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niam last won the day on September 13 2024

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About niam

  • Rank
    Advanced Modeler
  • Birthday June 29

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  • Member Title
    Advanced Modeler
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    UTC +7
  • Interests
    Vehicles, Guns, Architecture
  • Minecraft username

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  1. It was quite a journey. 2008 Nov 14 at 09:44 AM - IBC Plaza, South Manahatta, USA. Original unedited render: Models used: International Business Center Complex: TBR* Static NPC pack: TBR* Niam's Stylized Character Model: TBR*
  2. Making static NPC models for renders. (Open Alpha)


    This project is now open for public so anyone can contribute and included for the credits.

    You can help this project by making variations of the skins provided. If anyone's interested, I'll send you the raw .pdn file. Or if you have your own skin and would like to be featured, you can just send it right away*. And this project will become free to public.


    Join my Discord server if you have any questions or send me a message via Forums messenger

    *(certain rules have to be followed for style consistency)


    Otherwise, it won't be available for public. If I'm the only one who contributed to the project.

    1. Fover
    2. niam


      Could be better if you're willing to contribute :steve_wink:


  3. Mixed reality.

    (Top of the World Observatory Deck on the IBC Tower Two, South Manahatta)


  4. I added my Modelbench model into Minecraft (sort of)


  5. why does nobody use the story mode style for their characters?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. niam


      I agree that some people actually made their own good styles which based on anime style, but then most people especially new to the MI are trying to do such styles leaving the original Minecraft style behind

      ... I just wanna see more people use the original Minecraft style with its consistency

    3. Ludo Silver

      Ludo Silver

      I hope the same

      The Minecraft style has very much potential and not many people use it

    4. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      Well I am late to the Party, but to add is that everyone has a different view and when creating art, you create it in your perspective, how you want to see things, I find myself many times that, wow that style is so cool I wanna do that, but it just doesn't fit. that's how I slowly made my style, though you can still like other styles like I like the Mojang Trailer style, but then come some drawbacks, you still want to show things your way, like bendable stuff or more detail, and such things where you then again split off of that style, like the Story mode style is good, but personally I am more into the all smooth and not body smooth and face Pixelated, it's its own style and its great, but not fitting to me, and many apparently find things on it that make them to not wanting it as their primary style.


      Thats long...

  6. wip-ibc3-backyard1-2.png


    just testing an image hosting service because some of my images I uploaded there has gone missing for no reason.



  7. A modified pickup truck (Albatross Grand Laysan II Carrier) used for police patrol and escort. Livery based on Indonesian National Police Patrol and Escort. It is still a part of REvO-4: Das Automodell Vehicle Pack. Can't update the post since it's locked. Download go to my page
  8. Truck model by me, made using modelbench. Scenery "Quarry slope" by DronWork at Sketchfab. "Mesh to meshcache" and converting tutorial by Mr. Doon and Manicminermemer at Mine-imator Forums (link to the post) If you're not familiar with Blender or general 3D stuff, these kinda thing will blow your mind (by confusion), its complicated at least for now.
  9. Dorcy's is always full? Well of course, because that place is only for those who can't afford to dine in at the world's highest restaurant, Windows of the World Restaurant is now open on the 106th and 107th floor of IBC One Tower. Real businessman goes to Windows of the World!
  10. Lower Manhattan in 1995 map by aBitterMelon on Planet Minecraft The Twin Towers by me
  11. IBC1 (WTC 1973) public preview, view in 3D!

  12. IBC towers (WTC 1973) interior first and second floor.


    First floor aka the express elevator lobby


    Second floor, Plaza level


  13. WIP International Business Center One and Two (WTC 1973)


  14. there's no way I can fix every missing images on all of my posts. I won't ask the moderator to unlock all of it. It's just not worth it, right?

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