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Aisu Uchibi

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Aisu Uchibi last won the day on February 5

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About Aisu Uchibi

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  • Birthday January 26

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  1. a mix of both, I scaled up a normal player without a higer resolution and changed the positions of the legs, arms and head. And then, to hide, I modeled on top of the body.
  2. This is the idea, but worse. X)
  3. Sometimes, you just don't want to be here, but you are here when it happens.
  4. I don't know how to repare it, I don't use BlockBench. ModelBench is more used because it's made specifically for Mine-imator.
  5. And I lost all my schematics and maps.

    that's ... annoying.

  6. Well, it's going to be one of those days ...
  7. When you duplicate something from the timeline, it also duplicate the keyframes. You can either delete the keyframes manually or duplicate with this :
  8. Working on something quite massive.

    I know, we don't see the scale at all


    1. PearAnimations


      It does seems quite massive.

  9. You "can't" install this version on your current mine-imator, you will need to download the whole software and then migrate your current projects in the new version
  10. Well, looks like I'm back.

    I was supposed to be gone for some times but my project ended earlier than expected.

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