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Everything posted by Tiedemies1

  1. First off, please no more Five nights stuff. Second off,
  2. Guess who just got a free PC.

    my brother got the components from trash, and many of them still worked.

    right now all the parts are inside a cardboard box because the motherboard didn't fit inside the old case we had in our basement.

  3. darnit, i was about to say that
  4. Design isn't 100% me, saw a similar looking concept, but the textures were made by me. Also, "emissions", you mean the muzzle flashes? I made them quickly and they aren't included with the rig. next to the "It glows!" There's a small text. It was a small mistake. I was lazy.
  5. A cool, 3 barrel futuristic weapon that i made for @Holy Knight's mod in Terraria. It glows! oops i forgot to disable muzzle flash, my bad 3D View Download No need for Credit, but do NOT claim it as yours, please.

    *its been the 2nd time this week its been snowing*

  7. made a custom particle.


    1. MachineGunInc


      I kinda wish this was a TF2 Unusual effect

  8. :I_approve: <( Just gonna leave this here... ) :Cake:

    1. NietyFox


      *notching and cake intensifies*

  9. almost ran over a squirrel today.

    WITH A BIKE. the squirrel avoided a car and ran straight in front of me, and if i wouldnt have braked, the squirrel would now be either cat's prey or some other animal's prey.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trollfa


      @Sonicxryan The bike. The care would've killed it instantly. It's basically a sharp hit of pain before it's dead. With the bike it's slow and painful, and then it's either dead or heavily injured.

    3. Kapslock
    4. Ethaniel


      Should of hit it.

  10. Some people probably missed this: [NOT APRIL FOOLS]


  11. apparently theres a conspiracy going around that finland doesnt exist in reddit

    then where the hell do i live? narnia?

  12. i know, thats probably the seed for the idea
  13. Edited Unedited So, this is my first custom animal in MI. its more of an intelligent animal thing. They eat the Frost Icar's leaves, because its the only nutrious plant they have, and they learned to farm it. They got the tools from a dead traveller, probably. Dewitt will have one of these as his companion. Good luck trying to come up for the reason of the name for those. @Holy Knight its a new friendly creature for your mod, yay.
  14. to be honest, its not pointless to stand like that, you're getting ready to fight lotsa zombies.
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