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Cryptic Runner

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Status Updates posted by Cryptic Runner

  1. I don't care about your opinion. I'm just gonna post stuff.

    Reputation was made to get hate.

    And i am a good designer and animator,but everybody hates me.

    Brick Planet is the best website ever. Nobody is toxic.

    1. SkythecreeperCS


      Alot of people are toxic on BP


      Reputation was made to show people who are good artists, animators, creators, and people who are reliable

  2. i don't know where to put this so here: 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ghatos


      Now I see it

      But what is it? a garry's mod server?

    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      a garry's mod gamemode

    4. Ghatos
  3. I finally went to space...


    But after that, i tried going on the ISS and i died.



  4. i finished the Deca City SPAS 13 for a public weapon pack i'm going to release. I'm not putting too much detail in it either, but i'm putting alot of research in guns.


  5. i hate microsoft even more.. also isn't this outdated?


    1. __Mine__


      Ugh, Element Animation... I hate them.

      And they just had to go and collab with them.

  6. i hate when people write "imposter" instead of "impostor" right after they say "impostor" or right after it's shown to them

    just why???

    1. Draco63


      Even couldn't remember it's spelled "impostor," and I'm the grammar nazi here.

  7. i have finally rendered my first image on blender that looks like something


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fray


      I can’t use blender ;-;

    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      blender is pretty hard tbh, i'll never really use it ever again

    4. 9redwoods
  8. i honestly want to just shoot a gun at this entire forum to destroy it like a balloon, but it's like that balloon has poisonous gas. i hope some of you understand what i mean.

    add like 10 million arenas of people shouting at me to shoot the balloon, and it works even more

    that means, yes, it's pretty much possible that i could leave this lava pit of souls punching and grabbing me all the time for no particular reason and i might completely just go on twitter! (and obviously still post content i make here tho)

    cmon guys! mock off of me by saying "oH i'M lEaViNg tHe fOrUmS bEcAuSe oF a fEw iDiOtS" or something like that. i know some of you guys who do that kind of stuff, do it! feel victorious that some dude who just wanted to share his creation could leave, but hey guys, it was a journey. an awful journey, but still a journey


    if you have anything you want to say about this you can tell me by the way, i (probably) won't care though

    1. Ian_The_One


      finnaly someone understands my hatred for this community.

    2. wafflecakes
  9. i just saw a car ad and the first thing that was said was "ouh" which sounded alot like the gnomed meme 



    1. Rawami


      1. lol

      2. You dont have an adblocker?

    2. Cryptic Runner
  10. i just tought about making a music video for thriller



    i mean isn't it a great song tho lol

  11. i just vomited in the kitchen at the same place as last time i vomited and it was while i was playing a survival game on roblox just like when i vomited while playing another similar survival game on roblox too.

    vomiting coincidences ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gfamleit


      i havent vomitted in like 4 years

    3. Ethaniel
    4. Draco63


      And now, a sneak peek of "The Rest of This Conversation!"

      Okay boomer

      Okay boomer

      Okay boomer

  12. i like how spotify's always like "get 1 month free of premium!" every picosecond

    meanwhile when i try to redeem that it says "sorry this is not available where you live"

    1. Ghatos


      Spotify is xenophobe???? ??????

  13. i love how in open world games where you're part of a resistance, destroying billboards counts as stopping oppression so people are like "wow he has destroyed the billboard, our savior!"

  14. I met a game dev today and he motivated me alot to make games and to start modelling


    1. MasterArcher12


      (would add sad reaction but somehow ran outta reactions already :steve_tearful:

  15. i plan to make a comic and a comic series with mine imator


    stay tuned i guess?

  16. i really like windows 11, apart from some sliiiight issues like the start menu being vastly different, installing taking a while and slight delays that were already in windows 10. it's pretty good overall though, performance increased in some games, all programs work properly, many UI redesigns are extremely welcome (media player thing isn't on the top left corner and is instead on the bottom right corner and only shows up when it actually needs to) and sometimes there are improvements with sound and visual quality in games somehow. 

    and yes, you'll keep everything you had before. some games had their graphics settings reset, but other than that it's fine.

    1. niam


      Average Windows 8.1 enjoyer


  17. i swear blender i'm gonna beat the heck out of you




  18. i think i have a proper (basic) concept for madness district's gameplay: 

    the first time the player joins, they're spawned in a factory (to work with the lore). they have to find a way out, then they can explore the gargantuan world. to stop spawning in the factory, the player has to buy a home. the problem is, where can they get money? the player can do heists on many places (best organized with multiple people) or do justice by stopping the criminals. players can make teams and invite other players to join them (or make them public), which enables pvp (pvp is disabled by default, for people who just want to chill out and explore). players can also participate in specific jobs to earn cash too.

  19. I think i'll put the halo theme as the intro for overlife episode 3


    should i do it?

    1. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      Which one? Halo CE, halo CE anniversary, halo 2, halo 2 anniversary, halo 3, or(my personal favorite soundtrack) halo 4? I have all of them.

    2. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      Halo CE probably

  20. i think you probably know what wallpaper i'm gonna make next (after the cursed minecraft wallpaper) if i'm listening to these:



  21. i watched the detective pikachu movie in premiere




    i'd rate it 9.9/10

    1. Aeolyx


      i love pokemon

    2. Jake_28


      Gotta catch em’ all!

    3. Ghatos


      Gotta watch this movie!

      But first I MUST watch endgame before I get spoiled too much (some a**holes told me some spoils è_é, but thanks to my very bad memory I don't remember who died :D)

  22. i watched the steven universe movie without knowing it was a musical 


    is there even an expression for that?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      i mean the movie actually was good


      it's just that it had more songs than a disney movie

    3. Ratchet55


      If you watch the show, you'll know it's a musical movie

    4. Slime


      The best part about Steven Universe is the soundtrack.

  23. i watched totoro and spirited away

    am i a weeb

    1. Draco63


      you basically watched the japanese version of disney movies, so you're a child weeb

  24. i wish i had eagle ears, that way i could criticize home resonance, a perfect track








    wait if it's perfect then i can't criticize it

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