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Everything posted by Bugleberry

  1. Last night I posted a low poly wallpaper, so if you haven’t seen it, here: 


  2. Overall the wallpaper is nice to look at, something really just looks nice with extrudes and simple scenery and lighting, it honestly just has a nice charm to it! Although it may not seem like it, but there’s actually a lot going on, there’s space for a bit more detail on some of the people in this, but overall it’s pretty good! I do have some tips though. Please do not be offended, and remember this is all just my opinion and suggestions. Alright, lets start with the character models/rigs, like I said a above, it is lacking some detail, let me elaborate on that. Okay, most of the characters have nice details and extrudes, but some of them don’t, so it adds a weird sort of mix and loses a lot of consistency, just modeling a bit more extrudes on hair and sleeves could really improve this. The scenery and background details are next, alright so the scenery is really nice and detailed, but the end of the world is very visible, adding a hill or some trees there instead of the end of the scenery could really improve it, and overall make the entire wallpaper look better. Also, maybe make the grass colour less bright, it’s sort of hard on the eyes. The only problem with the camera, is it lacks DOF, and it lacks a decent angle, you could add some DOF on the background to add some more depth and detail, and you could improve the camera angle by bringing it down a bit and facing it up a bit. Overall the wallpaper is very nice and has a nice charm to it, I really like your style! @9redwoods if you want to civilly discuss the drama, my pms are open. We don’t need to flood bacons topic with false accusations and drama.
  3. Hello, after a lot of time and effort I finally finished this wallpaper, I hope to do more like this in the future. This is made 100% in Mine-Imator. Enjoy! Day Version: Night Version: Proof it's Mine-Imator: Credits: Everything by me. Thanks for viewing!
  4. People can start a lot of drama from a virtual down arrow.

  5. Alright, i'm gonna quickly comment on something that's been going around my posts and stuff.
    If downvote something of yours it's because I dislike what you said, I don't dislike you, I dislike what you posted. So please don't make up stupid assumptions that I hate you. Thanks for reading!:D 

    1. Rollo


      Because if you're getting disliked it's obviously not your own fault.

    2. Ethaniel


      Im tempted to dislike this for a stupid joke.

  6. I mean, it’s a nice start! But I have some tips. Please don’t be offended, I’m only trying to help. And remember, these are all suggestions and my opinion. Click the spoiler down beloe for the tips. Overall the animation is really good for your first, and I really like all the little details you added, good luck on your future animations, and I hope you use some of my tips for your next animations. Alright, that’s all I have to say, bye!
  7. Hey, I posted a free fall animation last night, check it out if you missed it!


  8. Clickbait yeeeeeeee I decided to post my entry for @Rollo's free fall collab, enjoy!
  9. Your location is a QR code, but why?

    1. Caeden117


      its not.

      think of it as 2 8x1 sections per row

      you'll thank me later

  10. Yes but have you ever developed a game in Gamemaker? If you didn't know the sounds are edited like that in an external program as well, I have not made a game in gamemmaker before, but i'm 90% sure it's not a feature, and that you could do it better in an external program. It takes almost 10 seconds to add fancy audio effects in audacity, plus it would sound a lot better then doing it in Mine-Imator probably.
  11. Oh hey it’s the 21st night of September.

    1. 9redwoods


      What happened then?

  12. Sure. Looking forward to seeing the end result, hopefully you put effort into this instead of just making one for likes. Goodluck!
  13. I'm gonna quickly rant about Minecraft's newish structures and mobs and items and stuff.

    The ocean structures are dumb, they almost always hold a treasure map and there basically the same one each time.

    Also, whats even the point of even going to another treasure location after you get the heart of the sea? It's a huge pain to dig out a ton of land to hopefully get a heart of the sea, it's also a huge pain because sometimes it spawns underwater, and you have to head to the surface every few seconds, plus the rewards are hardly ever worth it, and most of the time the treasure isn't even on the X.

     It's a bit more fun with a friend, but still it gets repetitive doing the same thing, search the ocean for a few minutes, find a map, dig up a ton of land, no heart of the sea? Repeat. Plus all these new mobs just get in the way well doing so, the drowns are really easy to kill, so they just become annoying if when you're searching for treasure. 

    Talking about the drowned, they shouldn't just drop a trident, I didn't even have iron armour by the time I had a chest full of tridents. Maybe there could be an underwater boss that drops the trident? Or maybe it could be in the ocean monument? It's just really lame how easy it is to get a "end game item". It's really annoying you can get a trident in the first few minutes of a new world.

    They have a pretty big development team, so why do they waste them on making a thousand variations of a tropical fish that you probably won't ever see? I think Minecraft could use some better features, rather then adding useless polar bears, and blue ice. It upsets me that they have such huge opportunities for the game, but they waste it all on adding useless features.

    Also, I really hope they don't add a ton of useless mobs in the new biome vote thing. I really don't understand why we need new content to those biomes either, why not work on villagers, and make them not stupid defenceless creatures, allow them to build castles or something, make them fight back and not just get destroyed when a player spawns in the world. It's embracing when one person can make mods faster and better then minecrafts whole team can make an official feature.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BaconSandwich


      @Swift but still, it's such a low drop rate

    3. Bugleberry


      @BaconSandwich On bedrock it must be higher, or I’m super lucky. I do live in an ocean biome though.

    4. BaconSandwich



      yeh everyone I've ever watched play 1.13 did it on Java (the Hermitcraft SMP, The Deep End SMP, etc.) It must be higher on Bedrock.

  14. It’s in wallpapers and art, plus on the forums we usually call it wallpapers not renders. I don’t really get how it not being a mansion matters. It being a render doesn’t really mean anything, you could still put in some effort to make it less boring. The depth of field being low is pretty annoying, it takes away any depth in the wallpaper. I’m pretty sure Karyu just upvoted it, because he agreed with some of my points. Making stupid assumptions is pretty low of you to be honest.
  15. The overall wallpaper is decent, but it gets boring really fast. For every wallpaper there needs to be an overall focus, this doesn’t really have any main focus, if the mansion was the main focus you should have used rule of thirds or something similar. There’s not much to look at, just a mansion and a train. You have so much room for anything here, you could have at least added someone, the parrot is barley noticeable, and there’s absolutely nothing going on. The depth of field is hardly noticeable, and the Iights from the windows look very bad, it seems like it was the end of the schematic and you just added some random random yellow bright cubes, you could have added basically anything behind the windows. Overall I rate 4/10, gets very boring to look at very fast, and there’s absolutely nothing going on, it’s very boring. The lighting is pretty good though, sorry I was probably pretty nagitive throughout this whole thing, but tbh you seem like you can take it.
  16. Sorry for the inactivity, I woke up last night having a seizure.

    It lasted about 3 or 5 minutes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bugleberry


      Yeah I’m fine, sorry forgot to mention that in the status.

    3. Extro


      Quick question: Do you have epilepsy? Just curious, because my neighbor had it too.

    4. Bugleberry
  17. I’m pretty sure nimi said this would not be a feature, seeing as modelbench was originally made to help David make his minecraft models for Mine Imator, there was no need to add any other shape then squares. This was asked again later after the release of modelbench, and I’m pretty sure nimi said no.
  18. Those rigs are pretty darn impressive!
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