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Status Updates posted by Mercury

  1. Hey, you are back! A while ago I was worried you disappeared from the forums forever, that you couldn’t improve. But now I see you with a chance of your big improvement in the future :D

  2. How do you update Mine-Imator to 1.2.5 if you already have one? Sorry, but I am still new to Mine-Imator. :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mercury


      I already got installer, and I do what what says?

      Lmao I am pretty bad at understanding things XD

    3. crustyjpeg


      do what is says basically means press ok constantly

      i'm not totally sure how to use the installer as i don't ever use it

    4. Mercury
  3. How would you like your exclusive wallpaper? If so, I can pin you to the list of “exclusive wallpapers for m8s”.

  4. I am very pissed that everyone mocks me and kept pinging me in Hozq’s discord server, so I left. I didn’t regret it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HeYoNia


      @MineWallpaper Mute is a thing, are you aware of that.

    3. Mercury
    4. HeYoNia


      oh oop reminds me of that time my dad told me i was an "oopsie"

  5. i finally have minecraft :D!

    1. Ghatos


      congrats, have fun!

    2. Korbs
  6. Imma make my own character design to resemble my new name, mates

  7. Imma need your skin please.

  8. Imma need your skin plz. Not the girl one.

  9. Is my new pfp better, or should I remain with the old one?

  10. Just to clarify, I am using  TLauncher  account ?

  11. May I ask why you downvoted my wallpaper? Critics can help me improve, so can you give a reason why?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ethaniel


      Dont do this please.

    3. Ian_The_One
    4. MojangYang


      LAN, ?

      but seriously CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is appreciated. Unreasonable ones are often not.

  12. mmmm birthday coming mmmm yesss

  13. My latest wallpaper Knights 2 had 3 upvotes and I gotta say, it looks pretty amazing! Can you look over it and give me some suggestions if something's off? SharpWind gave me a tip about light rays, and turned out very well :P

  14. Ok, what’s happening to the Showcase? It’s not showing me my 11 upvoted wallpaper.

    1. Frost


      It'll come in like 30 mins. Usually comes around 10:30am (for me).

    2. Mercury


      Where are you?

      i am in Texas(not)

  15. Shot, I am wondering if you could make Withered Francisco Pizzaro's rig. Imma try to use it for Francisco Pizzaro's Song Wallpaper. If you can't, no worries! Your Fredbear can do for It's Me Wallpaper!

    1. ShotU


      I don't know if I can as I don't have a concept for Withered Francisco Pizzaro's

    2. ShotU


      I don't know if I can as I don't have a concept for Withered Francisco Pizzaro's
      Most of my models are Mine-Imator recreations of Trainguy's Blender and Maya models

    3. Mercury



      Actually, like Francisco Pizzaro from ZAMINATION. I am curious to see if you could.

  16. Should I make a fad trailer, or Pixel Gun 3D trailer?

  17. Something's wrong. Every week, the 10 upvotes or higher wallpapers gets to be in Showcase, and now it's already Sunday. Did the MI mods forgot to add them?

    1. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      i think it's automatic, since things that were made before the MI showcase got in here. 

    2. Mercury


      Ok. Thanks for the remind!

  18. Thanksgiving’s coming soon! Imma go get some Minecraft turkeys!

    1. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      I got bad news for you. Minecraft doesn't have turkeys.

    2. Mercury


      True, but in Mine-imator, it’s a free real estate >:)

    3. TexasTony04


      I made a turkey rig a while back. They're just a wee bit creepy.

  19. Used 3 of ya Buff Steve models and when I want to turn it into a wallpaper, multiple errors came out. Help me plz.

    1. Ian_The_One



      crash log?

    2. Mercury


      Just a few more hours...

  20. Waited for months for the day to come, and the reward is satisfying. When I get mega rich, I shall put $10M into your account and David's, and Voxy's, and the team of MB/MI.

  21. Welp, it's 4 days after my second forum anniversary lol

  22. What song should I do for my first animation of Undertale? "Judgement", "Stronger Than You", or "To The Bone"?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mercury


      I think Judgement is better. Listened to it and my favorite song.

    3. Ethaniel


      Reality Check Throughout The Skull though, pretty good song. 

    4. Mercury


      Lemme see it.

  23. What you did on Alfa's art was really cringy, man. If you believe someone stole something from rightful owner, report it and let the mods do the rest. Creating drama or some argument is NOT acceptable here(i think), so please try refraining doing so, man. It breaks my heart, Frost ?

    1. Frost


      1. Stealing art is not the mods responsibility nor do I think they can actually remove a topic because of it, by this forum's mod rules.

      2. Drama happens all the time, nobody likes it, but there's not a rule against it. Mods can lock a topic if it gets too out of hand though.

      I am sorry for what happened, and I know I was wrong.

    2. MojangYang


      Frost, every donut made in blender by directly following Guru's tutorials are the same.

      He made a blender donut. How do you know he stole it? There isn't anything sketchy about him.


      Leave me out. I'm just glad the drama is over

  24. What's Inventory? Is it a coding log for MI and MB? Would it change MI's name into Inventory? please tell me Inventory isn't MI's name replacement

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShotU


      It's literally just a MC advancement reference

    3. Voxy


      I'll explain the name choice in a dedicated post, but as said above, "Inventory" is the name I've given to the design system I've built for Mine-imator and Modelbench. The apps aren't getting a name change, it's just the internal name for all the bits and pieces that make up the new user experience. :) 

    4. ShotU


      Ah, thought it was just a reference.

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