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Status Updates posted by BOOMmaker

  1. Oh yeah. Sophia the First! That's what I love watching. How did you know, little sisters? 

    1. Emaniplex


      I... enjoy it...

      (Tons of little ones here, too)  xD 

  2. Okay, guys. Only one person needs to say the "no pics, no clicks" phrase, or some variant of it on one page. Whoever it is gets the picture the first time. And the first few comments being just "no pics, no clicks" is rather annoying and superfluous. Same with criticisms. One person is all that is necessary to communicate one idea.

    1. toaster1


      no clicks no pics

  3. Don't let your dreams be dreams.

  4. Living with four females who have long hair = hair everywhere, having to pluck strands of it out of my mouth as it floats along in the air. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      @Project That's something I don't understand. I've worn wigs for fun, and it was indeed fun, but the hair kept getting in my eyes, obscuring my vision, tickling and itching my face, getting stuck on things, etc. What is the appeal of having long hair?

    3. Project


      @BOOMmaker Dunno, I just have it because it suits me more than long hair.

    4. Ocelot


      But when your hair is long you can flick it sassy-like or brush it and make it all tingly or use it as a scarf or a pillow or hide behind it!

  5. It seems like we have a lot of newer members who like to criticize everything the other members make, like they know much better than everyone else... And then they produce almost no content themselves, and that which they do produce is mostly mediocre at best...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nimi


      @DigitalEvorian A LOT of members from here are from youtube so that might explain why it's very similar.

    3. JjCinemas


      Then there are those who have been here for quite a little while, and do exactly tha-wait a minute

    4. SquareToDare


      Even though I honestly can't speak (I am reasonably new here), I hate it how new members completely criticize the program because it doesn't have things like extruding and stuff. I really need to shove some @SKIBBZ or @PikaMasterzMC into their face

  6. Another thing that I dislike in movies: When they try to push things so much that it's painfully obvious. Now, don't kill me for this, but one of those is feminism. Nowadays, people like to make movies and books where there's this "more manly than the men" female characters. And this is okay, there are some women who are more "manly" than men, and some men who are pansies (xD), but it's when they very clearly contrast these two types of characters that things get annoying. :P Like they're trying to say that women are *better* than men, not just equal; that women are more "manly" and more capable than the silly men. Any thoughts on that?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Amethyst_Dragon


      I would say that macho or "manly" girls are not really truly feminist. imo they actually portray the steriotypical macho thing to be supearior to things viewed as feminine. I think those characters represent people who are tired of being shoved into degrading catagories baced on something that's not within their control. So sometimes they end up lashing back and becomming sexist due to just being really sick of it. To really explore feminist characters would involve not "silly men" but guys who can express gentleness without being degraded for being girly or considered unmasculine. And girl characters who can express strength and assertive qualities without being the epidemy of macho "manlyness". But this is a seriously loaded topic in which people seem to find more offence in being reasonable then in women hating men. So maybe that also has something to do with the trying to make men look inferior thing, personally I read that as insecurity especially when it involves women being macho as supearior.

    3. BOOMmaker


      @Amethyst_Dragon Yeah, I get what you're saying. :P It's still annoying that people do this though (by the way, when I said "silly men", I was being sarcastic; meaning that that's how they're being portrayed, with the intent to make the woman look more "manly" by comparison).

      I think though, that if women feel like they're being treated as inferior to men, then they're not interacting with "real men", as it were. Real men wouldn't make a woman feel like she's less than he is, and in fact, men are supposed to encourage women, not bring them down. And another thing... I think real feminism would be women doing their best to live good lives and be respectable people; working hard, having integrity, that sort of thing; in such a way that there's no opportunity to say they're inferior (does that make sense? I don't think I worded it too well). 

    4. Amethyst_Dragon


      @BOOMmaker It is rather annoying.

      The biggest problem with trying to do their best to live good lives and be respectable is when they are systematically put down. People who are descriminated against tend to do less good in school and stuff like that which becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. And some people just hate women so as far as they are concerned theres not really much that can be done. As for women not interacting with real men if women(or anyone really) are not around real men when they grow up they will probably accept the alternative as perfectly normal. Economics also complicates things since it makes people dependent sometimes crippling their ability to defend themself from abuse of any kind from anyone.

  7. Just saw Big Hero 6. 3/10. :P

    Predictable, generic, didn't make me care about any of the characters (so the "emotional" scenes were "Right. They're sad. Whatever, let's just get on with it" scenes), there were quite a few far-fetched parts, and nothing that happened surprised me at all (I guess that goes with "predictable" though). 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SDWAN


      Aren't all Disney movies like this nowadays?

    3. BOOMmaker


      @Kuroha I actually thought Frozen was better than Big Hero 6. It's that bad. :P 

      @SkeetokTheOtter If it wasn't full of so many cliches, it would be oka--- Wait... The whole story is built on cliches... So it would be an entirely different movie.... xD Horror has its fair share of cliches too though. All genres do. 

