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Status Replies posted by YoshiHunter

  1. Geez dude what the actual heccif5vMlJ.png

    At least give him a chance .-.

  2. @everyone I'm quitting. I'm just quitting. Everybody just wastes my time and does "critisicm" and there are Roblox ODERs that bring the HATE back to me.

  3. The thing that pisses me off most about shootings is not the shooting itself, but the people who whine and complain over it.

    "Oh, if guns were banned this wouldn't have happened!"

    That won't change anything. In fact, it'll probably result in more casualties, due to the fact that law-abiding citizens won't be able to defend themselves as easily.

    Banning guns won't prevent criminals from having them. They get them off the black market, which you can't prevent.

  4. when you start a project actually important to you emotionally but 4 months later you're not even halfway done

  5. @everyone I'm quitting. I'm just quitting. Everybody just wastes my time and does "critisicm" and there are Roblox ODERs that bring the HATE back to me.

  6. @everyone I'm quitting. I'm just quitting. Everybody just wastes my time and does "critisicm" and there are Roblox ODERs that bring the HATE back to me.

  7. @Pigeon_ says he'll be the first to make a shitty fad model just because he can, someone better beat him to it please.

  8. How does Modelbench being released today sound? :think:

  9. How does Modelbench being released today sound? :think:

  10. What’s Roblox and why do everyone hate it

  11. whyyy so much modelbench hype but its still so far awayyy

  12. Random person: Why don't you hire animators and voice actors to make your videos better?


    Related image

  13. Okay okay okay I've been making a lot of status updates about amateurs on the forums so I might as well slap this one on.

    "Hate" is defined as different things nowadays, which means a lot more can be passed off as such. Criticism is not hate. If someone does not like something you made, don't tell yourself "Nahh they're just hatin'." Well, all hate is based off of something. Just like all exaggeration is based on truth. If someone doesn't like what you made, find out why. Otherwise you'll never improve yourself.

    And also be careful of who's giving the criticism. Nowadays on the forums I see a lot of new people telling other new people that what they made was good, when it really wasn't, and neither is the content they make. If people who don't know what they're doing either tell you you're doing just fine, it's not reliable and will not improve you whatsoever. And to the other side of it: don't tell people what's good when you have negative reputation for what you've been making. Of course, be confident in yourself, but also don't ignored people with legitimate criticisms.

    hope you enjoyed my powerpoint god bless have a safe drive home

  14. Also one more thing. Sorry for the double status but

    To all the newbies out there, "smooth animation" is not something that can be taught. You can't watch a 20 minute YouTube tutorial and call it a day. In fact it's naive to think that you can learn everything you need to know just by watching tutorials. There's not how art works. You put work into art. Animation is art.

    Smooth animation is something you achieve by experience. You earn it, not learn it. When making art, you can't just ask some other artist "Hey, could you record yourself painting that picture again so I can do it just like you?" And the problem is that to some of you that sentence might not even sound stupid.

    Art is not "Hey what are they doing on theirs?" Art is "Hey, what can I change about what I'm doing to make mine work better?" Of course I'm not saying using others as influence is bad. Inspiration is definitely important. Copying someone else's techniques, however, is never beneficial. You will not grow as an artist. You will not learn for yourself how to further the quality of your work, and you will be sorely unprepared for the real deal.


    Thanks guys I'm going to bed.

  15. stephen hawking is dead
    press f to pay respects

  16. I think a major reason of why the forums is dead is because most of the users on it are 12 year olds with autism.

  17. I think a major reason of why the forums is dead is because most of the users on it are 12 year olds with autism.

  18. I think after I make the Jake edition I’ll try and make a monster school causee why not.

    Plot: “Spoliers”!

    (i break into the classroom and take over and migrate the series from blender or c4d or whatever to mineimator and it make it better animated when it switches, and then everyone loves monster school.)

    I hope it works out.

  19. Thinking of ideas for a 4-7 min slapstick comedy featuring my O.C. and an anthropomorphic lawn mower. What kind of gags would you guys like to see?

  20. Discount chocolate is the best.

  21. So, this is kinda painful for me but Im going to be absent from everywhere for about a month guys. Thats right, about a month. Why? Im going to get a surgery for my ear. In case you didnt know, im actaully deaf and im willing to put my life on the line. I mean, all these time, 16 years old guy who isnt here on earth for that long. Ever since, i was just communicating with notebook and a pen.

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