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Status Updates posted by KicksBrickster

  1. Sonic Ether is back at it again. Not a shader this time, though.

    A realistic acoustic environment mod. This is gonna be fun to mess with.


    1. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      already seen it, also, theres a mod thats been doing the exact same thing for years, only difference that this one has settings... which is why I'll be switching to this one.

    2. [GMK]animations
  2. I can't say that I did no work on my comic today.

    I can say that I did a little tiny bit of work on my comic today.

    I can also say that I did barely any.

    Take your pick.

  3. I realized just now that my entire life is either not wanting to get out of bed cos it's so comfortable or not wanting to go to bed cos there's so much to do.

    1. willingsas


      Every. Single. Time.

  4. I can draw hands now. It only took me five years, but I finally figured it out.

    You do not understand my satisfaction right now.

    1. Tiedemies1


      i can draw (almost) realistic hands. but not human-like things, they look like deformed monstrosities. but i guess its a good thing for you that you can draw hands now. :thumbsup:

    2. NotAn...


      I do... Hands is a nightmare xD

  5. But I don't wanna get out of bed... it's so warm and cozy...

  6. Three panels down. Three to go.

  7. This is totally not a preview of anything at all. Please ignore it.


    1. willingsas



  8. Experimental test stream in just a few minutes:


    1. KicksBrickster


      But nobody came...

      Eh, I was having issues with my CPU usage anyway. I'll have to mess with some settings.

  9. Anyone at all interested in a stream for the first page of this comic? I've gotta eat first, but I finished the sketch, so I was gonna start drawing it. I just wanna know if anyone is actually interested first.

    I'll probably stream regardless, but I just want to check.

  10. I was productive today. Two MI wallpapers (to be released later), the sketch for page one, and an entire remix, plus five episodes of Assassination Classroom and two hours of The Last Guardian with Jackaboy...

    I'm not sure how I managed to fit all that in seven hours, to be honest. Still, at least I can finish page one entirely by Sunday and have some stuff to release. This should be a fun weekend.

  11. Me while trying to draw page one of my comic while also watching three art livestreams simultaneously:

    'Ok, I'm gonna go cry about my incompetence in the corner now...'

    Mental note: Don't watch livestreams while drawing. It will make you feel like you know nothing.

    1. Benji


      do you read twokinds?

    2. KicksBrickster


      As a matter of fact, yes. That was one of the livestreams I was watching. Always cool to watch, unless I'm trying to do the same thing myself... ;P

  12. Assassination Classroom is absolutely hilarious. Although... I still can't figure out whether Nigasa is a boy or girl... ah well, I'll figure it out.

    1. Emaniplex
    2. Ethaniel


      Basically me with Soul Eater and Crona, I still cant decided. 

    3. CatOnCaffeine


      Nagisa is a boy but was intended to be a girl and would have had a relationship with Karma. The ships are still there though. @EthanForeverAlone Crona's gender has never been fully stated but most like to believe the anime adaptation is a male crona and the manga has a female crona.

      Anime lorax signing out


      (Assassination classroom turns into a real tear jerker near the end, dont get too attached to the characters if you can help it)

  13. People always get so mad when an exploit is patched. It's funny to watch, really.

  14. On the plus side, I did finish the script for chapter one today. Now I just need to create or gather my last few brushes and adjusting Photoshop's UI to my liking, and we are good to go.

    Out of curiosity, if I did decide to stream while drawing some of the pages, would anyone be interested? I know I asked that before.

  15. I have a C in band right now. Know why? Because the stupid, glitchy, no-good software my school decided to pay for to keep track of band work went and deleted every single one of my practice logs since October without warning, so when the teacher went to grade them, guess what happened?

    And I can't even fix it, cos it's locked me out of anything older than a week. Time to email my teacher...

    1. Zeno


      That's bullshit. You're good, dude.

    2. willingsas


      Show them your youtube channel.


  16. *Watching SAO 2 despite how many people say it's bad*

    Seriously though, does anyone have a suggestion for a decent anime I could watch? Heck, a decent show in general. I need something to waste my time on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. willingsas


      Jojo's bizarre adventures. It's weird, every character is a strong man, very japanese-ish; etc.

      I think you can watch the most recent part (part 4) and part 2 without having to watch the others, since they really don't connect too much with the previous parts.

    3. KicksBrickster


      I haven't actually seen any real anime other than SAO, so... yeah.

