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Everything posted by ZZZZane

  1. Well... It has been a while since I've done one of these. This is the battle of Hoth, one of my favourite parts from the Empire Strikes Back. Thanks to Bloxtherigger for the AT-AT and T47s. Thanks to ÜberKiller for the E-11 blasters.
  2. not enough cgi In all seriousness pretty neat.
  3. nice tick

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keep on Chucking
    3. Frost


      whats a tick?


    4. ÜberKiller


      @Awesome Emerald

      A verified tick, for being verified?

      What is being verified? Being accepted by Frossa as being the one true person.

      And I know what you are thinking: If no alts are even allowed so it's not necessary you say? You simply have to realize that it was a necessary feature to add is all.

  4. hi

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Frossa


      You were on the verge of getting demoted, young man.

    3. MrPizzaCat
    4. Ocelot


      Dammmn, Batman's back at it with the black cape?

  5. Pros and Cons of Australia. Pros: Get Fallout 4 earlier. Cons: Everything wants to kill you. 

    1. Ethaniel


      You should be fine because everything wants to kill you in Fallout too! 8D

    2. Nimi


      @Ethan. Fallout 4: Australia Survival Guide

  6. I don't get it Ok well now I think I get it
  7. Not even edited, made in mine-imator http://i.imgur.com/ZCdMrON.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nimi


      This is old tech. in Yuri's book of tricks. 8D 

    3. ÜberKiller



      What, did Yuri patent it or something?

    4. Nimi


      @ÜberKiller No, I was just saying that he's done this a long while ago. (Take his black hole thing for ex.)

  8. Thank you for the beautiful UI :D

  9. metal gear solid is so much fun

  10. Is it just me, or has anyone else's forums gone back to normal. The squares are finally gone :D

    1. SKIBBZ


      Yeah I've noticed that too, the icons have finally returned to us. I just now noticed that the top contributors list only shows the top 5 now instead of the top 10. 

  11. "This will go on for 4 days. When the time comes, I will count which topic received the most votes (or comments). The ones which have the most comments will be put on 1st place, 2nd place, etc. There will also be honorable mentions, too". Wait so the topic with the most comments and likes wins? So what if a popular user posts a poorly made wallpaper, yet since they're popular, it receives a ton of likes and comments. Then an unpopular user comes along and posts a well done wallpaper, yet since they're unpopular (or unknown) people tend to ignore their topic. Come to think of it, why's there even have to be a contest, can't it just be a collab instead? But hey, it's your collab, you do with it as you please.
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