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Everything posted by Twelvie

  1. No this is not a R E A L I T Y Rip off not all mgb's are reality rip offs okay? Music By: @Tysteria Rigs by @Gam3rZLoung3, @OfficialCUYT and Myself Made with: Mine-imator CB (Because the darn scythe rig breaks whenever I transfer it into the newer / older versions) this had been made over a very short time I must say so I would appreciate it if you give criticism on what to fix and what not. (Excuse the old rig of that one guy with that one letter on his chest ) Anyways Hope you enjoy? I guess. *Thumbnail is just a random image I had on my Laptop*
  2. still not the first person to make a rig that makes a whole fist but it still looks weird with that little block staying there +1 anyways
  3. Good Rigger + Good Animator Ohh Jeez what are you? Skibbz?
  4. its uhh... Interesting dont use emoji's in intros and it well theres just so many things that are pretty bad with this
  5. I wasnt expecting much but this is good
  6. It wasn't as overused as it is now but it became over used within the past few days it wasn't as cancerous when this came out. Please don't go hating on it because its NOW out of date basically.
  7. Why use a tree rig and not a schematic..?
  8. Steve looks like SSJ3 And also Earth should have some sorta atmosphere y'know like just add another circle around it and change its alpha.
  9. If you want us to do that then why post it here.
  10. Twelvie

    HorrorCraft Andy

    download winrar to open up .rar folders if thats what you mean.
  11. ahh you didnt need to comment on it >:l argh
  12. Twelvie

    Merged Zamasu Rig

    Your rigs are great
  13. Twelvie

    [RIG] Renegade

    the back of the hood looks like it sticks out quite a bit
  14. Tuck his arms in a bit more theyre too stiff.
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