
  8. I think this is my personal best wallpaper, especially after the editing! Edited: Credits: Amazing Renegade Rig: @Chee5e Very Nice Swordsman Rig: @SkyrinnMCAG Sword Rig: Me Unedited:
  9. Posing is bad, visuals are great.
  10. u do nah have ebola u do not no da wae
  11. They're not going to do anything if all it takes is 5 seconds to change a number vs. re-coding a large amount to fix something that isn't a problem.
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