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Keep on Chucking

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Status Updates posted by Keep on Chucking

  1. Incase you missed it: 


  2. Regarding anyone that assumes were claiming the graphics in the tutorials, we're not, I'm simply recording tutorials about different graphical things you can do within mine imator, I never said I was claiming these, I just ask for credits or a share at the end of the video, but always mention that it's optional and not mandatory, I just say that it helps the channel (which it does) I hope that cleared up some fog for some people.

  3. Oh my... a2GlX7a.png

    1. King of skulls
    2. Allemn


      Senpai noticed you.

    3. Skjold


      Senpai has noticed a lot of people y'know..

  4. I definitely still have to learn how to use drawing tablets...



  5. For anybody who STILL doesn't know what PCSS is, I set up the intensity way more than I should just to demonstrate it on this image:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @Emaniplex look at the shadow of the cacti

    3. Emaniplex


      @Keep on Chucking I did.

      ... But now I see that the shadows closer to the base are much more solid than the ones farther away. Is this your doing?!  :v

    4. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @Emaniplex yes, I made a tutorial on it a while back

  6. Here's a few more images of the way I do my lighting now, I really like how this looks (especially the third and second image) I will be integrating these into animations, if anybody has any ideas of what I should try and make graphically, or try and make tutorials of, I'm open for suggestions:




    these images were not edited in any way

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @Allemn Thanks :D it lags like crazy, but it will definitely improve animations

    3. Emunator


      Really loving the last one.

    4. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @Emunator Thanks, I probably won't have to make a tutorial on this, this uses PCSS and the lightbox, just replaced the lightbox with point lights and voila, I can use the lightbox and PCSS together, lag is real though, I didn't even get a single frame per second in the last image so if you use this to animate with, finish the project first, then do the graphics before rendering.

  7. This is completely worth all the lag and 5 times longer render times:


    1. Varen


      Will ya actually make animations with it or like wallpapers with characters

      I want to see how you would integrate them into the scenery 

    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

       @Varen I myself won't really animate much, I'm putting my effort into kiepocu, as of now we're just putting tutorials on there, but once we get the time, we'll start working on animations (even a series) which we will integrate these graphics in.

  8. PCSS and the lightbox look really good toghether, BUT THE LAG IS SO REAL!!!



    1. -StickyMations-


      I don't even use any of that, and my real time render FPS is like this:


      Not sure if it's the same for most members, but you get used to it :PPPP


    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      Yeah, I run HD mode without any modifications at 60fps normally, my pc is pretty old (4 years) but when I bought it it was like 2,000$ and I managed to use some things to my advantage (older pc related and discount related things) and managed to get it for 750$ and it still holds up pretty well today, I can play gta V at 60 fps, but with the amount of things I do graphically, I might be time for an upgrade soon...

    3. Achroma MC

      Achroma MC

      My run 1 FPS when previewing the render.

      I envy you and your computer.

  9. I know this is pretty simple to do, but I'll be making a tutorial on it anyways, since I thought it looked pretty neat, I'm finishing off the already planned tutorials first though, so this one will have to wait a wee bit.



    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. ÜberKiller


      @Keep on Chucking That's just a link to the same image, which won't work since the image is hosted on imgur. Imgur is a blocked website here.

      I'm asking if you have a mirror: A mirror would be the same file, but on a different website.

      If it's too much trouble I can try and rehost it on an unblocked website using that link.

    3. Keep on Chucking
    4. ÜberKiller


      @Keep on ChuckingSame deal. No matter I suppose. I'll just view it when I get access to the internet tonight.

  10. Initially the volumetric clouds tutorial was going to be the last graphics tutorial, but I'm actually going to try and get as many graphics things as possible in the tutorial, planet and facial rig tutorial are up for debate and might not happen, and if I'd do one on the planet rig, it would have to be AFTER I make the first episode of the cubicle show public, so that would be a while, or I'd just release my old planet rig, nonetheless, look at dis teaser: http://imgur.com/NIeLi1b

    1. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      Requests will be taken into consideration and possibly made as well (if your request gets accepted you will be credited in the description saying: "this episode was suggested by so and so"

      Incase you're wondering about realistic lights, there's a few ways to create another global illumination effect with flash and streetlights, because imo, they're ALWAYS too bland

  11. We were going to do a kahoot in class. When my teacher arrived on the game pin section, he got rick rolled, while the game was starting up it was playing never gonna give you up @_@

  12. Incase yall Asian and European timezone folks missed it: (ink why it leads to someone's comment, but it leads to the post nonetheless,  so whateber)


    1. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      *I don't know 

    2. ShadowUnicorn_Gaming


      Basically Someone replied and you got a notification so

      you clicked that notification and it hass sent to 



      when you copied the link you also included this extra bit

      /#comment-621735 You need to delete this in order to send you to the full topic

      not the reply in the topic

      sorry my grammar maybe bad

  13. Incase yall missed it ya simpletons: 

    (Jk about the simpletons thingy)

  14. Tutorial on making vanilla lightrays will be uploaded to the kiepocu channel in approx ~1-2 hours, won't be around when it goes up, I have to go to sleep, it's 4:20AM and I'm still editing a video                /( ._.)\

  15. TFW you mispronounce something 4 times: 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @King of skulls yeah, it's a blooper from the next kiepocu graphics tutorial, should be out in a few minutes or so.

    3. Varen


      skhul-sky-scale slater-slider

    4. KicksBrickster


      You stumble over words worse than I do. And that's saying quite a lot. 

  16. Something is shaping up...





    1. Ninjabee_Redtricity


      I know what it is Exactly!

      (X-Files Music plays)

    2. NovaCeres


      Wait a sec..

      This looks like the city resort from Go Vacation!

  17. Rendering a school project... it's gonna need a hell of alot of editing because it looks like shit right now IMO

    1. SDWAN


      Just put some makeup over it. it'll hide the shittyness

  18. What should I make for dinner?

    (I'm serious, I want to make something I don't usually make)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ninja Dino
    3. Patrick


      What about what i said?

      Potato Kielbasa Skillet

    4. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @Patrick actually seems like a good idea, I might just go for something pasta related though, but I'll check it out.

  19. A lot of drama in the statusses lately, huh? I'm surprised that for once, I don't have anything to do with it (I will likely after this status update though :S )

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @ElvenShot I mean, yeah, I've done some shirty things in the past, but I tried improving my behaviour and being nice to everyone, and not take things that seriously nowadays :v

    3. Ninjabee_Redtricity


      @Keep on Chuckingheh,same,we all have some pretty bad mess ups in the past,but at least we learn from them L:

    4. Upgraded Moon

      Upgraded Moon

      Dang way to call people out and try to stir up more problems @ElvenShot

      Don't worry @Keep on Chucking. Things are going to get better. 

  20. Nothing left to say. 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MobKiller Animations
    3. KicksBrickster


      That's been a bug with Optifine's version of shaders for ages.

    4. Trollfa


      What Kicks said. Just install the official GLSL Shaders instead and hopefully it'll work well.

  21. Errmerrgerd the new version of the Seuss shader has been released, as soon as I get home, I'm gonna go download it and play arounnd with it on the realms (if they still exist by then)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @Voxy but who's running it now? And what's going to happen? Also, I wish I weren't at school so I could finally test the new shader >. <

    3. Voxy


      Nothing has changed about the staff, it's still the same, except we got two new builders on the team. The server has only been "unofficialised", but that's actually not a big deal. A future and complete rebrand that would be entirely separated from the forums was planned even before the launch of the Craftable Update, so it just speeds things up a little. <: 

    4. Keep on Chucking
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