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Status Replies posted by Ian_The_One

  1. He himself


    1. Ian_The_One


      this content is no longer available

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Hey, it's me.

    If anyone is still hoping of me returning back, I must disappoint you. After 18 months of silence, I'm claiming I'm  definitely not returning back to MI community.

    I will log on here one last time in exactly 24 hours, to see reaction, if any.


    If anyone's interested in contacting me, feel free to hit me up on Discord. My name is jakubg1 and my tag is 2036. I'll still be there and nothing is going to be changed there.


    Good luck to possibly any people starting their careers, and I hope MI development won't die after 2.0.


    1. Ian_The_One


      Oh, I remember you; I thought you got banned

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. It has begun.

    It seems Microsoft is tightening is grip on Java Edition. They're forcing everyone to migrate to a Microsoft account. Their reasons for this are valid and make a lot of sense. But I fear it this is just the beginning.

    I don't play Java as my main version but I do not want to see it become like Bedrock. Look what Microsoft has done to Bedrock: Marketplace, the persona skin system, freaking emotes.

    I look at it as Java being developed by Mojang, whereas Bedrock is developed by Mojang and Microsoft.

    Just to be clear, even though I don't like the direction they're taking Minecraft Bedrock, I still play and enjoy it frequently. For the most part it still follows Java in terms of gameplay. 

    1. Ian_The_One


      its more of a convenience thing than just taking over java.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. >Minecraft should follow a consistent block style

    >Every block that isnt consistent 

    Buttons, doors, fences, fence gates, sign, pressure plates, plants, slabs, stairs, signs, trapdoors, rails, anvil, beacon, bell, banner, bed, carpet, glass panes, brewing stands, cake, campfire, cauldron, chain, chest, cobweb(?), composter, conduit, player/mob heads, daylight detector, dragon egg, enchanting table, end portal, end rod, flower pot, grindstone, hopper, iron bars, item frame, ladder, lantern, lectern, lever, nether portal block, piston head, redstone comparator, redstone repeater, redstone torch, redstone wire, scaffolding, sea pickle, slime block, honey block, snow, soul campfire, soul lantern, soul torch, stone cutter, torch, tripwire, tripwire hook

    1. Ian_The_One


      minecraft but any and all blocks are 16x16x16.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi Mine-Imator Forum Community, On Christmas Day In 2020, I will be making a switch to source filmmaker, Sadly my current laptop broke so on Christmas I will be getting a gaming laptop to do my animations there, I will update the Lukas rig and Find any missing rigs I have never posted, while still making new rigs, and mini Minecraft animations, So By 2021 Expect A hair update for Lukas (cause the textures are corrupt) thank you all!,  comment under this post for any bugs I may need to patch on any of my rigs

    1. Ian_The_One


      @Ethaniel its literally easier to learn cinema 4d then using sfm.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. what was that about 1.16 feeling modded?

    1. Ian_The_One


      this wasn't a like why do you think 1.16 feels modded status. it was about how 1.17 is gonna feel way more modded than 1.16 in a sort of like "that wasn't so "bad" this is "worse"".

      ps: by "bad" and "worse" i don't mean more "non vanilla" content  its vanilla if its in the vanilla game is bad i was just using it as a thing to express intensity.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. So what mob are you voting for tomorrow and why?


    I'm going glow squid I think. Our choices really suck this time. Plus we have several types of cows and illagers but only one squid.

    1. Ian_The_One


      Moobloom. The illager would just be a nuisance for people who like exploring mountains, its gonna be the phantom all over again, the squid is literally a useless reskin, but the moobloom wouldn't bother anyone and it would add an additional functionality to bees which tbh didn't get enough features also it's from a biome I even forgot was an actual biome and its addition could bring more attention to it, plus potentially more flowers?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. This year's Mob Vote is going to be disappointing... Recycled roster, and the only interesting mob that isn't just a Minecraft Earth reskin will probably lose because people were disappointed by the phantom.

    1. Ian_The_One


      I mean the moobloom would have some sort of utility with bees.

      like herding them for example.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. A Sad Story:

    When I was a kid, I could sing perfectly. Then puberty happened.

  10. why are you banned, and dewd what r u doin stahp

    1. Ian_The_One


      ah yes ask the banned person why they got banned.

  11. Some of you may be pleased to hear that I've removed all of the "jokey" word filters from the forums, including "fnaf", "foxy" etc. which were once replaced by other words. These were found annoying by some and being mainly relics of older, simpler times they have run their course I think... :) 

  12. What do you want to be when you start dying?

    1. Ian_The_One


      you start dying when you are born, are you talking about?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Does anyone else think that the Lego Minecraft sets used to be a lot better?

  14. I think people are just salty there was no cave update. I dont want a cave update. 

  15. More art.

    Steve, jack of all trades. Caught up in a war between Villagers and Illagers. Herobrine has saved him more than once.
    Herobrine, a cautious but mischievous man who has mostly mastered the magic of this world. Looking for something important. Despite his outfit Illagers are not a fan.
    Markus, the older brother of Herobrine. An adventurous soul with the knowledge of the world. Seemingly lost to the void many years ago.
  16. My poor choice of remaking my pfp will haunt me forever.

  17. guess who's bday it is?

    its mine.

    i am now sweet 16.

    anyway thats all. have a good day everyone.

  18. Okay, 2020 really needs to chill.

    We get a monster hurricane, and now Chadwick Boseman(Black Panther actor)has died of cancer!

    This just sucks...

    Enough already.

  19. what, in your opinion, were some of the best/important facial rigs? i'm interested in finding the most influential facial rigs (such as zeuxs' and skibbz') and maybe some minor ones that pioneered advances in rig development

  20. that cup song meme is probably the fastest meme death in the internet's entire history

  21. Does mixeling mean "inconsistent pixel/voxel size"?

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