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Status Updates posted by Caeden117

  1. http://i.imgur.com/kDKQHdy.png | Spoiler to my new skin, can you find the #1 difference in it? (Other then the fact that the left leg is flipped)
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. toaster1


      Ahhhhh... OK...

    3. Spiderman


      lel i already said it, i guess you ignored it. 1.8 Overlay Hoodie.

    4. Caeden117


      Oh, I thought you were talking about just the hood part (In my hat)

  2. " Do us all a favor,and go kill yourself.If it's one thing that pisses me off is when people put dumb **** (memes,vines,etc.)on a 5 year old game and make a solute garbage. "\

    ******* end your life you ******. You think this is funny? Cause it ain't "Durr Plant" is satire of memes and the **** heads (I,e you) that use them. "

    " K I L L Y O U R S E L F "

    oi there m8 it looks like you already got some death threats on that duur plant video

  3. It's not fair that David has gave a user Demo 6, and that user posted it on the Demo 6 Round Up. TBH, I think he kinda bragged a bit there. To me it's just unfair that David gave someone Demo 6 and made us keep waiting.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      Miercoles (If you know what I mean)

    3. flufffybuns


      Deal with it. It's not a big problem, you're gonna get it eventually.

    4. ÜberKiller


      In January in fact.

  4. Hmm.... so all the good animators (Willcraft, SKIBBZ, Über) have bad computers like not-so-good animators like me have a super fast computer. The heck?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Caeden117


      @The Man For me, the 2GB ram limit never hurts the PC and/or the program. Even though sometimes MI crashes when I try to load up Among the Snow and Dead 2.

      @Heavenira That is a reason, and another reason is that some people started young and have gained experience over time.

    3. ÜberKiller



      That still doesn't explain why I can run games just fine, but not Mine-imator.

      I mean, sure it lags. But it doesn't seem to render from the CPU or GPU, but renders from the program itself in realtime.

    4. Caeden117


      @Minecheese Come on, he is better then most animators on YouTube, and he's one of the most popular. And that's why I said MOST. There's still animators that do better then him

  5. >mfw No one is actually giving constructive critism on bycow's animation when isntead is grossed out by the non-childfriendly content. Really, people?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Emunator


      I liked the animation

    3. KicksBrickster


      Apparently he deleted it. I wanted to watch to see wtf you guys are talking about and it isn't working.

    4. Ironwave Studios

      Ironwave Studios

      Alright guys... I understand that we did kind of overkill it... If that scene werent in there, it'd be a perfectly fine animation. However, rules are rules. This site has some very young children on it. And if we let people break the rules just because "the rest of it was ok" then there's no point to the rules.

  6. So, Google is making a self-drive car. Well, thank you Google, you just opened a whole new experience to hacking and probably remotely taking over, cars that communicate by Internet!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MrDonoB


      What I meant was a self-driving car suddenly swerving into a normal car.

    3. KicksBrickster


      Dude, there would be failsafes, crash detection, etc. It would need to be as safe as possible before any govt decides to let them on the road for civilian use.

    4. Ethaniel


      I hate the idea of self driving cars

  7. I'm guessing I'm the only one here who is enjoying watching The Fine Bro's subscribers slowly drop

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. J


      @geotrax2001 Also, whats with the Ellen thing I heard of?

    3. SKIBBZ


      @J It's something that she did with children react or something that had children interact with old things and that got TheFineBro's all upset. At least that's what I think. It's something along that line. 

    4. geotrax2001


      @J what are you talking about? all i know is that the fine bros are trying to do the dumbest thing ever, and it's ticking me off...

  8. My sister is so stupid, she believes that she will die on December 21rst, 2089, and she got that from a stupid death clock website.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ethaniel


      i guess im dying on July 4th 2080

    3. Ethaniel


      if this is true xD

    4. TheGoku7729


      I believe i'm gonna die September 1st in 2099

  9. *comic idea* police are at my door, they said I will be arrested for 1,337 accounts of Puttism. What the crap is Puttism?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kreuzer


      puta means beautiful in spanish

      in filipino ehhh yeah its bad

    3. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      @Deadpool You're wrong

    4. Defused



  10. plz stop with the rainbow profile pictures ;n;

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ethaniel
    3. CoolElf


      something tells me you don't know what it is for

    4. Caeden117


      its becuz of the *** marriage being legal in us

  11. We ride together, we watch Bill Nye together

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Caeden117


      We ride together, we sky dive together.

