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Status Updates posted by XanderTheV

  1. Is it me or this forum is less active than it used to?
    I maybe jumped to conclusions, since i just came for a little visit to this forum

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShadowUnicorn_Gaming
    3. Draco63


      I'm barely active here anymore just because I've found new things to do with my life. Gone are the days of fantasizing about being a minecraft animation youtube star, that age has kinda passed anyway, now I'm trying to write my own stories and use the skills gained here to do greater things.

    4. XanderTheV


      Same, I used mineimator just now just to finish an old mineimator project from the past few years

      I also write my own fiction and animate them sometimes with 2D animation software, add some VFX and SFX, and stitch them together... All on their own, separate, dedicated software.

  2. Ah damn it... i keep getting distracted by my own video..

    I was supposed to keep working on my animation

  3. My english fluency is actually better than my native language...

    I am an Indonesian speaker, but when i struggle to name a thing, my parents just laugh and made fun of me... so i stopped asking.

    It's been like that since childhood, calling me autistic... So now, i just... tend to speak english over bahasa just because it's just humiliating to name something wrong in bahasa

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ethaniel


      Keep telling yourself that buddy. Yeaaahh fight the oppressive parents!!!

    3. Ian_The_One


      @Ethaniel are you making fun of him?

    4. __Mine__


      @Ethaniel And yet you wonder why people think you're cruel... seriously, why are you like this?

  4. Am i the only one doesn't have Minecraft character representing me?

    All my animations are only featuring Steve.

  5. Here we go again... someone creating poorly made creation and hope to get popular like crazydek...


  6. Me : Exists

    Also Me : Am i a joke to you

  7. NFS : Heat is the first game in a while that got me hyped seeing the gameplay.

    Maybe because it's basically Most Wanted, Carbon, Underground, Prostreet, and 2015 squashed together?

  8. soo... what do you all think about crazydeck's animations?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. MojangYang


      ok, here is what, I will make a post about this and we will see if anyone likes the idea. I will also mentioned skibbz and hope he reply. if people like it, you will post the rules and we will begin the collab. how does that sound? too much work? 

    3. XanderTheV


      alright then... gotta' start somewhere

    4. MojangYang


      here goes nothing:


  9. What kind of PARADOX is this?!!!


    This is my first animation in Mine-imator...

    It was 4 years ago!

    1. MojangYang


      My 2nd most recent wallpaper got 9 upvotes.

      My most recent animation got  4 upvotes.

      It’s the animation that made into the showcase.


    2. jakubg1


      There are less than 3 animations weekly, and they avoid duplicates, so eventually every animation will get featured.

  10. The Indonesian government and the police are trying stop the mass protest, they put banners prohibiting the protest, they sent a police during our flag ceremony telling us to not join the protest.

    They even made small universities to prohibit every student to join the protest

    Oh Indonesia, when will our country grow if a collective of tie wearing rats bite every single national fund that we raise through tax.

    If reformation doesn't work, they would resort to revolution, MARK that! That would lead to fallen victims.

  11. I'm curious why @Frost* follows every newcomer...

    Probably as a mentor so none of them strayed off the path. Hmm... good intent i see.

    1. jakubg1


      Hidrax is probably that one exception. Some people follow profiles with high negative reputation, I don't know why, maybe they're curious what will happen to them, will they leave, get banned or get back to positive reputation.

    2. XanderTheV


      Well... does that mean if most of them are active like MineWallpaper or Hidrax13 for now, Wouldn't your notification be clogged up?
      Unless you have plenty of time though.

      Or since you follow new members, does that mean that if you feel the person is fully aware of how the forum works, or became well skilled in mine-imator, then it is the time for you to let go since the person no longer needs mentoring?

      Because you know, if you do this, your notifications would clog up in the long run, right?
      And you also need to be responsive and make sure the notification helps you catch interesting stuff.

      Good intent though. Since i keep seeing you sending constructive criticisms on every creations made by newcomers.

  12. Received my first downvote after 4 years...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ratchet55
    3. MojangYang


      You just earned an upvote for thinking in another person’s POV instead of holding grudge and assume he is spamming just because of some past incidents.

      this guy may be extremely idiotic, even I hate him, but apparently he is new to MI. Give him some more space. If we keep keeping people out for being idiotic, our community won’t grow as fast.

      plus, this topic is in the “mi help” section. We are meant to help him.

      (again, I’m just trying to mediate. If I get downvotes by both sides, I will be very annoyed indeed)

    4. XanderTheV


      I completely agree with you, dealing with the drama while trying to stay neutral to both sides.

      If he's wrong, he's wrong
      If he's not wrong, he's innocent

      Because now.. it's more like bullying rather than responding to misconduct.

