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Ninja Dino

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Status Updates posted by Ninja Dino

  1. I thought of something recently. Maybe the key to finishing animations and creating them in general isn't motivation. Maybe it's discipline. Most of the time I give up on animations because I become uninspired and think "Well, what's the point if im not enjoying myself to the fullest?" Maybe part of animation is marching through the pain of unmotivation to create an incredible final product.

  2. Wow I just realized that profile picture. It's a great day to be alive isn't it?

    1. ShadowGMC


      hes been banned for days and you didnt even notice

    2. TwoToRule


      How did you not notice?

    3. Chirp


      Why is he banned?

      I found him on the discord


  3. I recently put two whole days into making my next animation. I checked it today. It was 55 seconds worth of work and it was AWFUL. It was rushed, I could've made 70% of the movments better, the scenery was too big. So I decided to completely scrap it, and now im trying over again to make it. This time I wont rush it and will put care and effort into every movement. I should be uploading an animation soon.

  4. Today there were a bunch of dead cows on a highway where I live.

    Im not kidding, let me explain. So my dad told me that today some guy was driving in a car that was holding cows and something happened causing the cows to get out of the truck. The truck was on a highway so the cows either got hit or fell down onto some poor joe's car or get ran over down there.

    It's kind of funny, and sad at the same time. Let us all take off our hats in respect to all the cows that lost their lives today. I might update ya'll about this situation later.

  5. I can now confidently say that after about 2-3 weeks of learning I know most of the fundamentals of the Python language. I plan on getting a good book on Java this Christmas, and am practicing programming in general on Project Euler. Just felt like I should brag about this.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Creeperz Animations

      Creeperz Animations

      True, my friend got me into coding and I had a hard time at first, but I feel like I'm grasping it.

    3. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh


      You don't need a book, look up tutorials and documentation online and take a look at some example/open source code.

    4. Rollo


      I would keep an eye on Humble Bundle. Sometimes they release book bundles for coding books, and I once got a GameMaker Game Bundle with a bunch of OpenSource games.

  6. I love this new profile photo.

    1. tditdatdwt


      Love you too, BIG SACK.

  7. Bro, what the heck is this? O_o


  8. >Woke up.

    >Did daily routine.

    >Went to bus stop for school.

    >Me and my sister miss the bus.

    >We walk home in the rain.

    >Mom wants us to go to school.

    >We don't, neither does brother.

    >Totally got away with it.


    >Hears argument upstairs.

    >Brother and sister fighting over TV.

    >I start messing with my sister using my Roku remote app.

    >She gets mad at me and my little brother, and chases us.

    >Shes gets so mad she breaks my little brother's tablet.

    >Me and my sister are hiding in her room from my brother who now has a knife.

    >We eventually get out and capture my brother.

    >We try to tie him to a chair with plastic wrap.


    >Try to tie him up with rope.


    >We eventually fight a lot, and I end up punching my brother in the face for the first time.

    >He screams like Satan.

    >Eventually we resolve everything.

    >After some conversation we have another mission.

    >Flashback to the past

    >Me and my brother once buried all my sister's toys because we hate her.

    >Flashback to present

    >We accidentally told her about the toys and have to get them back.

    >I dig for about a couple minutes.

    >She gets her toys back.

    >We all come back home.

    The end. Probably.

    1. SkythecreeperCS
    2. Emaniplex


      Image result for pepe react scream

      >General child-like nonsense and mental processes


      I wish we had more formatting options...

    3. Kwazedilla
  9. My sister walked when I was watching this.


  10. Today is my first day of school in the 8th grade. Wish me luck?

    1. Trollfa


      Yesterday was my first day of school in the 7th grade. Good luck?

    2. Dr. Cuto

      Dr. Cuto

      Welcome to hell bro

    3. Josh The Stupad

      Josh The Stupad

      welp... sure... good luck m8

  11. Please tell me im not the only one who knows/remembers this.


    1. Kwazedilla


      You're the only one that remembers this.

  12. THIS is what's wrong with the Mine-Imator community today.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ninja Dino

      Ninja Dino

      It wasn't spam. It was an intelligent conversation with other members on the forum Topic.

