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Status Updates posted by SDWAN

  1. Downloaded Unreal 4 just because it is snowing. Reminds me of an old indie game idea I had

    1. willingsas


      I wonder what snow is like.



    1. MobKiller Animations
    2. Ethaniel
    3. Upgraded Moon

      Upgraded Moon

      I was expecting the guy to pronounce your name like 'ess-deh-wahn' because that's how I've been pronouncing it all this time.

  3. Anyone ere got Watch Dogs 2 on PC and want to do some coop missions? Pls I'm bored

  4. Having a lot of fun in Watch_Dogs 2 on PC. Still wish Ansel support would come sooner

  5. Made a model tease poster of batman in sfm. Check it


  6. Xufo2pW.png

    The patience is killing me

  7. Massachusetts legit looks shaped like a gun



  8. Don't be a copycat


    1. KindZax


      Let me use your skin

    2. SDWAN


      @KindZax Go ahead. Skins are in my siq

  9. I need a 4K camera. Bad....

    1. Keep on Chucking
    2. SDWAN


      @Keep on Chucking Guess it'd be more of a want, less than a need, but Im really interested in photography nowadays. 

    3. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @SDWAN Well, I guess if it's for something for a hobby or such it would be more of a need and both want, idk how expensive 4K camera's are, but what I do know is that they come with every phone, my phone has a 4K camera built in for example.

  10. Let's be honest for a second. Who actually expected Hillary to win?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Varen


      @SilverVirus You were probably just repeating that phrase multiple times, or said it once very loudly  or emotionally, probably annoyed a lot of people, which caused the reduction.

    3. SilverVirus


      @VarenNah, I already knew that screaming it in public would offend others, so I only "Screamed" to some friends who were neutral on the situation. At 6:30 PMish, I talked about how people started voting for the candidates, and a teacher heard me, and well, stuff happened.

      (Thing is no one likes this teacher, NO ONE)

    4. Lumie


      I did, not because i thought she was better than Trump, but because she was most likely paying a lot of people to say positive things about her, she's corrupt and fake, and thats a fact, money is power, and she used money to get people (such as youtubers) with big communities to say vote for Hillary or atleast hint at it.

  11. I need to know how these type of videos get popular so fast. THIS IS LITERALLY NATURE. WHY IS IT SO PUBLIC NOW

    1. NietyFox


      I dun know, record an animal.

      Boom, fame.

      Honestly, it's so common, how do they even get this many views when you can see nature for yourself.

    2. Ethaniel


      Better love story than twilight.

  12. Doing another rocket league stream. Hopefully things go better


  13. Wouldn't mind having a few custom designed zip hoodies right about now

  14. Kinda wish my closet was filled with clothing with unique designs on them. Instead of all these generic ones

  15. Preach



    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Ethaniel


      Oh, well thank you. That is a perfectly fine reason not to like it. Just dont think you should be going and saying it was a mistake... WHO AM I KIDDING, THIS IS THE INTERNET!  

    3. Aronanners


      What amuses me is that ya'll are getting riled up over something Hayao Miyazaki didn't even say [however he did express displeasure for the current way anime was going in an interview]. Also, by the time he was BORN, anime had already been a thing for almost a quarter of a century.

      (EDIT: However, what he was saying in the interview was skepticism towards the current state of anime as an art form, and distaste towards how newer animators weren't bothering to observe real human behaviors and interactions.)

    4. tditdatdwt


      Ethan. I can't tell if you're trolling or not, if so, damn m8, you really got him, if not, then you're an annoying moron.

  16. Stand back fool, I've got a bomb!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SDWAN


      This went way off course then I thought it would go

    3. Emaniplex


      I would think Muslims prefer you closer when they're armed with a bomb, not farther.

    4. Archon


      @Emaniplex Osama begs to differ. 8D 

  17. I've always wanted to make a series of videos on my channel that is just a bunch of self monologue,

    1. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      Then do so, it'd be interesting to listen to.

  18. This girl in my class said I looked like idubbz... Felt awkward after that.

  19. yes. Im a missing jpeg

    1. Nicolasev


      aw, I tought it was a real profile picture imitating a missing jpeg, but it's not, since the icon is tinier on your profile that on your status owo

    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      what, where'd you go? you're invisible!

      /shitty joke

  20. Let see what i can add in my offensive jokes list. Dem Christians and Catholics. 

    1. Emaniplex


      Can't beat the classics.

    2. SDWAN


      @Emaniplex Thing is though. I don't what to joke about without soundting too offensive

  21. So today is the day I start figuring out how I could start beggining my animation practice schedue

    numbah 1: Create an easy to work model

    numba 2: Rig it

    numb 3: Animate every week 

    Num 4: Demo these off to my dad, and or auntie

    nu 5: kms

  22. That feel when you find out she's a bisexual and you try to look at her with a straight face.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SDWAN


      @Mafa Animations A pun that has sadly happened to me in real life, and I have trouble talking to her normally as my chances seem to get lower everyday

    3. Emaniplex


      I told you this exact thing would happen.  :facepalm:

    4. SDWAN
  23. I need a Vintage costume like this



    1. Ethaniel


      Eye think it'd be cool to have thise.


  24. Just watched Sausage party. F-bombs galore, and shitty sex jokes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SDWAN


      @Keep on Chucking I'd say if you ever watch it. Do not watch the ending unless you want to witness rule34 and tumblr combined. Its traumatizing and horifyingly disgusting. Like... Jesus. Im scared to the max right now

    3. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @SDWAN I mean, that's why I don't like the movie, they probably thought "hey! we can make something 18+? let's just do that!"

      I don't like gross and disgusting movies being that just because they can, I want a good story, south park's newest episodes have a really good plotline, bojack horseman is an amazing show, I like these shows for the plot, because don't get me wrong, they both have terrible animation, yet they're still enjoyable.

    4. SDWAN


      @Keep on Chucking I mean the move isn't as bad... Its just very distasteful. I mena don't get me wrong. The movie was stupid, but it had a somewhat alright concept. just not exucuted correctly. It makes no sense, but eh. There aren't enough 3D animated 18+ films that are animated well enough to cinema standards nowadays. maybe this is why the movie was so bad...

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