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Status Updates posted by Aronanners

  1. "When Armageddon comes, I want to be in a bunker made out of that man's face."

  2. The hype is real. Only three days away.13937908_10154429368899521_2014782291010

  3. Hey, guys. Two things.

    One: Taking meds now, because reasons. I'm completely unaware of the side effects its going to cause, so if I act abnormally in any way that isn't exactly positive, please understand, thanks.

    And two: New Green Day song in four days aaaaaa I'm so excited.

    1. Archon


      I am excited for both of these things.

      What is Aronan like whilst high? The world may soon know.

    2. Aronanners


      @ElvenShot It shouldn't be doing anything like that, haha. That would be kind of amusing though.

  4. Hello. We have a job for you. Do you enjoy hurting other people?

  5. Ya know, I really should make another wallpaper eventually but they all get buried within five minutes, and I can't find the right idea or the dedication to do so.

  6. Finally getting around to watching Full Metal Jacket.

  7. I feel old. Mann Vs. Machine has been a thing for almost four years now.

    1. Aronanners


      Yeah, August 15th 2012.

  8. Ew not another trend.

    1. Archon



  9. Kill me, there's going to be a fourth Sharknado film. Probably the only good thing about it is that a band I like (The Offspring) recorded a song for it.

  10. Woo, today's the birthday of one of my favorite youtubers (well, not of all time, but ya get the point.)

    1. LolDoge


      One of the guys from Good Mythical Morning?

    2. Aronanners




      He reviews TV shows, usually animated ones, kind of like a not-as-professional Nostalgia Critic. Not a bad channel at all though, IMO.

    3. LolDoge


      Oh, I'll go check him out.

  11. I think Hillary Clinton should be president, because I can't wait to play FALLOUT GO.

    1. Archon


      It's funny because she's eating a baby as we speak

    2. ÜberKiller


      Having Trump elected would be The War Z GO

    3. Archon


      Can we just have another crusade instead? Much more useful. Maybe this time we can finish the job.

  12. For your information, the medical term is 'ayylmaos', guys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. everyonesepic


      Can I have two?

    3. HEDHNTR


      Oh no, XCOM has come true! The ayylmaos are invading!

    4. Aronanners
  13. You know you're bored when you decide to calculate in real life measurement units what the largest map possible in Half-Life 2 is.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rollo


      Can't you just go to Hammer, select the unit of measure to be feet, and then make a brush the size of the whole map and look at the size listed on it?

      With my Hammer editor, using the method I said, I got 2730.75 ft ³

    3. Aronanners


      @Colonel Muffin

      Well there goes 15 minutes of work down the drain.


    4. Rollo


      @Aronan :ph34r: I'm sorry.

  14. You know what'd be awesome? A giant in-game Pyro Vs. Heavy war comprised of just forumers.

    1. Aronanners


      If it happened to become a thing I'd even make a custom Arena map for it.

    2. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      It could also be called... a... flame war... HAHAHA HAHA I AM SO *NOT* FUNNY

    3. Aronanners


      That was actually kind of clever, GG.

  15. Random fun fact: Tom Clancy's middle name is Riggles. Freaking. Riggles.

    1. Mr.Matt


      Tom Riggles Clancy presents, The Divison and the lost muguffin

  16. Listening to California now. It's so gooood. c:

  17. "And every single one of those female individuals declare that I am described as extremely sophisticated for a Caucasian individual."

    1. EpicJ
    2. Aronanners


      @EpicJ Gotta love speaking in archaic speech.

      Hint: It's lyrics from a song that was archaic-ized.

  18. Jon (JonTron) and Ethan (h3h3productions) for Game Grumps 2.0 pls.

    1. Archon


      Meemstar and LeafyIsQueer for Game Grumps 2.0

    2. Aronanners


      @ElvenShot I was being serious but okay.

  19. Want to feel really old?


    Too bad.


    Quake is 20 years old as of today.

  20. >tfw you want to rig something (I'd do it for MGB but it'd be way underpowered in comparson to everyone who is able to summon blocks and swords n rippin apart timelines n stuff) but it'd be way too complex.

    1. Aronanners


      Specifically this, possibly the scariest thing in any form of media ever:


      This thing has the capability to keep track of and trail up to 10,000 different targets at any given time. That thing in it's mouth? That's not a tongue. It's a four inch long needle with enough morphine to paralyze an individual in three seconds.

      (This is from a novel btw.)

    2. Emaniplex


      HOLD ME.  :steve_tearful:

  21. School's out. So many possibilities. They're endless.


    ...and I'm just sitting in my room listening to a bunch of Gregorian monks singing Green Day.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Garnet638


      @Aronan Mineimator Realms, the IP is play.mirealms.com

    3. Aronanners


      Ah. It wasn't working for me.

    4. ShadowGMC


      i still have school

  22. I hope Kiteman gets his own superhero movie.




    [LINK] In case you missed it.

  24. [IMAGE] I made a thing, if anyone cares.


    1. Emaniplex


      Goodness I care.  :v

    2. CKGirl01


      it has darkness and evilness which i like :D(also don't go thinking i like horror movies i hate horror movies)

    3. J


      Damn that actually looks awesome.

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