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Everything posted by Voxy

  1. Try the following: Close Mine-imator Open up your file browser and go to C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator Delete the folder called Minecraft_unzip Launch Mine-imator again This usually fixes issues related to missing textures and models.
  2. Close Mine-imator, open up your file browser, and navigate to the C:\Users\<YOURNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator directory. Inside, you'll find a folder named Minecraft_unzip. Delete it, then open Mine-imator and see if it resolves the issue.
  3. Mine-imator cannot turn block objects into a schematic file, as they both work very differently. What you can do instead is putting all your blocks inside a folder, and saving that as a .miobject by clicking the ? icon in the timeline. This way, you can reuse that same file in any project. However, I'd argue it's not really the ideal way of doing it, as it will slow things down especially if you use more blocks. Might be better to just build it in Minecraft!
  4. Make sure particles are enabled in the viewport settings.
  5. Right, thought I'd step in to clear up a few things instead of posting dumb memes. First off, thanks for your suggestions, moniker. While I agree with the sentiment that you are notoriously... insistent and that it can come off as very disrespectful, whether you intend it or not, I also know that you're just trying to improve the program, and I think your proposals could be very beneficial to people's workflows, and not just your own. I kind of regret bringing the argument of "Mine-imator should be kept simple", which a lot of people are now using, and that's because the 1.3.0 roadmap essentially destroys it. More tools inevitably brings more complex projects, and that highlights a lot of flaws with Mine-imator's user interface. This is why 1.3.0 is supposed to bring in a new interface to correct those flaws and allow people to improve their workflows. Things like markers on the timeline were prototyped, and adding a feature to highlight specific objects (like the Shy layers in AE) could also be implemented. But... the development of Mine-imator is in a bit of a delicate situation at the moment, and the future of 1.3.0 is very uncertain. It's not to say that your suggestions are actively being ignored. They aren't. They're being considered and tested, unfortunately we can't afford to confirm anything until we have anything concrete. There are a lot of very exciting ideas that ultimately end up shelved because of various roadblocks and it would be unfair to hype everyone up about all these only to retract, saying that it's actually not going to happen. So yeah. We'd appreciate if you all stopped arguing about this. They're not bad ideas, they're being considered, however, we simply can't confirm anything. This didn't need to be a 2 page debate, let's not make it any longer, thank you.
  6. EaQs3tnXkAAc-jl?format=jpg&name=medium

    1. MojangYang


      when i first saw that pic i thought its a razor for some reason

    2. KrisFirebolt
    3. Emerald_SWAGGER
  7. Voxy

    A .json ✋

    Hi there! Mine-imator supports .json models provided they use the same format as Minecraft resource pack models. Could you share the model you're trying to import?
  8. Happy Pride month to our LGBTQ+ forum members. ❤️?????

    With everything happening right now, may love still prevail.

  9. Voxy


    You're right. Sorry @Draco63. What I said was uncalled for, I could've made my point without resorting to what I did.
  10. Voxy


    To change your username, send a moderator a PM and they'll take care of it.
  11. And let this be a lesson: Not everyone wants to hear your "constructive criticism" when they don't ask for it, even if you do it in good faith.
  12. GameMaker (the game engine used to develop Mine-imator) does not support it out of the box, and adding it from scratch is just way too difficult to be worth it, all things considered. Besides, not everyone has the hardware to run real-time ray-tracing. Remember it's supposed to be a lightweight animation tool. If you want ray-tracing, use something like Blender.
  13. When the World Importer window opens, click that "Browse" button next to the world list. This will let you pick any Minecraft world you've downloaded. Just go inside its folder and open the "level.dat" file.
  14. When dealing with texture errors, you can usually fix this by opening up the file explorer and heading inside the following folder: C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator Inside it, there's a folder named "Minecraft_unzip". Delete it, and restart Mine-imator. This will force the program to reload the textures and it should fix most issues.
  15. The Minecraft Sound Pack is now up to date again, and contains the new Nether music among other sounds added in the last 10 snapshots. Enjoy!


  16. Hey all! I've updated the pack to the latest available snapshot, 20w19a. The pack now contains, among other sounds, the new music tracks by Lena Raine! Enjoy!
  17. My god, y'all are a pathetic bunch. Bombarding a post with downvotes and harsh comments because apparently you can't bear the sight of a girl sitting in someone's lap? Wow. Grow the hell up. You all flock to upvote rigs based on actual adult content but this is too much? What a load of crap. Really shows how incredibly toxic this community is. No wonder we have this kind of reputation with people like you.
  18. Mine-imator is only compatible with Windows, with no plans on bringing compatibility to other systems at the moment. If you'd still like to run Mine-imator on your Mac, you will need a tool like WineHQ to do so.
  19. I don't think you understand the issue.
  20. Yeah, GameMaker is a joke and I also wish we didn't have to deal how unoptimized it is for 3D but a complete rewrite is just way too much work to be worth it at this stage. If you want more out of it, just use another program that's more capable.
  21. You're asking Nimi (whose job is already thankless enough that 1.3.0 is probably gonna be his last contribution to the community) to throw all the work he's done in the trash, learn a new programming language and rewrite 8 years worth of development from scratch. Do you not realize how much work that is? It's not worth it. You want better software? Just... use better software. It's not that hard to understand. ?
  22. To be fair, they have a point. Being able to toggle between cameras without having to open a second viewport would definitely help with lag. But... the whole "just rewrite MI in another language/engine"? Nah. Won't happen. I don't see the point in doing so when the vast majority of users are just kids making dumb short animations for fun. And I think Nimi would agree with me. Besides, let's not forget he's all alone working on this shit and that he gets a laughable amount of revenue for the work he puts in.
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