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Everything posted by ÜberKiller

  1. This was just something I whipped up during the trade day. Unrelated: I'm 73% complete now, expecting to finish in August. I'm unsure if I want to take the free college. Images are pretty big so watch out.
  2. I find it really wierd when I talk to a woman 1-1 and the guys around campus instantly assume I'm trying to make a move.


    Like srs, have they even talked to a girl without trying to get into their pants?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. J




      jk, but the religion is Islam (Muslim). You have to go from like best friends to marriage, no girlfriend part in there. I guess it prevents issues? No idea.

    3. ÜberKiller


      @J I have a friend like that who is not interested in girls right now, yet he has had relationships before. Some people take it with leniency from what it sounds like, just the important things matter in the islamic religion. Same can be said for most others.

    4. tditdatdwt


      @J Blindly following a silly religion I see.

  3. Thanks @Frossa for adding my sexual identified gender, really appreciate it. The LGBT community certainly must have full support during these trying times.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. tditdatdwt


      You didn't clear anything up. You just realized that it was added much earlier. You still were upset about it, even though it had nothing to do with gay people.

    3. Zeno


      how about everyone just shut up

      problem solved

      *hailed as the great peacemaker of something or other*

    4. tditdatdwt
  4. been a while, sorry. Guess it's not free unless you get the "student license" I suppose, yarhar.
  5. It's an AE plugin that's totally free, not sure what else supports it though.
  6. Anyone got recommendations for coffee brands? I'm looking for something a bit different that still has a great taste.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. BlackoutsWorkbench


      @ÜberKiller I'm sorry to say that I have not tried those, but if you're interested just try it out, maybe you taste-buds will die from the extreme taste of that dark, bitter, and hellishly hot coffee.

    3. ÜberKiller


      @TheReaper Well damn. I also hear that those brands are really fine coffee, yet they are pretty smooth for being super dark.

      Biohazard and Death Wish only come to mind since they are the most popular. The cash-in brands are usually sub-par or there are far superior brands I know not of.

      Well in that case, what store-bought brand is best? I hear the Starbucks instant coffee is really damn close to real coffee, but their actual coffee is a massive markup for no reason.

    4. BlackoutsWorkbench


      Yeah man, starbucks is only worth it if you're a blonde white california girl and you're going out with your girlfriends, otherwise starbucks' coffee is way too expensive for what it is, it's just cheap coffee for 5 dollars.

  7. Goodnight, sweet prince.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Allemn


      Grand Sad


      I miss his "high-quality rips".

    3. CKGirl01


      who's prince? you mean the creator who made this song or this guy?

    4. willingsas


      @MustardBlock Grand dad is actually an octopus, and nobody suspects a thing.

  8. Mine-imator is a fantastic software for mastering the fundamentals of 3D animation. I learned a lot in the past 2 years of animating in Mine-imator than the other 6 from 2D animation alone. Once you feel you are not limited by Mine-imator, that's when you've mastered it. I'm not even close to there, but it's a helluva lot of fun to actually use now. This often goes under appreciated by people who used it, or who just spite the program itself.
  9. Got to read and look at the guide a little better. Must say the end result is nice enough without looking too "realistic" for minecraft standards.
  10. It's 9 bonemeal bud. And it wouldn't be either because it's Minecraft anyways.
  11. Thats a lot better than before, but it's still missing the substance most are looking for.
  12. You bet your ass it is: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Bone_Block Edit: Figured I should mention this is an upcoming thing, where naturally generated structures can now have fossils of creatures while digging.
  13. I'll wait till it's done. there's not much interesting going on at all. not even anything pretty to look at why not
  14. never heard of him/her. is he/she a user on here?
  15. Holy crap .. he's not dead guise rejoice
  16. All depends. If the paint.net guide has to do with Mine-imator, it will be fine. However if it has to do with starting up in paint.net more, then don't post it here.
  17. Gonna mark this for later so I can see the guide. Looks interesting so far, but I cannot view the images which is a massive hinderance.
  18. Perhaps a folder to contain each .object loaded in? And what would help is whenever a group of objects are grouped into a folder via the timeline, it does the same for the library tab. While that sounds easy enough to do, with the current library interface it will need to change just to support this feature. That poses a problem for the chance to be added in.
  19. Waiting for the new Graphics card like:


    1. Blue Chocolatebar

      Blue Chocolatebar

      still waiting for my mother to buy the graphics card since I gave her the money to do it six months ago.

  20. drnt missed my chance to be shat mod

    1. Frossa


      maybe i will offer future opportunitis to becom chit mod in the future

      stay tund

    2. Zeno
  21. <|°_°|>

    1. ÜberKiller
    2. Emaniplex


      I see you didn't really like it.  xD

  22. Ah I see. Alright. Can't help you in the 'make a rig' department, since my department is coming shortly. But using the line tool in paint.net can't be that hard to make the simple design of this if you want to DIY it if no luck.
  23. "You do this for me, and you will do it good, and I will not credit you" is basically how I can summarize your thread. You don't seem to be asking for a rig, but commanding it. And now you wonder why people are saying no?
  24. >tfw you realize Mine-imator isn't blocked at trade school

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Emaniplex
    3. ÜberKiller


      I can't even view that image because you posted from imgur.

    4. Emaniplex


      @ÜberKiller How ironic. It's the scene from The Dark Knight Rises "You trusted me and I failed you."

      ... So I'll just be gone for a bit while I drink bleach.

  25. You can make a surface and have a camera that's pointed up reflecting the top surface. It works, but it's not exactly the best option. I'd be far easier to just do this effect using external programs.
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