    3. Jovan0896
    4. Ethaniel


      Why do you hate me, Ninja Dino?

  13. In case you missed it:


  14. Just started rendering my FULL ANIMATION. Unfortunately it's gonna take like 4 hours or more to render. I had to make this status update on my phone because of it.

  15. I've been animating in Blender for a while now, and I love it. At first it was really intimidating, but now I feel like animating in Blender is easier than Mine-Imator. The Inverse kinematics, and bending is just so 10/10. I MIGHT go on a full change from Mine-Imator to Blender on my channel by next year or something. I don't know yet. :I_approve:

    1. Dannyboi


      I'm reasonably good at modelling in Blender but I have no idea how to do animation.

    2. Rollo


      I feel ya. I tried a Udemy course for Blender but really I was like 3 sections ahead already just from messing around in the interface.

      I don't know how to animate yet, but I think I may do the same.

  16. I've been grinding on this animation all day. Here's a little preview of it. I feel like I should let you people know what I've been up to since I haven't uploaded in a while.


    1. Kwazedilla


      Looks good. I'd say to make him spring when he gets off the bed and stand up, as if his legs were absorbing the impact :) v

  17. Soooo, there's this big thing going around the internet about people trying to get rid of net neutrality or whatever.

    That's it... This is the last straw... We are officially entering Internet War I...

    1. Ninja Dino

      Ninja Dino

      Here's a video for explanation n' stuff.


    2. Caeden117


      TL;DR for people who want to know:

      Net Neutrality is how you are enjoying your free and open internet without big giant monopolies taxing the hell out of you for internet speeds faster then what I have right now (~1MB/s)

      I'm suprised no one tried to ammend the United States Constitution to make all companies treat the Internet as a basic human right (The United Kingdom did this) but because of political reasons and the pretty much 50/50 split between Democrats and Republicans, there is a stupidly low chance that this will actually happen.

  18. So CNN recently threatened to Dox some guy for creating  a Internet phenomenon they found "offensive."

    These are dark times indeed...

  19. I found a really good quote today, that I believe says a lot about a certain group of people I will not mention.

    "Spoiled children interpret anything less than full acquiescence to their demands as hatred."


    1. Sebablixa


      Obviously about the trash diver community.

  20. Im trying a new strategy for making animations. Everyday I animate for only one hour. When the hour is up I instantly stop, and do something else. This helps me because it puts on pressure for me to not procrastinate because I know I only have one shot a day at it. It's also more effective than putting all of my energy into one day of making animation, and being too burned out for the rest of the week. Hopefully I'll be able to make a new animation thanks to this. I was going a bit insane with just free-style animating.

    1. Sebablixa


      I might try this strategy. I hope you make some cool animations and better yourself as an animator because of this.

  21. Hey guys, tell me what you think of my epic isometric cow that I made :3333333333333333


    1. lou3d


      Cow? What cow? .-.

    2. Ninja Dino

      Ninja Dino

      It's clearly a cow. I should know since I went to "cow studies" in college.

    3. lou3d
  22. So this is just something funny that I found. I was registering for a fun looking game that I discovered via website, and while I was filling out the "gender", area I saw this...


    1. Dannyboi



    2. Trollfa


      If people discover that it's a birth disorder it'll be too soon.

  23. I was just making a YTP "Shane Dawson Trys Eating D*ldos", and Sony Vegas fricking crashed, and I didn't save and now I hate everything! I think I need something deep-fried and covered in chocolate :facepalm:

    1. Ninja Dino

      Ninja Dino

      Nevermind I just got back in, and somehow it's still perfectly fine even though I didn't save. All is well ^w^

      Sorry for le outburst people

    2. Trollfa


      Vegas autosaves, and sometimes if you're lucky, it saves right before it crashes so you don't loose any progress!

  24. Well, summer is finally here. Which is basically a really long parole from prison (ha ha). I think I'll start working on my animations more often for my channel, and maybe start a new MGTOW channel. Without school I finally get to have a life for a short amount of time. More stuff is on the way guys.

    1. Ethaniel


      I have a week left before summer.


      Fun fact: School and prison have the same amount of letters.

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