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Everything posted by Caeden117

  1. You're acting immature by saying "im better animator than you" and claiming without any proof that he has fake subscribers.
  2. Pros of having wisdom teeth removed:

    • Get to not go to school

    Cons of having wisdom teeth removed:

    • pain
    • Not going to school..... in the middle of two big projects that pretty much make or break my grade for those classes
  3. Anyone who wants to ask Gabe, better do it now.

    1. Rollo


      The replies some people gave (including the lord) made me laugh so hard.

  4. Geometry Dash 2.1 is out, and boy is it fun

  5. I havent animated in so long, thanks @NiSoSiam for getting my butt up and back to animating

  6. Damn, The Witcher 3 is actually a pretty good game. I still encounter a glitch or two, even caught Geralt on top of a spinning, floating head once, but its still a great game. Quest grinding does take a lot of time, I still stay up until a good hour past 9:00 PM trying to get the dang side quests done

    1. Varen


      What province/place are you in?

  7. Honestly, I'm dissapointed in some people's decisions on the latest fad topic. He's a new member, doesn't know and hasn't read the unoffical rules, oblivious to what the forums dislike. Instead of giving him criticism, everyone just sent a shitstorm at him. Come on, he actually made a three minute animation. Who here actually made a three minute animation without the use of editing? Some have, sure, I can already think of some, but hey its actually an impressive feat for a beginner. I get it people here hate fad and all, but there's a line that has to be drawn somewhere, and today some people have crossed it.

    Oh boy im gonna get a shitstorm thrown at my face

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caeden117


      True, but atleast tell him and not let him go into the negatives instead of giving him a shitstorm all to prove a point

    3. willingsas
    4. -StickyMations-


      They don't have the balls to tell him how to improve, they prefer to get stuff out of their chest no matter what consequences will have on the person. They can't go and accept there will always be horrible content out there.

  8. 5:56:15 PM (Yes I kept track down to the second)

    The Witcher 3 has finally installed, Day 5.

  9. Day 5 of The Witcher 3 download: 88%

  10. yo man as that a Telltale's The Walking Dead reference?
  11. I like how people get so much hate from fad they start putting "DONT COME IN IF YOU DONT LIKE FAD" in the titles as a last resort. No one's going to adhere to that and will immediately come and dislike people.

    LESSON LEARNED! Dont make FAD content and share it on the forums. Ever.

    1. Emaniplex


      (Unless it has legitimate quality)

    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @Emaniplex Tbh besides supah and piemations, anyone able to make legitimage quality content wouldnt be retarded enough to make fad content.

  12. generic intros generally get looked down apon, look at that guide please.
  13. please dont tell me you are actually going to make an animation out of this
  14. you dont get the joke C++ Mineimator was something David said he'll do a year or two ago, and never did (Probaby because of University studies and job) so it became a joke among some people, someone had to bring it back up
  15. Day 2 of The Witcher 3 Install: 36%

    God dang my internet sucks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Varen


      Did ya get the 2 DLC's as well?

    3. Caeden117


      No, the deal I got (Which included all 3 Witcher games for the price of The Witcher 3) only came with the DLCs for the first 2, I'm going to have to buy the other DLCs sooner or later

    4. Varen


      Hearts of Stone has a phenomenal story and Blood and Wine is practically a game by itself, they're probably the best DLC's of the trilogy  

  16. The Witcher 3 Progress: 23%

    This is going to take at least 2 days to install completely...

  17. I think its safe to assume you're going to reach that 1 Million mark faster then The Flash.
  18. Congratulations to the soon-to-be first Mineimator animator to reach 1 Million subscribers150K away from 1 million is close enough right? Considering all other channels are around 600k?

    He only has 17 videos and 14 of them are Monster School :facepalm:

    1. willingsas


      It's surprising too because his content hasn't improved at all and the animation is rubbish.

      Yet he still gets a crazy amount of views.

      (Does he even know about the forums?)

    2. Aronanners


      @willingsas He has an account. Whether he actively uses it anymore or not, I'm unsure.

  19. Installing The Witcher 3, hopefully this'll be a good game 

    1. Juno


      I have it myself, it's a good game, just grindy

  20. Its okay, you never needed that hat anyways.
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