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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/21 in Posts

  1. alzcreation


    make some another dark condition render again Credits @Hozq For book @mbandersFor trash can
    7 points
  2. I make skins for free, just ask me for one What you need: patience What I need to know (Just answer these questions that i can make you a skin): Girl or boy? Favourite colour Pupils colour Eyes style Boys: Default, Small, Noob, HD, FHD Eyes style Girls: Default, Small, Noob, HD, FHD Hair: Short, Mid, Long, Girl_Short Hair colour Hair Shadow: Default, Flat, Water_Loops, Cross, Bars Upper Clothes: Hoodie, T-shirt, Pullover, jacket Colour of upper clothes: Hoodie, T-shirt, Pullover, jacket Lower Clothes: Sweatpants, Jeans, Short_jeans, Dress Colour of the lower clothes: Sweatpants, Jeans, Short_jeans, Dress Shoes: Default, Sneaks, Tall, High_heels Colour of the Shoes Gloves: None, Matching with the clothes, Black with a string of your favourite Colour Extras Available: Watch, Cat Ears/Tail, Wolf Ears/Tail = Fox Ears/Tail, Symbol Send any templates or Pictures of how your skin should look like Info for you: Watermark included: If you don't want a Watermark just follow me and its gone OBS recording, if you want to see how your skin has been made + music HD / FHD Skins are available, not recommended since they are not always useful (not useable everywhere). Otherwise If you take this feature you'll get a HD / FHD + Normal skin Here's an Skin example. Skin Making Record: 30 MIN Here is a Fill-In Sheet, please fill it out and then send me it! It's much easier if you don't spam the forums or my Discord account
    4 points
  3. obs.(Minigun and tentacle are included) Download here https://www.mediafire.com/file/fq87wrug0d19122/Nemesis+(re3).rar/file
    3 points
  4. idk if someone ask but i got a request to make a kitchen, but kitchen render only is just booooring! so i add doge's on it. so here you go aight this is it note: everything is created with mineimator (not minecraft). its ez, i create a model, and add minecraft blocks on it, idk how to explain this so yea edit: all the food on the poll is my favourite
    2 points
  5. I'm doing this video in a bit of a different format it's a bit longer but I go way more in-depth than I usually do, I'd love to hear some feedback on what type of tutorial you guys prefer more.
    2 points
  6. Hey guys. I just found these epic sound effects. This sound effects are good for sword/fist fight animations. TRY THEM! Pack 1: http://www.mediafire.com/download/zfg8k768js2oev0/Pepper+Sound+Pack+-+Random+SFX+%28part+1%29.zip Pack 2: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4jmyyrnj2bvlmld/s1.zip Pack 3: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9ga37965gkd298u/Pepper+Sound+Pack+-+Random+SFX+%28part+2%29.zip Rest in peace, Pepper. With this you'll never be forgotten.
    1 point
  7. its been a long time im not modelling again,2020 many artist copycat ma boy alz. 2021 is for new model and new personality here ya go OLD NEW ONE
    1 point
  8. Hi guys! So I made a render and it's about MERMAID AND MERMEN!!! Let me tell you who the character's are: Candy: You know which one she is if you have seen my skin before and if not, she is the girl who is looking at the Enderpearl Skylar: The girl who is doing the flip Bryan: The guy who is reading Gavin: the one who is playing with the ball So I can already see mistakes like Skylar and Gavin should have their bangs down, I did not know how to pose the Gavin's arms, so his arm are like that This is also my first time doing underwater graphics successfully! (I had to turn off cast shadows on the scenery)
    1 point
  9. Man this tutorial sure looks pretty cool! Stay frosty.
    1 point
  10. https://youtu.be/IRO3Q0Ms7t0 link download on description, if that is a corupt file or you have any quenstion, comment at my YT channel
    1 point
  11. If you want good underwater graphics, KeepOnChucking has a tutorial that, I watched his tutorial too Okay, I made it like ocean water, deep ocean water
    1 point
  12. alzcreation


    eyyy thank you dude yes true since i made it thats will be great lol
    1 point
  13. FredMCGamer


    Lightning looking great, and the ambience really does give a dark vibe, pretty well done!
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Nice I love it, adn that effect that it looks slightly like painted !!!AWESOME!!! Btw is that cap rig for Download, I'd really like it but if not I understand
    1 point
  16. Fox Miner


    First this is awesome. Secound is that Alex!? since when is Alex a bully?
    1 point
  17. look good actually but i suggest make the texture much more better
    1 point
  18. Owh Okay,Chill. you know My mean,I know your mean. Case Closed... Not a Problem Pal.
    1 point
  19. Hello I'm a beginner but can I participate? I don't want any money.
    1 point
  20. Okay maybe i'm not dead. here's my quick knife model. Textures by me. Download You can credit me if you want. i don't care actually... see ya... or not...
    1 point
  21. The Official Merkimations' Turtle Shell Helmet Rig Hello There! I'm Merk, and this is my turtle shell helmet rig modeled and after the Official Minecraft Turtle Shell Helmet from the 1.13 update. I have not seen any turtle shell helmet rig in the Mine-imator community. Thus, I decided to make one myself. Warning!!! If you do use this rig or any part of it, then you all I require is for you to give the creator, me, full credit. Link to the archive download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9ejt4su5jj3f674/Merkimations_Turtle_Shell_Helmet_Rig.rar/file
    1 point
  22. mbanders

    Trash Can Model

    Here's a trash can I threw together in about 30 minutes. Enjoy. Images: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/c20t0w6l5xbgh8g/Trash+Can+Model.zip Includes features like: Removable lid. Garbage items from Minecraft Education Edition. Compatible with Mine-imator 1.1.2 and over. You don't have to give credit, but it would be appreciated.
    1 point
  23. I made this rig for MW and I thought I'd release it just as a little side thing, so here you go. Pictures Download here (No credit necessary, but it'd be appreciated.)
    1 point
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