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Status Updates posted by RedAnimator

  1. A couple of questions:

    1. What does OC mean?

    2. What does WIP mean?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SkythecreeperCS


      An "original character" is a character that a fan of a series made.


      Usually just shitty recolours of artwork from google.

    3. Shadow


      Actually Sky, OCs are people's character's I believe that have no belonging in a specific fanbase. I think you're thinking of FC(Fan Characters).

    4. SkythecreeperCS
  2. Anyone seen my bad attempt at drawing? Check it out here:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedAnimator


      That it's bad?

    3. Patrick


      Yes, you gotta stay positive! Every drawing you do will make you better. Might not look like it. But presenting the work with "It's bad" will make people look badly at it. Just don't say anything. 

      When you show work to your job you don't day "The is plan is bad but", no reason to stay negative towards your own stuff.

    4. RedAnimator



      Thank you for the feedback.

      I will keep that in mind.

  3. Book, you really need to do something.


  4. First time animating with  my ankles rig:


    Tell me what you think.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JjCinemas


      it's a little too floppy (like his ankles are broken) but it looks pretty good.

    3. RedAnimator



      I would have done less but I didn't think it looked right.

    4. Bugleberry


      Woah, I was wondering how you did that bending.

  5. I am so sorry that people have been treating you so harshly lately.


  6. In case you missed it:


  7. In case you missed it:


  8. In case you missed it!

    The end of January is coming closer so please make sure to get your votes in so I know what to make for V.2!

  9. My 3D Hat Layer rig has been updated!


  10. Sooooo..... does anyone know how to fix this:


    1. Rollo


      Don't quote me on this, but try deleting C:\Users\<YOU>\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator

      It should remove all the temporary files. Don't worry, no progress will be lost nor will your program break.

      Although like I said, don't quote me on that. Probably won't help with your problem.

  11. When you leave a project rendered for too long:


    1. crustyjpeg


      Mine-Imator keeps tracking render time even when it's done rendering?!?


    2. RedAnimator


      No, I just put on render mode and then went on the MI forums for around 10 minutes, then I went back to MI and that showed up.

    3. crustyjpeg
  12. Working on an animation, This is what it looks like so far: 


    1. Jake_28


      I'm confused

    2. RedAnimator


      It's not done yet, I'm trying a new way of animating.

  13. Been on the forums for 3 minutes. Can't add any more reactions today. :think:

    1. crustyjpeg
    2. Skjold


      Oh, I remember the days when you had infinite votes and when reactions weren't a thing :think:

  14. Did your ear surgery thing go well?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gabe


      Sure it does! Actually, it gives me a headache. lol


    3. RedAnimator


      Wow, okay. Well, I'm glad it went well. :thumbsup:

    4. Gabe


      Thanks man. Really appreciated. 

  15. Does anyone know how to embed a gif into a post? I need help.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Rollo


      Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk how to help ya man.

    3. RandomPr0file


      You download a GIF off of the internet, (or make one) and go to https://imgur.com/. You then create an account and click the new post button.

      Import the GIF (through however you fancy) and the image will be posted.

      Click on your name in the corner and click images. Click the GIF, and when the webpage is finished loading, copy the link under the tittle BBCode.

      You should then have a link.

      Paste it in the fourm and then all you need to do is click the post button.




    4. Skjold


      SkjoldI literally just dragged my profile picture into the textbox and it worked.

  16. How many people here are Australian?

  17. I am noticing a lot of people with fad related profile pictures and they have either very little, or negative rep.

    1. Skjold


      That's cause they either

      #1 only post fad

      #2 is a child

      or #3 only post fad and is a child

  18. I've been meaning to ask this question for a while now: What is quoting yourself in your signature?

  19. Is it just me, or is the normal grass theme using new textures?

    1. Jake_28


      i dunno, its really green

    2. Spontaneous Explosions
    3. RedAnimator


      In the next minecraft update, I am pretty sure the grass colour was going to be more vibrant than the current one.

  20. Oh my gosh, I just realized that when you type f n a f without spaces, it auto corrects to fad. :think:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedAnimator


      Okay. Was it always like that?

    3. Rollo
    4. crustyjpeg


      It's been that way for years.

  21. Please help me! I can't think of any rigging or wallpaper ideas. Please reply to me with any ideas. (No fad.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedAnimator


      When you said "Do some fad" I was like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

      But then I read the rest of your post. Thanks for the answer.

    3. SkythecreeperCS


      No problem


      I seriously should be asleep right now

    4. crustyjpeg


      You should do all the dankest memes.

  22. Uh-oh. I just realized that I have been posting a lot of my suggestions in the wrong area. :blink:

  23. What is the difference between signing in normally and signing in anonymously?

    1. Rollo


      People can't see that you're online and can't see you in the Online Member List

    2. RedAnimator
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