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Status Updates posted by TwoToRule

  1. Just finished auditioning for a voice acting role in a movie someone on YouTube is making. 

  2. I just watched Divided 4 and  R E A L I T Y  Concept 6 in VR and my eyes HURT.


    Oh, it's also Cryo's buddy picture's birthday. Cool.

    1. Skjold


      Been there, done that. Was fun

  3. In the last video in Sharpwind's reaction series, he only gave me one critique on my town wallpaper. So, I am now proud to present the most recent version of the wallpaper, which excludes the top of the nearest tree thanks to some alpha glitchery.



  4. I'm thinking about possible changing my name. Like, everywhere. So if anyone has any ideas, or something that can help me think of one easier, that would be nice. Not 100% sure if I'm going to do that though.


    EDIT: Probably won't though

  5. Oh look, I have 400 posts.

  6. Oh look, I've figured out how this thing works.



    1. Ghatos


      Wait this is not edited?


    2. TwoToRule


      Nope. It's night desaturation.

  7. First things first, let me just say that, in my opinion, the new R E A L I T Y is the best Minecraft animation my eyes have ever seen,


    Now that that's out of the way, I need to get down to business. Some of you may know that back when Concept 5 was released, I made my own version of it with a Spongebob song put over it. I plan to do the same thing with 6, but that might require more than one video, so I guess I need to find a second song. You'll need to see it to know what I mean.


    Lastly, I've had this thought back in my mind for a while, and I think it's time. What is it? Well, I think it's time I reintroduce my idea of Truth Of R E A L I T Y, which is a concept made by ME. It'll take a lot of work, and it may not ever get done, but as of right now, that is my main project. (Alongside the Community Collaboration movie) I think my animating skills have gotten much better, even though it may not seem like it. It would appear like I haven't posted a video in a while, but I actually have a few unlisted videos where the animating really shines. (For me, at least)


    So, in short, expect two meme videos soon, and possibly Truth Of R E A L I T Y in the future.

  8. Well, there goes 2018. I don't think it's going to be missed.

  9. I got blocked by FuturisticHub lol



    1. Jake_28


      Why is he so rude? I- I don’t understand you can’t animate furnace minecarts?

    2. TwoToRule


      Probably this comment from me and other ones that are similar


      I think the next video is going to be another crappy and unfunny animation based on what's currently popular. I mean, seriously, futuristic hub? More like present hub, since you don't have any original ideas and just use other people's ideas that are currently popular and use them in your own animations. Hey, I have an idea you can use: make good animations. Or maybe you know how to make good animations and you just want to put out a boatload of videos so you can get tons of views. Maybe, I don't know, put quality over quantity for once in your life?


      I mean, I'm not wrong. That's kind of the point of the comment. Although, this one had a little more roasting in it.

  10. Since Hagus posted a wallpaper for Commandia, I though that I might as well post the link to the website as well. I'll be updating the site with teasers and stuff like that. As for the overall design of the site, it probably will change over time.


    Link: http://commandia.glandoll.com/

  11. I'm likeable now. Huh.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MikTRF


      I'm the hero the mine-imator forums deserves, that would mean the forums were sctewed if it was irl

    3. mbanders


      My party is over.

    4. TwoToRule


      Time for the after party

  12. Flat earthers...



    1. crustyjpeg


      flat earthers man

      they don't lack logic

      they refuse to use it with their heart and soul

    2. mbanders
  13. If there are two Half-Life games, does that mean there's one full life?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TwoToRule


      Well, that's a lot of lives that I don't have.

    3. MikTRF


      To have full life 3 you would need 8 half life games... 

    4. Greg Sciences

      Greg Sciences

      Then we have to wait

  14. I have the forums open in actual Minecraft. I have reached enlightenment.

    1. willingsas



      Install Minecraft  on a calculator, then open the forums from there.

    2. MasterArcher12


      Seriously? Is that it?

      Apply your Minecraft onto a sheet of paper, and compress the paper into the size of a molecule. Try to open the forums from there.

  15. Hey, I'm alive again.

  16. Oh look, I hit 300 posts. Nice.

  17. I'm just going to hint at a Minecraft map that I might finish...



  18. I just realized I've been on the forums for over a year.

  19. It's just a normal winter day when it reaches 70 degrees outside

    1. Rollo


      Here in Utah we call that somewhat manageable.

      There really isn't a fully manageable temperature.

  20. So I have a school video project for a poem. This is the title sequence.



    1. Rollo


      I think you mean poem.

    2. TwoToRule



  21. I just used Kahoot Smasher on some random guy's live stream.




    He sadly kicked all of the bots.


    And deleted the stream.

  22. 2018 bois!


    In less you're in Australia or something, because then you already HAD your new year...

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