      I'll look into Assassination Classroom. I think I've heard of it and if I recall they said it's pretty good. Dunno about the other one. I don't care for wierdness all that much (ironic, given what I draw... oh well).


    4. willingsas


      @KicksBrickster It's not just weird stuff, it's interesting.

  17. It's completely normal for someone to ask for four different books on furry drawing techniques for Christmas, right? Like, that's something normal people do?

    No? Just me? Oh well.

    1. Zeno


      Because people consider furries "normal" in the first place.

      Aight. :P 

  18. I finally found a game that satisfies my childlike thirst for a realistically scaled universe. The scale of everything in this game is just so freaking huge. The distance between things, the size of the planets... It's satisfying that itch, to say the least.

    The game is called Eve, and it's free to play on Steam, if you're interested.

  19. I finally managed to find a way to enable glass on my taskbar without crashing my computer.

    I now have glassed every possible thing there is to glass on Windows. My theme is complete.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. willingsas



      Are you sure you don't want a Scooby-Snack? Like, they're totally groovy! You heard him, Scoob? Old pal, old friend? He ain't want 'em! Welp, old friend; you're still gonna get the jinkies zoinked.

    3. Zeno


      @KicksBrickster It's tomorrow, make with the goodies. :P

    4. KicksBrickster


      https://www.dropbox.com/s/r6xg3193kmjt46v/Here ya go.zip?dl=0

      Inside it a text file that should explain everything.

      Be sure to send a screenshot. I wanna know how it looks on someone else's PC. ;P

  20. New remix coming out tomorrow, just so you know.

    This one was kinda difficult. It took me a few tries to get it right.

  21. Not bad considering I had to make all of the brushes I used for this from scratch, and I didn't touch Photoshop until last night.


    I've got a little relearning to do.

  22. Sometimes watching art livestreams makes me feel like an utter moron. How could I not think of something so simple? Seriously, these methods are so simple and straightforward that I should have thought of them ages ago...

    The livestream in question is by the same person who inspired my present style, and I will be *ahem* borrowing a few of these methods to improve my work, especially if I'm moving back into Photoshop.

    Honestly, though... these guys seem like absolute geniuses to me... I need more practice...

    1. willingsas


      Ah, i know who are you talking about. I watch 'em too.

      So that means you're gonna be painting happy little trees?

  23. I need a second opinion on something. And probably a third and forth as well.

    As I'm working towards the first stages of creating my comic, I'm realizing that SAI doesn't have the tools I'm going to need to create things like panels and text boxes without significant hassle. I'm considering switching back to Photoshop, which will give me a lot more tools to accomplish this. 

    However, here's the catch: All of the assets and brushes I had with Photoshop are gone. They were erased when I had to reset my OS a few months ago, and since I haven't touched Photoshop as a drawing software since I haven't bothered to recreate them. I would have to recreate every single one of my brushes by hand in a program I haven't used for nearly five months, something that would be very time-consuming and difficult. 

    So here's where I need the second opinion: is it better to keep my assets in a program I'm comfortable with, or should I switch back to Photoshop and try to recreate my brushes and assets so I can have an easier time down the road?

    (And no, I can't use both. The keybinds are different in PS and SAI, and I have to adjust my tablet to match).

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KicksBrickster


      Welp, I guess that's the second opinion I needed.

      Man, I've got a lot of work to do...

    3. UnmutEMC


      I recommended you using Medibang, it's a free drawing software made especially for drawing comic.

      It does has things like panels, texts and half tones.

      It even has an application for phone which you can transfer your project from your PC on to phone, or phone to PC.

      You should really give it a try.

      it's gud.

    4. willingsas


      MS paint for the win 'suckas.

  24. *Puts tablet on flat surface to draw. cos arms are tired.

    *Immediately it's significantly easier to draw.

    Why did I not do this sooner?

    1. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      I wonder what he's drawing...

    2. KicksBrickster


      Not what you think, at the moment. I'll get to that in a few minutes.

  25. I still haven't found where that screw that fell out of my chair goes. None of them are missing. I checked the bottom, the back, the armrests, everywhere, and none of them are missing. Does not compute.

    This is how I go mad, isn't it?






    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rollo


      @willingsas Then why would it have fallen out of the chair?

    3. willingsas


      @Colonel Muffin Maybe it was just sticked up on the chair.

    4. Rollo


      @willingsas OOOOH ye. K that would make sense now that I think about it.

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