      @SDWAN The three I've seen most recently are: Inside Out, Big Hero 6, and Home. Inside Out was pretty good, I thought, while Home was good (but way too drawn out and ultimately anticlimactic), and Big Hero 6... not good. xD

    4. Netherall Brimstone

      Netherall Brimstone

      This is a really old post, but the only reason HOME was good was because it had that guy who played Sheldon Cooper.

  8. Hmm... Well, I decided to try a stringed instrument, after messing about with a harmonica for awhile (and getting frustrated with bending), and I have a new-found respect for people who play stringed instruments (except you, ElvenShot). :P I suck tremendously. Guess it'll take time and practice to be able to be remotely good, but stang. The harmonica was much simpler. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ocelot


      Did somebody say 'cover'?

      Oh, I'll rekt you peasants and your tinny 6 stringed boxes, nothing can amount to 88 powerhouses of internal and external reverb, to the dampening and softening of each individual note and the care that goes into crafting every piece of that smexy curvy piano's polished wooden frame <3 

      Anyway - what song?! Fite me m8

    3. BOOMmaker


      @ElvenShot Yeah... Not even close to being able to do that... I can barely play chords so far...

      @Ocelot: The one that Elven said is good...

    4. Emaniplex


      No way. This should be good.  :D 

  9. Alright, I'm a bit confused, so I'm just going to see if you lot have any ideas on what's going on. So there's this girl I like, and recently I've been able to start texting her (first time I've ever texted a girl), and we've been having pretty good conversations. But now, for some reason, I'm getting this odd, agitated feeling when I think about her. She hasn't done anything wrong, or even anything that I could mistakenly perceive as wrong, and neither have I, as far as I know. But there's this odd heaviness to my chest, almost like guilt, and the agitation I've already mentioned. Any ideas on what's going on? :P 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shah


      There's really no way to fix it unless you get comfortable with her. 

    3. Ethaniel
    4. Magicmaan775


      Sing gospel. Gospel is always the answer.

      In all seriousness though, you just got to act like you're not interested in romance and then you'll get more comfortable.

  10. Why do people comment on threads with pretty much the same exact thing as the people above them, just with different wording (and sometimes not even that)? I'll be looking through a topic, and three, four people at any given time will repeat the same thing... Am I the only person to read what the people above me said before I comment? We don't need half a dozen people saying: "Needs scenery", or even one (at least not with that tone)...

    1. CoolGabrijel


      People who don't read the comments comment the same thing.

  11. Most nights, I clear out the area I'll be sleeping in so I don't choke to death on a cord or rope, or cut myself open on a sharp object. Last night I failed to do this, noting the many pencils next to me (and one under me), but going to sleep anyways. The next morning (this morning), I was still half asleep when I jerked my elbow to pull my sleeping bag further up onto myself, and suddenly, I'm bleeding. xD That pencil that I had slept on gave me a long cut (not too deep though). I was awake then though, so that's good! :P

    1. Ocelot


      A: Sleeping bag

      B: Don't die

    2. BOOMmaker


      A: Yeah, it's warmer than a blanket, and I think we burned my blanket recently because of its "filthiness". It was a few years old... And by a few, I mean probably a decade or so. 

      B: I'll do my best! 

  12. Well, apparently I'm an illegitimate child. :P I was wondering... but now it's been confirmed. That's nice... 

    1. Archon


      Welcome to the club, you bastard.

      Eh? EH?!

    2. BOOMmaker
  13. Bane, Elven! Bane forever!

  14. So there's this dude that's in the military that I go to church with, and he's on the security team. He's pretty intense with it too; takes the job very seriously (he's patted me down and interrogated me about the contents of my backpack, and that's after knowing me for a year and being in the same smallgroup as my family). I'm always in the back of the sanctuary during worship gatherings since being in the pews surrounded by people makes me uncomfortable. He called me over to look at the door that leads to the upper levels (that's blocked off). He told me to look at it and see if I could figure out what was wrong with it. After a minute or two, I spotted it. There was this high-quality lock on the door, but the hinges were facing outwards... so if someone wanted to get in, they could just pop the pins right out and remove the door. xD Plus, the part of the door that the lock was holding shut was pretty much just a thin piece of metal attached to the door frame... easily removed. Good job school system (we meet in a school that's attached to an old church building)... good job...

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      @ElvenShot Yes

      @Ocelot I don't believe that. In fact, you're already a hero. So is Elven, and so am I. We sacrifice our comfort to help one another at times, and while it's not on the same scale as what soldiers do, it's no less heroism. You guys have both helped me through rough times, and continue to do so, even if we do clash and butt heads every once and awhile. 

    3. Archon


      "Every once in a while"

      Talk about an understatement ;) 


      But if Canada goes to war when I'm of age to enlist... I'd at the very least give it a hell of a lot of thought.

    4. Amethyst_Dragon


      One of the sad things about war is when it becomes about political gains rather then to protect civilians... The soldiers who go to war and would die to protect their country are still heroic though.

