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Everything posted by iZestyYT

  1. Will think of that in the future Yup, love your rig :D, Thanks and i will in the future Thanks, and I'll see what blue looks like!
  2. Maybe the lighting of the torch could do with a bit of work but everything else.. Good job!
  3. Considering its my first time using MI in a while, how do you think this looks? How could I improve it?
  4. This works... (image)


  5. Can someone link me to a VERY good but easy to use steve rig?

  6. Im dead xD (vid)


  7. What have I missed while I was under a rock?? :P

    1. ZephyrAnimations


      Sure you've heard of this, but the Mine-imator 1.1.0 Pre-release 1 and 2 came out.

    2. iZestyYT


      @ZephyrAnimations Yup, downloaded it as soon as it was released lol, dunno what to do now though, could u gimme a few ideas lmao

  8. I'm going LIVE soon, come and watch! :P


  9. Skype names?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iZestyYT


      Whats wrong with it xD

    3. Ethaniel


      It's bad and it looks bad, Discord is so much better.

    4. iZestyYT



      Ok imma switch to Discord. :P

  10. Have I missed anything while I was gone?

    1. Kwazedilla


      Not much goes on in the first place.

    2. Ethaniel


      Everything went to shit.

    3. iZestyYT
  11. Bit late but my laptop has been hit with WannaCry, it was on windows 8.1 too. Lucky my PC hasnt!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeno


      Ouch. Did you lose much?

    3. iZestyYT


      Nah, it was just mainly pewp edits but it was a £250 laptop :/

    4. Zeno


      Not too expensive then. And you can just reformat the drive.

  12. Anyone here still use skype? hahahah

    1. Trollfa


      I use it to chat with my friend through Xbo... wait a second...

    2. iZestyYT
  13. I'm diabetic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iZestyYT
    3. Ethaniel


      Hi, diabetic. I'm Ethan. 

    4. Dannyboi


      Unrelated, but we both live in London!

  14. Why is my new skype name my email and not a custom name? anyone help?




  15. I wanna try to make my own music, anyone know any free and easy to use software?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KicksBrickster


      To be fair, no music software is gonna be really easy to use and still give you good results.

    3. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Well mate if you do find a good music maker, notify me as well pwz. I really wanted to make some music but never found anything that fits my standards. Like for example, an understandable work space! Tried using cakewalk once and I couldn't even make a note!


    4. iZestyYT
  16. Omg, 491 likes :D

  17. What do u even do to get so many likes!?!?
    You're almost at 10k!

    1. Ethaniel



      I dunno. I just posted things, and people seem to like them, I guess. 

    2. iZestyYT
    3. Minecraftvinnyq


      Oh, you also seek Ethan's wisdom, good job citizen.

  18. I've found a small typo on the forums, the mods title is "Modderator" not "Moderator"

    1. NietyFox


      That's because Nimi was working on a mod for Mine-imator. And he's also now a moderator on here.

      That's why they called him that.

    2. iZestyYT


      Ohhh, so its not a type xD

  19. Wat doo yu main? @Dannyboi
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