Status Updates posted by Dannyboi
Looking through HeYoNia's old posts at 3 AM, perhaps one of the funniest decisions a human could ever make.
Sorry for the double status. I thought I should note that Laskomet may be the fastest human ban from the first warning. It took 50 minutes to ban him. Reza Chaniago Hartono W. Walandouw Singh Khafadi was the previous record with 1:20. He may still be the fastest ban from the moment he joined, however.
I miss Reza Chaniago Hartono W. Walandouw Singh Khafadi. Hardware Acceleration Unlimited FPS Mode Non-Lag Features Mine Imator 1.2.7 Updates New Request Official should've been out on the 15th of March. I guess we'll never see it.
My school closed for all lower years, so my year. I can still go in for meals. They're going to start providing meal packages at some point.
Yes, Reza Chaniago Hartono W. Walandouw Singh Khafadi is still on the loose. No, we have no conclusive idea of how to stop him.
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And I be the Jesse... I mean, soldier?
Joke aside,
Is this guy just gonna get alts again and again until we give up banning him?
What if we not ban him next time he creates an alt and make a bot that deletes every content he posts and every action he takes?
Is it possible to ip-ban him, so no device on his network can access the site at all, until he is smart enough to restart his router?
Also how many alt accs does he have already?
Edit: oh nvm the ip-ban is already suggested
For the record, that Reza Khafadi guy keeps making alts and is trying to post more topics filled with Roland keyboards and broken English.
Ah, what a lovely day where absolutely nothing happened on the Mine-Imator forums.
I have been spending a lot of time building siege weapons. Ask me about siege weapons and I might answer you.
I'm posting this status update solely to bring iZesty's count into acceptable levels and allow Hagus to maintain his within those counts also.
Well, summer has started for me. I can't say I'm at all that happy but that means I have 6 weeks of work time with only very rare interspersed interruptions. I might do something cool, who knows?
Don't you just love it when a lumphead from school breaks your fence and knows you have security cameras so he covers his face but your friend happened to be walking home with him and identifies him immediately after seeing the image?
I love FreeBSD. It's hard to use but gives you an awesome level of control you see with not many other OSes.
Not all risks should be taken. Some risks will screw you over no matter what.
I guess it's Notch's birthday. Happy birthday to him.
Happy birthday to the man who made a game that learned me how to speak english during primary school
- Dannyboi and crustyjpeg
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