      Yes... he did something wrong in the past, which deserves downvotes.
      But now, he literally asked for help in that MI Help section, but he gets harassed there just because of what he did.

      That's unfair, consider this... you posted a really quality animation that is so good, but gets downvoted a lot just because of what you did in the past.

      That's wrong... that's just wrong, that would horribly destroy motivation that could lead to D E P R E S S I O N .
      Then it's Willynzhu all over again.

      There is a reason why he didn't get banned, he still have a chance to be a part of the community, only major offense that would lead to a ban, a ban that usually means his presence is extremely unacceptable in the community.

  13. Buff Steve meme is... buffed 

  14. What's up with MIDSA 1 Collab? i only see the MIDSA 2.

    I know it's already gone for a few years, but i never know what's the cause or reason of it.

    And the host... kicksbrickster, he's been offline since 2017, what's up with him?

    I really wanted to watch MIDSA 1 to look back at nostalgia, my entry was there as an ending lol. Back when mine-imator was 1.0.0 pre-5

    But seriously, what happened?

    1. XanderTheV


      also... if there's MIDSA 3, i will certainly join when i know it.

  15. I am going back to my mine-imator...
    Because why not?

    Oh... it's because THE ADSENSE WASN'T ENOUGH FOR THEM.

    Well... i'm just... gonna' make ????? minecraft animation, slip in some of my motivation so i can have some epic part of it.

  16. WWHHHHYYY!!!!!!!!!!!



    So... it's been so long i've been away from mine-imator for my original 2D animations... my parents didn' t agree because it didin't make them money.

    So i already know the demographics on youtube is minecrafter, but i want original animation.

    After a hellified battle with my parents because of my adsense dropping... (I shouldn't have shown them adsense, now they became reliant to it)

    And yes... My animation Steve Wants Cake and The Steve and The Alex is the only videos with highest revenue, the others DOESN'T AFFECT anything. Those money was supposed for my savings because i don't have savings for myself, they ended up taken by my parents, i couldn't buy myself a phone and had to stay with an old, laggy phone.

    So... in a nutshell... i am back to mine-imator... but this time with a different mindset... Money to satisfy my parents, unlike my past minecraft animation, those are quality.

    Now it's just for money, like... i am going to make monster school video :(

    1. Ghatos


      Or you don't monetize your animations and your tell your parents that they can't force you to do that.

      Like, they force you to make animation just for money? disgusting...

    2. crustyjpeg


      what in the world is wrong with your parents

      they're taking your hard earned money, when they should have goddamn jobs

      i think this is much more serious than you might think, this sounds pretty damn like abusive parenting

      i'd say tell them to go earn their own money, and use your money for yourself since you earned it

      edit:okay this is even worse now, not only are your parents taking your money (supposedly against your will), but you're 18
      jesus christ this guy's parents are insane

    3. Draco63


      you need new parents.

      (not entirely joking.)

      do you know anyone who could help you? like go to the authorities or something? because even if you're 18 i'm pretty sure this counts as child abuse to the government.

  17. Downgraded my pc from windows 10 to 8.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. XanderTheV


      Not being spied on, he said the OS would brick my PC

    3. Nimi


      I've been using W10 for a couple months and I'm not bricked.

    4. XanderTheV


      Because of faster PC, of course not. I have the worst PC ever.

  18. i have no idea why david censors out 5n4f word, and it's entire name.

    1. Mafa Animations

      Mafa Animations

      he didn't 



    2. Mike
    3. Mime360 Animations

      Mime360 Animations

      @6matthias Let's see if I can spell it.


      Does not work, stoopid matt! you make me look bad! *puts on Sonic.EXE Mask* BOOGAFUWSHRUITE!

  19. After some research, i found the way to put armor to humans properly, even leggings, and rainbow leather armor, but still complicated.

    For 1.0.0



    1. Skjold


      But.. Its simple ._.

    2. XanderTheV


      For experienced users, yes.

      Unlike the other armor rig, this one is exactly like the one in the game, but not 3d of course









  20. Anybody knows a free SFX program like AE, but free? i need one.

    1. Aronanners


      HitFilm 3 Express.

    2. Zeno


      Omagad. Even the website for that looks epic. Downloooaaaadiiiing.

  21. Upgraded my OS to Windows 10. Back to animation.

  22. my mine-imator broke down.

    as it renders the rendering file was there but when it finishes it's gone. WTF

    my animation was supposed to finish like now.. and it was delayed due to this trouble.

  23. I dreamed about my 5 characters and the storyline.

    looks like i know what to animate.

  24. The power of Steve and Alex, don't mess with them.

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