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Everything posted by Fray

  1. its based off a song (hence the name)
  2. Ok so the animation itself is pretty impressive. Yes there are a few things you can improve (facial movement/lipsync/lighting/ect) but this is pretty good in my opinion
  3. Dang where did I get this motivation from? I've been animating almost all day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      glad to see i'm not the only one that gets these motivation bumps

    4. Fray


      its great lol

  4. YAYYYY Featuring @Floofy and @Hagus Have a good one guys
  5. Oh man Fray is alive? And he has news!??

    Yes, i got a new laptop and holy heck it runs so much better. Time to post animationssss

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fray
    3. Ian_The_One


      who are you again?

    4. Fray


      a person who existed a while ago but then died aND then revived 

  6. Ayyy happy birthday to two of mah awesome friends
  7. Oh wow thats really really amazing
  8. I've canceled so many projects due to mineimator just crashing and me being a dummy and not saving. aaaaaAAA

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fray


      @Swift that is true, but I've even had projects get corrupted. It's really weird too, it crashes either when I import something (even if its something small and simple) or when I play the animation OR when it try to move a limb of a character. Its so weird, I know my laptop isn't the best... but it isn't THAT bad.

    3. Bugleberry


      You may have an issue with your graphics card, I recommend looking into that. 

    4. Fray


      Good idea, thanks!

  9. I learned that even stuff from toxic people are actually helpful, my advice would to ignore the toxicity and take the help out of what they said to improve. Yeah people should be nicer but hey don't let others get you down or discouraged, with practice and time, you'll become a great animator one day.
  10. This is pretty satisfying to look at for me. I do think the glow can be toned down a bit more and this shadow doesn't fit But other than that this looks great!!!
  11. I actually really like this idea, and the lighting while being buggy (like frost said) is super nice and it just fits? This is a great wallpaper so you get an upvote and a diamond!!
  12. Me: makes fad models

    Other people: Has already made cool fad models before me

    Me: realizes that my models look similar but downgraded  s h o o t

    1. Draco63


      that's why I don't make fad models.

      (well, also because I don't do fad, but that's irrelevant.)

    2. WAZZL3


      I dont make them, But I used to hire @PixelFrosty to make my rigs


      and around christmas 2 years ago, he made me some, but refused to to Ennard

    3. Fray


      @Draco63 well i wanted to make my own because i will admit that im still a fad fanboy and i cant find any good models that aren't private. so time to make my own downgraded version :DDD 

      @WAZZL3 ohhh thats cool. and ripppp

  13. Hello

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cryptic Runner
    3. Fray


      how are you guys?

    4. Gfamleit


      pretty gud actually

      ive finally done a punching test

      i made 2 more renders

      my mom found my phone

      ive expanded my meme folder army

      and this song


  14. yummy arm thanks ohwaitwhat? thanks lol but thank floofy. he made the rig and gave me lots of inspiration :DD not to mention the all help he gave me as i was creating this
  15. Fray


    Am I doing something wrong here? This keep happening to me, I just either click something, play an animation, or I try to export render/animation (this happened with my newest render btw) What do I do?? Crossed out file name because its a vent. Hush
  16. Fray

    Audio issue

    Open sound settings > Scroll down to advance sound settings > click on App volume and device preferences. Mineimator should show up there
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