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Status Replies posted by 9redwoods

  1. Every Minecraft world has fortresses, right? I went through two updates trying to find a Nether fortress, still no luck.

    I just created a second portal in an almost dead village, which was generated in 1.13. Summoning the courage to light it and go in, but I don't want to loose my xp.

  2. Asking after a conversation with someone: How many people here know that I’m adopted?

  3. How else can I learn MI without watching tuts? How did the tut makers learn how to use mi?

  4. I'm back but if the problem persists of my stuff being claimed as I stole or copied I'm gone for good.
    I really hate when my stuff is claimed as stole or copied.

  5. To anyone who thinks you can't have a true friendship online, screw you. I just spent an entire week in Florida to meet my best friend in person. Yes, I flew all the way to Florida, and spent a week there just to see him for 3 hours. Do I regret it? Not at all, I'd do it again.

  6. Now that's cool

    Goodbye, green screen.

    This method was also used heavily on the 2018 film "First Man".

    It gets a much better performance out of the actors.

  7. It's hopeless.

    Can't get my lighting to look good

  8. I decided to make my minecraft server public and got it a domain. JOIN IT!!


  9. Can you cry underwater?

  10. I decided to make my minecraft server public and got it a domain. JOIN IT!!


  11. redstone_monstrosity_test_glow.png

    just playing arround with the texture and glow... not really satisfied with the result, need more work

    long time no opening this forum, , , again... now am eazily getting sick fwhw, can't do my things productively..

  12. Minecraft have best soundtrack (at least for me)

  13. C0KvwUVRX5Fx_iz5xXejRk4G9fOOso2GmsLaDYEIp7kZwMA8hJkEy_bnzsll1KPb9_DCnLp6ZYPOArOeFxJc6caJshxExcRDR37YDV98Hdf0dfd8Yuaor7iOl6_fbuQV0GRhBj_l

    I made a bendable mouth for my new rig Im so happy!

  14. waffles or pancakes

  15. For some reason, I felt like you're Chef Ramsey, but in mine imator.

  16. fries or potato tots

  17. my current opinion, the new ui sucks on modelbench

    i would rather press a button to duplicate, or press a button to delete a element rather that having to go into the controls constantly to find shortcuts

    also why is there ssao in the view port?? i can understand for the preview, but the view port?

  18. Atm I'm working on a potential redesign of my oc. Here's what I've got so far.


    Constructive criticism appreciated.

  19. Atm I'm working on a potential redesign of my oc. Here's what I've got so far.


    Constructive criticism appreciated.

  20. Because I'm using MI most of my free time, I was saying to myself: I need to do something different that MI wallpapers, but animations are pretty hard and it takes a lot of time. Maybe I would try to do some let's play (without commentary).

    I'm working on it now. Try to find what game it is.

    Hint: B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ T_ _ _

    Hint 2: it's pc game, free to play

    (I hope it will be pretty easy to find it)

  21. "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do these deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

                                            -Theodore Roosevelt

  22. cake or pie 

  23. Modelbench...

    Where is it?

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