  15. Saw that movie called Home recently... Still not sure if I liked it or not. I thought it was going to be over several times during the movie and then each time it wasn't, I slumped back in my seat, thinking: "Oh... it's still going, is it? Oh well..."

    1. Sammaxbr


      It did kind of drag on... however i really enjoyed the film, just because it felt different for some reason

  16. So I got this book from the library, Star Wars: Death Troopers, because I remembered liking it when I read it a year or two ago. I recommended it to my little brother (age 12), and then started reading it myself yesterday, for the second time. I'm glad I did that before my brother kept reading... I totally forgot how brutal it is... wonderful writing, wonderful execution, but stang man, it's very graphic and there are multiple "references" to things he doesn't need to know about... Can't believe I read this when I was fourteen... I almost can't keep reading. :P 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ocelot


      12?! Pff. They can handle anything at that age. My brother is younger and loves the hunger games, gib deaths, the like. Don't underestimate their tolerance, unless they're very sensitive or you're from a very proper family.

    3. BOOMmaker


      This is way worse than the Hunger Games... Plus, just because they're able to handle it doesn't mean they should be exposed to it... And he is indeed sensitive and we are indeed from a "proper" family. :P 

    4. Ocelot


      Learn to deal with a horrifying universe, it'll make harsh reality a little less so.

  17. O__O The feels when I email one of my mates to ask him how things are going with the girl he likes... and he responds to me in the group email that all the other guys are in... I'm guessing that was an accident...

    1. Antcioff


      • Wow O___________O
  18. Superhero movies, cartoons, and comic books all get old pretty quickly... They reuse the same villains over and over and over again. Sure, they introduce new characters every once and awhile, but a lot of them are just copies of old ones with new faces and backgrounds. And the villains always have the same motivations or type of motivations, the same schemes... And are all ultimately defeated. It's pretty dull.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      @Ocelot: Most concepts have been used already, yes. But they can be used in ways that are much more original than just explosions and the same characters repeatedly. One thing that bothers me in specific is that the superhero franchises copy each other. For example:

      Captain Boomerang (DC):


      And Marvel's version, just... Boomerang...


    3. Ocelot


      Well, it's a constant battle between DC and Marvel. Just like how the Simpsons and Family Guy kept making fun of the other until Fox put their foot down.

    4. BOOMmaker


      @Ocelot: I would think the way to gain the lead in the dance of competition would be to create new, more interesting ideas than each other, not blatantly copy the ideas and characters of one another. :P

  19. Some people are wonderful conversationalists.... 

    Me: "I finished reading two books today, A Taste of Red, by Lewis Harry, and The Iron Trial, by Holly Black and Cassandra Clarke."

    Friend: "Cool."

    Me: "They were both very well done."

    Friend: "That's good."


    Me: *sits in chair silently for a moment* "... That's all you got, mate?"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OpHsVinicius


      Me: i just killed the god

      Friend: cool

      Me: and killed jesus too

      Friend: cool

      me: i just kill your mother too

      Friend: cool

      Me: i just slap in your ass

      Friend: cool

      Me: i in relation-ship with your girlfriend

      Friend: cool

      Me: i destroy your pc and deleted all your inventory of LoL

      Friend: coo-wait...WHAT FU@% YOU DOE?

    3. BOOMmaker


      Me: "*girl that rejected me's name* talked to me today."

      Friend: "Nice. *changes topic to be about him*"

      Me: *doesn't respond*


      Friend: "It's been a quiet day."

  20. Ah! I hate this... I'll find books that have really cool titles, intriguing summaries on the book jackets, and nothing bad in my initial scan of it... then I'll start reading... and find the worst cuss-words available and/or sexual content... It just ruins it... This time I tried ignoring the incessant cussing, but after half a dozen f-bombs, two s-words, and a lot of d-words in just the first eighteen pages... Can't do it. >.<

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Acorus


      @BOOMmaker i love you. X D

    3. Ethaniel
    4. BOOMmaker


      @Ethan. It was more like a cliffhanger; though she did a good job wrapping up the book as an individual piece of a set. 

  21. The feels when you're at a youth event with your mates, and you go and sit with their parents because you can't handle the amount of frivolity in their interactions... and more of value is said by the adults in half a minute than the teenagers say in an hour... 

    1. SDWAN


      *pats back* tis alright

    2. BOOMmaker
  22. How many of you lot were here for Zackkevin12? 

  23. So... I was reading a fantasy novel, and it seemed okay. Not the best, not the worst. Had a few problems with her writing, but I could overlook it. Then... suddenly... it was a romance novel and I was blushing... and then I decided I had another book for the bonfire.

  24. I didn't miss anything. 

    1. Emaniplex



      (Eh, I was just about to do it)  :3 

    2. Sammaxbr
    3. Nimi


      But just in case- *shot*

  25. I have gotten absolutely no problems with 1.0.0 so far. No lag, no crashes... My laptop isn't even that exceptional...

    1. Ethaniel


      Mine seems fine, I had to reinstall a couple of times, the only problem I'm having is it does not save settings after it crashes for some unknown reasons

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