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Status Updates posted by Patrick

  1. This was the first minecraft video i ever watched.

    The only reason i started playing

  2.  want to make a rig but i have no ideas.



    1. BBruce7815


      not giving ideas 'cus i keep them for myself >:D


      maybe a desktop computer rig?

    2. Patrick


      "J.K Rowlings"

    3. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      How about a light bulb rig, so you can then hover it over your characters head to get an idea.

  3. "Whatever you're doing, keep at it!

    So post random status updates like this.

    1. Jaytience


      "Nora... don't ever do that again." "Well, it seems to be working so why shouldn't she?"

  4. (img) Just a non youtube rewind status update :o

    made some more renders sveZASM.pngAR2djdd.png

  5. [GIF]

    Just testing some stuff.


    1. HEDHNTR


      Random stepping. The only real problem with this.

    2. Patrick



      He moves slightly forward because he was originally gonna slay some zombies.

      and i was too lazy to remove it.

    3. HEDHNTR


      Hmm. When you look at it that way, the second step looks like a step back. So it looks like he messed up and panicked.

  6. [GIF] Watching a minecraft livestream on garrys mod


    1. NietyFox
    2. Patrick


      @NietyFox There is a twitch option too, 

      Hmm, what if i livestream me watching my own livestream? o.O

    3. BBruce7815
  7. [GIF] Working on the basics of my game


    Right now you can only move and switch weapons (which is just switching bullets for now)

  8. [More Info]



    So i made this new oc and its called

    FireElectro and basiclly it is made of fire and electric and its super good

    Its better then ender dragon.

    It shoots super fire beams out of his hand and makes the fire electric so that means that if water is trying to kill the fire the electric will get stronger so the world will explode but this guy will survive becouse he has no weakness and he only has 1 arm and 1 techological arm which means that he cant die and in mgb he can become something called OC and doesnt even have weakness and his english doesnt even be good when it happens so that means that its so op.

    (yes dat was a jouke)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crow Robot

      Crow Robot

      nice one you all me all nice and angry then revealed it was a joke hahaha good one my friend +1

    3. Emaniplex
    4. DigitalEvorian
  9. [RIG] Almost done with the rig for my new character, how does this look?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -StickyMations-


      It looks like that guy with grey hair from naruto

    3. MrPops


      @-StickyMations- Kakashi

      Please excuse my nerdiness.

      Image result for kakashi

    4. Patrick



      You won't believe how many have told me that today. xD


  10. [VID] 2017 Is already bad.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HEDHNTR


      That, and SOOOO many Greenlight games that got in via upvote bots.

    3. Jaytience


      Emoji Movie. Because apparently someone thought that was a legitimately good idea... urgh, what has this world come to...

    4. HEDHNTR


      The only thing funny about this movie is they scraped a really good looking Popeye movie, for this.

  11. Modelling the pickaxe for the Pickaxe collab ignore the handle


  12. Got banned from hypixel for using optifine.. Made a ban apeal. 

    "Got denied for using modifications that were not allowed" 


    1. willingsas


      hypixel is overrated anyways.

    2. Patrick


      @willingsas It is, but its pretty fun there.

    3. Ethaniel


      I once got banned for telling someone to kill themselves.

  13. d73d9720d86948aa448444e651a934a1.png

    Are you Mine imator, C4D and a rigger?

    i dont get it

  14. Haven't made a facial rig in almost a year.

    Here is some screenshots of the one im making now.

    Tell me what you think!




  15. i hit 500 likes! ey



    Any wallpaper/render requests since i hit 500 likes

  16. 20 more rep and i will become a superstar i think.

    wwe fanboy confirmed

  17. 399 reps.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Patrick


      Right after i dont get a Fatal error when i select your skin xD

      @Lapis Productions

    3. Lapis Productions

      Lapis Productions


      Is meh skin to gud for Mine-imator?



    4. Patrick


      @Lapis Productions

      Im uploading it to youtube now.

      If it wasnt for the 1 fps i would make it longer 




  18. 99 Reps


  19. After almost giving up with trying to get my profile pictures to not look bad.

    i did it.

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