    3. CarlHeadCrashed


      We ride together, we chill out and go refine together.

    4. Caeden117


      We ride together, we rocket to the sky together.

  12. Xblwjt6.png

    What the actual censored? This is just.... two of the most cringiest things the English MI Community has seen. :sick:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NietyFox


      @Emanatronic I don't think so.

      Because in anyway. The thing will still be bad due to the fandom.

    3. Emaniplex


      @RainbowFox8391 I meant in terms of quality in Mine-imator.

    4. NietyFox



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Caeden117


      "brb gunna go unlike some of your stuff" ~Joshinja


    3. Huzkii


      you got 1k again

  14. http://imgur.com/2p2GYIM,V0aSx6z | I think I like the Animated Player mod more then the Mo' Bends mod
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Achroma MC

      Achroma MC

      But it doesn't work with Smart Moving. :/

      Also, what server is that? :P

    3. Caeden117


      Should I really advertise a server and might get a warning point? Rather not take the risk.

    4. Zeno


      It's just a question. People show off servers all the time, don't they?

  15. tomorrow iz bad day. last day o summer break. dear lord....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BurstExo
    3. Ocelot


      Everybody is in 3rd or 4th... how did I end up in 7th? °___°

    4. Ocelot


      Well that smiley failed

  16. Woah, how did Hax4Ever get banned? I just noticed that...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Emunator


      Both Hax and Akmal got banned off 10 wp's. #Canconfirm

    3. Emunator


      Both Hax and Akmal got banned off 10 wp's. #Canconfirm

    4. Caeden117


      Thanks, Emunator!

  17. ... Once I enter the chat room, wierd stuff happen

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Caeden117


      Stahp with da pokemanz stuff plz k?

    3. Leospartan_1171


      Lesopartan uses Nope on caeden117!! Its super effective!!

    4. EndahGurl


      *weird stuff happens*

  18. http://i.imgur.com/s0b81MJ.png | Can someone please tell me the only feature I hate about the new 1.8 pre release?
  19. I can't believe that in order to eat my favorite chips, I have to suffer my butt burning the next day...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HydroKinesis


      Ghost Pepper chips. Burns around 1,000 Times more.

    3. HydroKinesis


      Ghost Pepper chips. Burns around 1,000 Times more.

    4. KindZax


      First off tmi

      Second off..


  20. I finally reserved my Windows 10 upgrade. Whew, thanks Windows Update for being cooperative with me through all of that updates I had to install....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cryotivity


      @Ironwave you have 1 whole year to reserve it people just don't read the rest of the stuff after the bolded words.

    3. MinesterTheFloop


      @Ironwave It's limited edition. What OS do you have? You might need to install some updates.

    4. Ironwave Studios

      Ironwave Studios

      ok ok, I get it now... I have 8.1 so i have nothing to worry about at the moment.

  21. After seeing my mom and grandma watch The Walking Dead, I beg the question: How over saturated IS the Zombies genre? We got The Walking Dead (Game and TV), Left4Dead I and II, CoD Zombies mode, Unturned, etc. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ethaniel


      @Aronan can we have a zombie version of twilight please?

    3. Aronanners


      There was something like that, that came out recently.
      Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warm_Bodies_(film)


    4. Crow Robot

      Crow Robot

      shaun of the dead ftw

  22. Me and the red doot, green doot skype group just found out about a Mine-imator subreddit. www.reddit.com/r/Mineimator is the link, I didn't know this existed!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Joshdotmp4


      @KindZax we are talking about it in red doot, green doot

    3. Magicmaan775
    4. Mr.Matt


      we must take over

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